$2.74 To $2740 within 10 days

guys this is the important candles in day chart, can anyone predict tomorrow’s trend by using this patterns?

@eremarket and oliver

age is only effect our body not mind … correct me if i am wrong.

Hmm, I am not one of the both, but I know: [B]Experience comes after time, not before.

Not to say there is a warranty that it comes for everybody, lol. But without time there is no experience. :wink:

Hi, I tryed to test it but after I copy it to mt4 expert folder, restart mt4 but it does not show in experts tree list.
What should I do plz ?

Best regards

did you unzip that downloaded folder ? lol

Hi, I tryed but I think maybe it corrupted… can you post the mql file ? Sorry I can’t pm you because I need have at least 20 posts to send PM.

I have other EAs on my mt4 and it works.

Best regards

PMed you,

i dont post MQL file on public place cause newbies will wiped out their account with default lot size trading lol

Not to say there is a warranty that it comes for everybody, lol. But without time there is no experience. ;)[/QUOTE]

Experience is what your left with, when you didn’t get what you want the first time)))))))

Thank you, but what timeframes and pairs ?

Test with EUR/GBP in 1 min chart, for speed result test in GBP/USD 1 min

No… that is absolutly patently wrong. I see some things very very differently now that I did when I was 19 or 20, and I saw things differently then from when I was 10.

I’m 31 now…and albeit, I don’t see AS much difference with each passing year, but I do still see things differently. There was a time when I felt I would likley never marry, and that making money was (seemly) the most imporant thing to me.

Now, I am incredibly happy being married (so is she, so it’s perfect for us), and making money now I see is simply a side effect of doing what I love well. I would now say having enough to be secure, and loving what you do is FAR more important than just being rich.

I could go on, and on, and on.

And one of the things I learned in the last decade or so was that slowing down, and getting it RIGHT, is the most important thing. because it GUARANTEES success. It also will take longer…but I would rather have 100% chance of being rich in 5 years, than a 50% chance of being rich in 1 year.

So maybe it’s true. the older one gets, the most patience is aquired.

I’m fairly certain you are more patient now leander than when you were 5 or 10 years old.

well, that continues on well past your age. and with my expereince, I would say it likley continues this way for
a long time to come.

Maybe when one has been waiting 50 years for somthing, a little more time just does’t seem that important :slight_smile:

Guess I’ll know when i’m at 50,


That’s exactly the case. I have thought about this a lot already. Why people see time going faster the older they get. If you are 5 years old, a year is 1/5 of your whole life. Which is a huge part of this life. If you are 50 years old, a year is just 1/50 of your life. That’s 1/10 compared to the time when you were 5 yo. So you, as observer of time from a subjective point of your life, can see a year going by in a blink of an eye. Where before it was a seeming infinite endeavour til the next christmas (with all the presents below the tree). So a month is for a 5 yo child like a year for a 60 old chap.

Everything is relative, but time is particular relative! :22:

to answer your question on the chart leander… i would strongly suspect down. however…i’m not looking to sell where it’s at so much, as I would like to see a partial retracement… to around to 3020-3050 level… THEN, I would likely take a short.

It’s not what I think it will do next. It’s what I will do if it gives me both the right price, AND the right information, to act.

Screw what happens next. I only want it at the right price…regardless of my thoughts on “next”.

In this case… “next” is still a day late and a dollar short, IMO (no pun intended!)


P.S. I may also sell lower…but no way would I sell where we currently are around 2930. In fact, I went long at 2900… heres’a screen shot attached for proof. But NOW? i wouldn’t buy until we got either lower into the mid - high 2800’s…or possibly sell around 3000 or higher. but here…no deal for me.

Uploaded with ImageShack.us

Mind and body are not separate!!!

Wow, this thread has it all … 100% Gains a Day, Broker Comparison, ECN / Market Maker Comparison, Political Discussion, Pub Chat … now Philosophy.

To add my two cents to the philosophical part: I agree that with increasing age comes a more patient attitude … I guess the more things one has seen/done/experienced, the broader the general outlook becomes. A 40-yr-old will (in most cases) plan for a longer timeframe than a 20-yr-old will … and he has the advantage of being able to let personal experience be a part of decision making; the difference between having studied something and actually having experienced it oneself is huge.


I want to know where Mr. Gecko has been or what he is doing???



they are when your dead)))))))

In which case it wont matter and we’ll never know anyway!!! LOL!!!

Of COURSE: after seeing you post and your avatar I just HAD to check on some of your other posts.


If that’s you and that’s your car: how about a date??? If ‘no date’ can I just borrow your car for a while then (and I’ll find another date which should be pretty easy then)??? LOL!! What do think Clark???

What I would like to know is how come I missed out on this part of the discussion???

I hate to tell you this leandar: it depends what you’ve been doing WHILE you’ve been ageing that affects your mind as you get older!!! LOL!!!



Hmmm, maybe his biggest fear has come true, and now he has problems in renting enough trucks to ship the loot? :smiley:


If that’s you and that’s your car: how about a date???

Hey man, i’d take you up on that…but my wife would not be too happy with that…she’s an old world eastern blok woman…too much out of the box thinking for her…))))))))

tried to post pics…but can’t seem to do so…anyway my cars are old, but my wife is young))))))))
actually my cars are older than my wife…:smiley:

When am I going to learn??? LOL!!! ROFLMAO!!!

That’s the LAST time I’m basing a post on an avatar picture!!! LOL!!!

OK: but can I still borrow the Ferrari for a little while??? LOL!!!

