$2.74 To $2740 within 10 days

UltraHosting looks pretty good and our plan is to start using them soon. What’s nice is

  • they are independent of brokers: seek to make money by providing computing power and bandwidth not as an auxiliary to broking
  • pricing is good: less than $40 a month to run 4 copies of MT4. We have more than four strategies running so probably will go for a higher service level

4 copies of mt4 means can we install same broker mt4 4 times in one system ? cause i want this option i want to manage some of my friends account in same broker, ( pamm account is possible ) ok with PC we cant login more than 1 account same time or cant install one software as multiple usage what about cloud computing ?

Monday i am going to start with real account $100 in liteforex their VPS charge is $20 a month

your $40 month with 4 mt4 also i will try

Operation system Windows Server 2003
CPU 500 MHz
RAM 786 Mb
HDD 10 Gb
Cost per month 20$

first week is free

Leandar - sure does. The nice thing is that ultrahosting works like your own pc just a zillion times more robust. Think superman going to the gym for you. You can run whatever you like on it - 4-5 copies of mt4 running on the same broker or all different brokers. Just when you load them all, give each a different program file name and a different program group when the wizard asks for those. That way they all exist independently. If you fall for saying they’re from the same program group then windows will think they’re common in terms of their backbone and libraries which messes things up. But if you give them all different names, like ‘metaTrader AAAFx1 (2,3,4 etc)’ then it works a treat. This is how we run all our strategies on Zulutrade separately.


How come I never received ‘Instant Email Notifications’ of all the recent ‘action’ going on here???

Well: this thread DOES seem to have ‘taken a turn’ (although I’m not sure if it’s for the worse to be honest i.e. it’s still just as entertaining as ever)!!! LOL!!!

leandar: PLEASE tell me that a) you’re joking about depositing even ONE USD to trade this ‘strategy’ and b) you’re not going to trade ‘friend’ money, no matter how much, using this same ‘strategy’ (because if you do I hope you’ve got more ‘friends’ than just these otherwise you’re going to be lonely very soon)!!! LOL!!!

And don’t count on any ‘donations’ coming your way either!!! LOL!!! I’ve uploaded and host about ten books for free ‘no strings attached’ download (forget about my EVER so ‘invaluable insights’) the total value of which, if purchased, would be WAY in excess of about $1 000, and to date not one single ‘basta*d’ has even had the deceny to pay even ONE amount of $7 (which I myself pay on a monthly basis) to keep my forums ‘ad free’!!! LOL!!! So believe me when I tell you: ‘the buddy system’ doesn’t work so don’t ‘hold your breath’!!! Either GIVE it away or copy protect it and sell it. The ‘inbetween’ doesn’t work too well!!! LOL!!! In YOUR case (and no offense): if you decide to sell this ‘strategy’ or EA I wouldn’t go about selling it with a ‘money back guarantee’ that’s for sure!!! LOL!!!



What are you talking about? Being a non-US citizen, you can choose any broker you want, use any leverage you want, generally do whatever you want, on the forex market.
I know of no restrictions placed on us.

Let’s face it: it surely used to be different, some time ago, but nowadays every European society is MUCH freer than the US of A’s.


i got the trick with this EA we can double but not daily 3 to 5 times a month is possible but i recommend make 1% to 2.5% in a average trading day then i can sell this ea with money back guarantee.

Coz probably you changed your notification settings? :stuck_out_tongue:

Well don’t say I didn’t warn you is all. I don’t have the money to come over to India to bail you out of jail!!! LOL!!!



Nope. Just checked them. Do you HONESTLY think I’d ‘unsubscribe’ from THIS thread??? LOL!!!



lol :smiley:

remove that unsubscribe link from this thread

Hehe, it would surprise me. :smiley:
Gosu thread, lol.
Weird that you dont get notified … set to instant notification?
Maybe went to Spam Folder? I had that in the beginning, until I whitelisted BabyPips.
lol, but since you’ve been with this website for nearly five years, they are probably whitelisted for mails.


All fixed. Not sure what happened but I checked my email again and received a KAJILLION ‘Instant Email Notifications’!!! LOL!!!



Actually Leandar I take back at my congratulations - because you have a second demo which has lost 99% in one day (the entire lifetime) just the day before - how many demos have you run?

This is how a lot of demo traders say “demo trading is easy” because they have multiple demo accounts, and keep on just making a new one once they have lost in one demo account. When I traded demo I traded the same account whether I won or lost, not switched between them and restarted.

Geez. You’re not wrong (goldenmember). I wish that I could just ‘reset’ all of the live accounts I’ve wiped out over the years!!! LOL!!! By now I’d be trading with $1 000 points (pips)!!! LOL!!!



Wow, a whole Kajillion?
That’s a lot. :smiley:
Isn’t a Kajillion even more than a Gazillion?


Well, then please tell me a store in DE where you can buy almost anything around the clock, also on Sunday. Sort of Wal Mart. Or where I can get my truck serviced on Sunday evening. Or where I can buy ammunition for my “friendly fire shield” without stripping down my underwear and filling out a bunch of forms. Something like that. :wink:

Have you ever been in the US? Living there? Probably not. That above was just a few examples. If I start with tax, politicial grass root groups like the tea party, choices of media like newspapers, magazines, etc. food and even more how easy it is with Mr. Sticker to get a car state inspection for 40 bucks the only thing you can do is running to mom Merkel and cry what you can’t do in DE, lol. :smiley:

As I said, those trading rules are an exception. In almost every other aspect of life the US gives way more liberty and freedom to the average citizen, living is cheaper (if you don’t live in nyc downtown) with a gas price less than half and way less tax in most states. Icing on top is a really great constitution which guarantees a hell of a lot more rights than you have ever seen in DE. Including the rights to wear and use weapons against too greedy politicians if they act against the constitution!

Sort of what drives around in the hundreds of thousands and what you would never get through any state registration in DE:

I THINK a Kajillion is more than a Gazillion (‘G’ comes before ‘K’ in the alphabet)!!! LOL!!!



Hehe, yah, I know the US have their advantages … but I wouldn’t exchange a 24-hr WalMart for living in Europe.
I’ve highschooled in the US for 2 years (age 15-17), in NY and Atlanta, and have gotten my MBA from a US University, so, yes, I have lived there … and I’m happy to not live there anymore, even though life in the US at that time (80s) was better than it is now.
The right to bear firearms isn’t an argument for me … too many accidents and stupidities happen with lethal weapons in the hands of not-properly-trained civilians. Apart from that, if you want a ‘Waffenbesitzkarte’, to bear a firearm, (even a concealed one, which isn’t permitted in the States) in Germany, it isn’t all that hard to get.


lol, and I wouldn’t want to. That’s a kids’ toy, not a car for a businessman. :smiley:
