$2.74 To $2740 within 10 days

Geez. You’re either awake REAL late or you’ve gotten up REAL early!!! LOL!!!

DO NOT get ME started on this subject of ‘personal liberty and freedom’ (at least insofar as it applies to trading and, also, to a degree, in general)!!! I started a thread (about two weeks ago if my ‘fried memory’ serves me correctly) to get some input from US Citizens as to WHY the NFA Rules and Dodd-Frank are such ‘big deals’ and it amazes me that after all the ‘hullaballoo’ that went on here BEFORE the new NFA Rules had been implemented and Dodd-Frank had been introduced only ONE (Shr1k) person has had anything to say and is interested discussing the matter. But trust me: when I’ve received (if ever) enough input on the subject, solidified and then voiced my opinion on the subject, every US Citizen is going to hate me and the SEC or the NFA are going to offer me a job!!! LOL!!! ROFLMAO!!! Hell: I may even go into politics. A politician sure does seem to put in a LOT less hours than we do and so far as I can tell: the ‘time spent’ vs. the ‘reward’ ratio is WAY higher than trading for a living!!! LOL!!!



lol, true … but there is the additional risk of people throwing eggs and rotten tomatoes at you. :smiley:


Well, Atlanta. As teen. I write about the heart. Like the middle west and the south. Living with all the responsibilities and advantages you have as adult. The right to bear arms has the background what I wrote about. A German citizen could not even go against the goverment if the government would decide to kill “some” Germans. There is literally no defense against too much greed or crazy rules by politicians and it is also what you can see in the prices. Gas, tax, food, cars, services, almost everything in DE is twice as expensive as in the US. Exception is food from France. Why? The people can’t do anything against it. Not to say most are brainwashed like almost nowhere else.

I mean, if you like to live in DE that’s your choice and nothing against your opinion, but to say that DE or Europe is a island of liberty and freedom against the US is a joke. Really a big joke! LOL! It’s not as socialistic like Cuba, but it’s definitely closer at Cuba than at the US! And, it’s definitely faster moving in that direction as well than the US!

What I agree with is that the US had more liberty and freedom in the past. Albeit the reason this changes is that socialism from Europe influents the north east of the US. Particular D.C.

See? That’s the thinking of a typical German. What I don’t like, why let others do it? So make a rule to forbid it! :stuck_out_tongue:

Bottom line: All what is not allowed is forbidden. No my friend, that is nothing I like. And after the big merger of the east with the west part of DE it didn’t went any better. :wink:

Hehe, of course Europe isn’t an ‘Island of Liberty’ … many things need improvement here, too. My issue is with the US Governments of the last 20 years, who took freedom of choice from US citizens step-by-step. Of course that has been done in Europe as well, but since the US have always been known as ‘Land of unlimited opportunity’ it just is more obvious there. Also their interference has been much deeper … just look at all the new laws under the Homeland Security Act.

In any case, this discussion started off about the situation in retail forex trading … we should keep it there, before we bore other forum members to death and get knocked by Mods for straying off-topic too far and too long. :smiley:


Hi Dale!

I am always awake, just sometimes a little less. LOL! Well, I don’t know what you mean in detail. I can just tell you, don’t believe anybody who tries to tell you DE would be the tip of liberty and freedom. Or a better place regarding this and compared to the US. Spot on! LOL! :wink:

lol, that’s silly. The fact that I wouldn’t want it doesn’t mean that nobody else should have it.
You used that beloved-by-rednecks monster truck as an argument, as an example of freedom in America … all I said was that I wouldn’t even want it and it surely would not be a reason for me to prefer living in the US. I never said that it should not be permitted to drive any car or build any house one wants. If somebody wants to be smiled at for driving an off-road car in a city … fine with me, it’s a free country, hehe.

At least something we agree on … that re-unification was done hastily and way too fast, and is still costing us dearly.


