$2.74 To $2740 within 10 days

So this is the proof market is buy / sell almost real time, not every brokers connect our account in demo, btw how this system works exactly ? any brokers here ?

Yep, including the $2 I gave up today…

Daily volume $4500000000000

Today $1000000000002

lol, yep … 1T, plus piptronix’s 2 bucks.

By the way, is there a website where one can follow trade volume for the different sessions?



You mean like volume spread analysis?
there are a few guys on this site who are into that.
I think Purple patch is one of them.
Also Pete fader…or something…
Anyway, he has a whole thread on VSA
See if you can get in touch with them to pint you in the right direction.

Ok, will try that, thanks.
Hehe, I’d hoped that one of you guys were into that, coz I was too lazy to google it … holiday feeling.


So back on topic, did u made 2470 from 2,47 or not?

Whoa … EURUSD just dropped like 80+ pips in 5 minutes.
Looks like [B]some[/B] people are awake, hehe.

And Gold dropped about 40 bucks in the last 36 or so hours … BC will cry. :smiley:


Ahem …




Hehe, yesyesyes … your favourite bedtime story. :smiley:
The way you keep on going about this book, I guess I gotta buy it one day.


Listen: I’ve spent SIX YEARS reading Wilder’s first book ‘New Concepts In Technical Trading Systems’ so this is NOTHING yet!!! LOL!!!



I have to agree with you 100% on the above (about BabyPips and the Mods). Even after all THIS time (of mine spent here) they don’t ‘cut me any slack’ either (although I do try to ‘push the envelope’ on occasion). I’ve posted on other forums and the one that ‘got to me most’ was ‘ForexPros’. A new trader had asked a question and I went to a lot of time and trouble answering their query or at least giving my opinion (it really was one of my ‘better’ posts especially given that I never posted over there too often). Only after careful inspection did I notice that between my composing my REAL post with SUBSTANCE at least two other ‘idiots’ had posted something like links to condoms and eyewear and after my post there were some or the other useless links to other ‘junk’ (if I remember correctly one was to a porn site AND NO I NEVER LOOKED) so the whole point of the thread just got lost and, well, the new trader never learned a darn thing. To make matter worse: it stayed that way for at least a week and only after I complained were those other posts removed AND I (as in ME) was banned for being ‘rude’ to the administrators and telling them that ‘oviously this site is not policed very well’!!! LOL!!! Can you beat that??? LOL!!!



Thanks for the compliment (I think)!!! LOL!!!

But I was just thinking to myself today: why is this THE ONLY business where people think that making TOTALLY unrealistic gains are possible??? I mean: even GAMBLERS (alright: I don’t know too many of them) don’t have expectations like some of the new traders that post??? I mean: once or twice in a LIFETIME does a HIGHLY QUALFIED and EXPERIENCED trader make astronmical gains (like George Soros ONCE and some other guy that bet against the housing bubble i.e. I forget his name now but he was being interviewed on Bloomberg TV the other day) and even THEN I think quite a bit of ‘luck’ played it’s part too. But those types of gains only happend with the VERY informed few and THEN only, as I say, once in a lifetime. While at the same time: somebody who is currently a pizza delivery man at college, comes across the ‘wonderful world of trading’, and expects 10% PER DAY, $100 to $1 000 000 in four months, or, of course, in the case of our dear leandar DOUBLE your money EVERY DAY!!! LOL!!! That type of thing. I’ve never quite been able to figure out why, when these ‘estimations’ are made: LOSSES are NEVER taken into account. Neither are withdrawals. At least THAT much I can say for myself: I wasn’t ‘drawn into this busines’ because I believed I’d retire in a week. I was ‘drawn’ to it because I’d always had a keen interest in it and wanted to find out ‘what made it tick’ (and, alright, by that time I was getting too ‘lazy ar*e’ to run around collecting money from clients that didn’t want to pay for services rendered and crawling in ceilings to lay network cables). And yes: on my first demo account I made something like $3 000 in three days trading only USD/ZAR and THAT was with a $50 000 demo account!!! But even I knew that it was nothing other than pure luck and was in NO way sustainable. It’s a really odd phenomenon really. And it puts people with a little bit of experience in a bit of ‘tight spot’. I mean: you don’t want to ‘kill’ the new trader’s enthusiasm but how do you tell them that they’re ‘smoking their socks’ in a nice way??? You see what I mean???



Yeah, it’s about the same with ForexFactory, which is why I haven’t bothered to register there … even though I occasionally check it, coz some posts are informative.
But I don’t like the general tone there … and I think 80% of FF’s posters are just braggarts, telling everybody how successful they are, while probably just eating their last portion of 29-cent instant noodles.

From what I’ve seen so far, BabyPips pwns (no typo, I’m just ‘being hip’, lol) all of those sites easily.

Hehe, I actually thought Mods were cutting FX-Men Honorary Members some slack?

Regarding the two books: I’ll check on them … they seem to be somethng like the Old and New Testament to you.
lol, even though the second one (containing ‘Adam’) seems to be the Old Testament, so, opposite order. :smiley:


Yeh, no, look: FF members are not the most ‘friendly’ for some reason or the other. Your phrase of ‘the general tone there’ is ‘spot on’.

Nah: no ‘slack’ at all. I’m just lucky (now and then) to ‘fly under the radar’ I think. What I’ve figured though: it’s normally a member that complains if, for example, I’ve posted my email address in a post. WHY that should make a difference to ANYONE is beyond me but anyway!!! And, well, there’s been one or two occasion where I have INDEED gone WAY ‘overboard’ (being ‘pis*ed’ on both occasions) and been outright rude. Alright: on those occasions I think they DID ‘cut me some slack’ because the posts were BAD man. Had I not been around here for so long I think I would have been banned!!! LOL!!!

Regarding Wilder’s books: ‘Adam Theory’ I’m just ‘playing with’ (but of course TODAY I ‘feel like a king’ but had Adam been wrong I’d be ‘crying like a baby’ I assure you). But the thing is (as noted somewhere): the only time I’ve ever made any real money has been with Wilder’s trading systems in ‘New Concepts In Technical Trading Systems’ so why should I doubt (at least not without giving it a chance) any of his later work??? There is ONE MORE book of his that I want to ‘get my hands on’ and it’s something about ‘Building Wealth’ which, try as I might, I’ve never been able to get a reasonable discussion going here on the subject. ‘Trader psychology’ seems to dictate that we’re all going to just ‘trade until the cows come home’ but is that ‘building wealth’??? As we ALL know: THAT type of ‘wealth’ can dissapear VERY quickly and the reviews I’ve read about that book are quite something.



lol, yah, I seem to recall one or two posts of you (in the MT thread) that weren’t exactly friendly … but sometimes clear words are needed to make people understand.
Any newbie reading that MT thread would think you should never use MT … which is plain wrong.
What you gotta do is choose your broker carefully, to be sure MT’s features aren’t used to fleece you.
And you made that clear, in no uncertain terms, hehe.

‘New Concepts in Technical Trading Systems’ sounds interesting … and definitely relevant for us.


Nah. I hope it will drop a little more and then I’ll buy some. Only thing if fiber droops as well I can’t buy it cheaper, lol.

margin call happened in 140 pips wrong side move in 10 open orders on 6 currency pairs

lot 1 = $10 per pip

I still dont understand what is it that you were trying to do.

Its easy to pick up and reinforce bad habits. They will be a pain to undo later.