$2.74 To $2740 within 10 days


i have real account that gives me 2.5% to 5% daily, i am satisfied with that

this is just testing in demo

yesterday i used 6 currency pairs today limited to 3 pairs

this is 2nd test,

test is limited to total 10 then thread will close.

Don’t close this thread…
I’m not sure what the purpose of it is, but that’s probably why I come here

Its like a pub in here.
Can you rename it to the Pub thread?

Well I’m pleased that it’s not only me that doesn’t understand what he’s trying to do. I’ve found myself feeling a bit inadequate and mentally challenged not being able to figure out the point of this but was too embarassed to ask AGAIN!!! LOL!!!

Your second statement: ‘spot on the mark’. After six years I’m strill trying to ‘unlearn’ one or two bad habits!!!



Oh here were go again: 2.5% to 5% DAILY. Whel I’m pleased to hear that you’re SATISFIED with that. I think Goldman Sachs would be SATISFIED with that too!!! LOL!!! I don’t know how much capital you’re trading with but I’m sure if you approached them with those figures and a track record that goes back further than a month or so they’d give you a couple of billion dollars to trade for them!!! LOL!!! Come to think of it: you could maybe even go and help that other poor chap who is, next week, about to ‘dump’ some money into a live trading account and his goal is 10% per day!!! LOL!!!

Hey: I made 34% yesterday. BUT: I have my EUR/USD short still open that has a VERY VERY (the WIDEST OF WIDE) stop (Adam Theory) so that could have an impact on my monthly performace and quite easily negate it if it ‘turned’ on me and I’ll tell you that even if I closed it on Friday I doubt that my AVERAGE gain per trading day for this month would be more than 0.5%!!! And I THINK I know what I’m doing!!! Frankly: I think this is the last time I’m addressing one of these 2.5% - 5% - 10% - 100% per day threads. No matter how supportive I am I know that it’s highly IMPROBABLE to ‘pull off’ gains like that CONSISTENLY ‘forever’ but nobody wants to listen to reason.



Yep: I’ll ‘second the motion’. Please don’t close the thread. Basically it’s become a sort of little ‘private chat room’ for some of us. Most people read the first two or three pages and simpy move on. Probably because 100% per day is not a high enough gain!!! LOL!!! So basically we can really post what we like on these pages now because nobody is going to bother to read this far!!! ROFLMAO!!!



I had a short trade on the gbpusd from two days ago, but my stop was too conservative.
I figured they would go 10 pips above the .0080 level before breaking down. They knew what I was thinking because they
took it just past that then dropped it.
And just before the drop I was contemplating moving my stop, or closing the trade altogether, but had second thoughts and left it. Well done to you.

Without sounding offensive, I doubt you are making 2 - 5 % daily on a live account.

I say this because whatever you are trying to do on a demo is full of amateurish mistakes, assumptions and outright false ideas of the market.

Like your call on USD consumer confidence report just two nights ago.

Just last month me and a few here in babypips watched someones account grow from 1000 USD to 16+++ in 9 trading days. It was not a demo account and it was not wild guess work. And it every trade was shared and discussed as it happened. Including the ones that hit SL and the trades he did to cover losses.

So I know of people who do things like that. But its nothing like what you are doing here leander. You are gambling at best, and that too a very amateur attempt at it.

Yeh well: yet another reason to not close the thread. It does have SOME merit and some good ‘banter’. It’s like those two LONG ‘inane’ threads of mine that went on for at least a year or two. The end results were not great but there was at least SOMETHING of value here and there. But don’t thank me: thank Wilder!!! LOL!!! If it were up to me and left to my own devices: I probably would have moved the stop or REMOVED it altogether!!! LOL!!!



Had the above not been stated by YOU, Nikitafx, I would have taken it with a ‘pinch of salt’. But that’s very interesting. Which thread was that if you don’t mind my asking??? NOT that I’m changing what I’m doing now because I know that will lead to yet ANOTHER downfall for me but it’d be interesting to see somebody who has ACTUALLY REALLY done it.



leandar2 System | Myfxbook

Here you can Analise current open trades possibility to win.

The method was Dejavu, posted by Luminous FX on Babypips sometime back Dale.

Me, Bobmaninc, Pandaras and a few others are in his facebook group where we talk about trading.

He traded an account and shared the trade setups and the trades he took as it happened on a daily basis and he dissected them as we went.

1000 USD + to 16300 ++ in 9 trading days.

Thanks for the information. That’s ‘pretty darn good going’ let’s face it. Look: these HUGE gains are not impossible. Even I have made ‘astronomical’ gains in a week or two or in a particular month. But that doesn’t mean I’m a good trader. It just means that I was on the right side of some large moves with low risk at the beginning of the trades. Had it not been for the market volatility: there is no WAY I’d have made such ‘astronomical’ gains on those few occasions. That’s why I tend to prefer to work on monthly or annual averages. So I’m not saying it CANNOT be done. I suppose more to the point: I don’t think that with my trading systems I’d be able to do that consistently every 9 trading days. And I know FOR SURE I’d not be able to double my account EVERY SINGLE TRADING DAY (are you LISTENING leandar)??? LOL!!! It’s like that other chap that I was referring to that ‘bet’ against the ‘housing bubble’. His fund returned something like 800% for the year (or maybe it was two years). Remember those ‘Credit Default Swaps’??? Probem is: the chances of him repeating that in his lifetime are slim (although with the way the world is going AGAIN maybe that statement is NOT correct afterall)!!! LOL!!!



And no offense: but I’ve not even looked!!! LOL!!! I know all it’s going to show me is that you doubled an account on Tuesday and lost the whole thing on Wednesday!!! LOL!!!



that’s 4th day doubled amount nikita i did it in thread started time

this thread is about 10 times double amount continually … 3 or 4 time is possible but unexpected currency moves around 200 to 400 pips is the matter in account draw down, escape from that situation there have hedge method now prohibited in USA will prohibit around the world soon cause CB / brokers dont like josuf making huge money.


That is 4th day doubled amount i did it in thread started time check 1 to 2 pages.

This thread is about 10 time double money continually …

3 or 4 time is possible but unexpected currency move 200 to 400 pips is the problem with this method.

hedge method now prohibited in USA will prohibit around the world soon cause CB / brokers dont like josuf making huge money.


You’re missing the point. Although doubling an account every single day MAY not be that difficult: it’s KEEPING THE MONEY that’s the difficult part!!! LOL!!! The fact that you’ve been able to double it a few times doesn’t mean anything because the way I see it you’re STILL ‘out of pocket’ up until now!!! As Wilder says in one of this books: Jesse Livemore was a trading legend (for two years if I remember correctly) but eventually went broke (or died broke) so would you consider him a good trader??? LOL!!!

And I want to tell you something ELSE that’s not going to make you ‘happy’:

I BELIEVE (note that this is not based on ‘concrete evidence’ but I’m sure that the NFA employs FAR more intelligent and experienced people than I and even I MYSELF have noticed a little ‘scam’ that I believe the uneducated ‘trader’ or ‘investor’ doesn’t think about before comitting funds to these PAMM/MAM accounts) that hedging has been disallowed for another possible reason. Let’s say that you’ve got a few hundred ‘clients’ and you’re trading on their behalf. Obviously you’re going to become an IB or something for that broker so you’re going to earn commissions on every single trade on every single ‘client’ account. So: get the funds into the ‘client’ accounts, simply open and then hedge all the positions, and ‘rinse and repeat’ as often as you want. The IB will make the commissions on every ‘click of the button’ and the ‘client’ accounts will eventually be eroded by the spreads. Also known as ‘churning’. It’s a ‘sure fire way’ for an IB to make money but not so good for the ‘clients’!!! But like I said: I’ve never seen this documented as a reason for the NFA banning hedging but the ‘scam’ is definitely possible!!! Just something I’ve been wanting to mention for a while SOMEWHERE (and given that this thread REALLY has no direction AT ALL I figured this was just as good a place as any)!!! LOL!!!



you mean after you repeated the same words, yes I understand. lol

Its not about being able to do it one off, or being able to do it twice or thrice, or even being able to do it.

Its about being able to do it with real money, again and again, and not loosing your account.

Otherwise, this whole effort is of no use because I can tell you for a fact that it can be done, but the MM is totally different. They dont hold for hundreds of pips in drawdowns or hundreds of pips in profit as a running trade. Very tight SLs and TP of 20 pips per trade.

Max he held was for 64 pips. Max SL was 30. Smallest was 13 pips or so.

you are just whacking it on demo. I dont see whats the point of doing so.