LOL! Offtopic for too long? We are offtopic here since a couple of a hundred posts I guess. Frankly, you seem to be a liberal. Sort of German liberal. Which I knew the same moment I saw your first avatar. No problem with that, but please don’t try to tell me all the sort of brainwashing what flies around for liberals. I have my own experience as adult, living there and here actually and also with a lot of experience living in Berlin [U]before[/U] the wall was teared down. What you have in DE right now is in fact more like what you had in the GDR before the reunification. Merkel itself studied propaganda. I’ve also a little more background in politics. Nothing what goes through the liberal mainstream press, tho.

Well, just what I know. As I said, nothing against your personal opinion! Believe what you guess is right, but it’s afaik too much influenced by liberals and their brainwashers, lol. :wink:

If you want more info about websites which give more insider info then just send a pm and I’ll give you some food for thought. Cheers! :slight_smile:

I never wrote that you would like to forbid it, but the typical German does. Evidence? That’s why there is the law for store close. Stores MUST close on Sunday, Saturday afternoon sometimes and always at evening. So it goes with many things. I’ve also never seen a country where people are more kid averse. And so on.

Btw. there are thousands who drive such a truck in Texas and almost nobody is a redneck I guess. Plus many who are not just teens anymore. It’s just a completely different lifestyle. More like: Take it easy! What’s wrong with driving such a truck for fun? I don’t have one and probably wouldn’t buy one, but I can definitely imagine it’s a lot of fun to drive with it, no matter if in the city or at the beach. :slight_smile:


That was my very first thought when I read Oliver1968’s concern!!! LOL!!! More ‘off-topic’ has a thread EVER gone!!! LOL!!!

It’s SURE getting it’s ‘fair share’ of ‘views’ though (thanks to leandar’s title with the SUPPOSED ‘typo’)!!! LOL!!! Have the thread renamed to ‘$2.74 to $27.40 within 10 days’ and nobody would even bother to look at it!!! The sheer irony of THAT is that it would STILL represent 900% GAIN IN 10 DAYS!!! LOL!!!



Well, I agree partly on this. The other side of the coin is that if Kohl had not done it quick maybe we would still have two parts of DE. Where I also don’t know if this would be better, but I don’t think so.

What I had in mind is that after the reunification the socialism from the east had more opportunities to undermine the western politics. That’s why you can’t find much differences actually in big policital parties. Whatever you elect, it’s allmost all the same. A situation they had in the GDR.

Icing on top is the rather undemocratic EU, but I wrote already what I think about.

Mwahaha. The point is, I don’t really know how to become on topic here. Because I don’t know what the topic is. LOL! :smiley:

Hehe, maybe we should really rename this thread … poor Leandar posts from time to time, to keep the original topic alive, but to no great effect. :smiley:

Hahahaha everyone is already drunk before new year …

well thats awesome and incredible )
lets see if this can happen again in 2012 )

Hehe, we’ll carry this thread into 2020 yet … but probably without Leandar, because by then he’ll have doubled his account approx. 2,700 times, and will be the sole owner of the interweb. :smiley:


If not the owner of the universe, lol. :smiley:

i attached EA only works in demo cause i want to protect your real account. :smiley:

check first post


POOR leander! oh man… was that pun intentional? lol

I honestly hope he makes some serious profit this year. I feel bad for laughing this much about this lack of sustainable success so far.

If he’d just dial it down a few notches, and go for 1-3 trades a day, risking 1% per trade, he would almost surely make money every year. But alas…he wants to make it all now. getting rich in 3-4 years is too long for him.

The ignorance and impatience of youth. I’d BET MONEY he’s not over 27 years old. Probably not even 25.

Anyway, i guess since that’s the case… he’s got plenty of time to figure it out.

But ya… that was a real laugh out loud moment on that post oliver :slight_smile:


Hehe, I actually like how he doggedly pursues his goal, no matter what people say about its feasibility.
I think he is not really too serious about doubling up every day himself … it’s more like an experiment to him … fortunately one with virtual money.
Haha, I wonder how he’d feel if he really managed to double it daily, for three or four weeks, on a demo account … those are the times one feels like kicking oneself, for not having tried it for real. :smiley:
