$2.74 To $2740 within 10 days


Just go to techtradercentral.proboards.com, register, and look in the ‘E-books for Trading Systems’ Thread in the Downloads Forum. But I TOLD you that ALREADY!!! LOL!!! Don’t you READ my posts!!

Don’t worry: I don’t spam people nor am I in the business of collecting email addresses. I’ve just ensured that only registered members can download stuff from the forums because I pay for disk space and traffic so I’m trying to not simply pay out money for ‘casual Joe Public lurker’ to download information at my expense while not REALLY being interested. You don’t have to be registered to look at any of the other information on the forums though.

Have fun.



Thanks again!!! LOL!!!

By the way: I’ve sent Mr. Gecko a personal email just to make sure he’s alright.



Yeah, good. I hope he’s just busy counting money, not ill or something.


OR: he’s been long EUR/USD since I went short based on Adam Theory!!! LOL!!! In which case he’s ‘licking his wounds’ and his bots have ‘self destructed’!!! LOL!!!

But I’ll ‘keep you posted’. If anything he’ll reply much later today (I think there’s a big timezone difference).



Nah, not really a time difference … in European winter (Oct to Mar) CET is GMT+1, in European summer (Mar to Oct) CEST is GMT+2.
So Jo’burg is just an hour ahead of Germany at the moment.


I never thought about that.

Although it depends on whether he’s in Germany or the US (he ‘gets around’)!!! LOL!!!

I’ve just noticed what time he usually starts posting (normally around 15h00 GMT+2 my time).

Come to think of it: WHY are we having this discussion??? LOL!!!

Did you see the little ‘debacle’ going on over at FF??? LOL!!! I posted a link to it for you on another thread somewhere around here just for fun!!! LOL!!!



hehe, yah, I’ve read the FF posts … temper, Dale. :smiley:

Nah. More like ‘lack of finesse’!!! LOL!!!

Anyway: I’m going to delete the link from HERE to THERE because I’m hoping that ‘monkey’ will come to his senses and we can ‘erase all trace’ of our little ‘altercation’ and ‘move on’.



Err, almost - very close. Just a small ~ 999999000 remain for my goal. :smiley:

No, there is a life outside bp, lol. More work than leisure, tho. But I see you can have fun without me little trader, lol. :slight_smile:

Dale, I cant stop laughing.
Even if that was a woman in the avatar…it would be one strange looking woman.
And if it is Marilyn Manson, is it true that he removed one of his ribs?

Ok, this is getting out of hand. My new years resolution was never to post anything that had no substance…fail.

Nope…posts like that shouldn’t die out.
They’ll always come back to haunt us.

The problem is that there’s no point in deleting them either i.e. either you’ve been ‘quoted’ in which case there’s not a lot you can do about it OR you ‘mess’ with the ‘natural progression’ of the thread concerned!!! LOL!! That’s why Forex Factory has a 24-hour limit within which you can edit or delete your posts otherwise, unless your post is the very first post on the thread, your posts are ‘carved in stone’. MAN: that wouldn’t work for me too well!!! LOL!!!

And I don’t know about Marilyn Manson’s rib either!!! Wouldn’t surprise me though. I’ll tell you though: I saw an interview with him once that wasn’t ONLY about his music but his ‘take’ on politics and the like and he’s no fool. That’s not to say I’ll run out and by his albums. The ‘debauchery’ goes just a ‘tad’ too far for my liking (my ‘debauched line in the sand’ stops at OTEP Shamaya)!!! LOL!!! And of course as luck would have it: she wouldn’t be interested in me either i.e. her girlfriend (actually I think they’re now married because California changed some law or the other) would object (at very least)!!! LOL!!! Sooo … Jessica … Help me out here … I’m at a bit of ‘loose end’ and given my ‘job’ I don’t get out much!!! LOL!!! ROFLMAO!!!



Just noticed it says something about 10 days… and i take it leander is serious about it.

arn’t we on like… day 70?

something like that.

I know I gave myself 36 months for a really realy good reason…

when do we officially that it’s time to end this movie…and then sit back and wait for the sequel?

I don’t mind waiting for part 2. although I feel it’s gonna be about as much of a hit as part one was.


P.S. Dale Likes Men


Oh right. Thanks. Everybody love a ‘smart ar*e’!!! LOL!!! (the ‘men’ thing)!!! ROFLMAO!!!

I THINK (but I stand corrected here) that leandar has FINALLY given up on the ‘account doubling’ thing and has gotten back in touch with reality. At least he’s now looking at trading systems that were designed by experienced traders (even if it’s only RSI he’s looking at for now)!!! LOL!!! BUT: I COULD be wrong!!! LOL!!! Put it this way: don’t take your eye off this thread in case you miss something i.e. things happen real fast over here!!! LOL!!!

And by the way (just in case you didn’t notice): the thread title SHOULD have read something along the lines of turning $2.74 into $27.40 in 10 days but leandar made a ‘typo’ (well: it was a ‘premeditated typo’ and, well, let’s face it, it had the desired effect in much the same way as YOUR title of YOUR thread of turning $100 to $1 000 000)!!! LOL!!! Actually: it’s an experiment that I should do i.e. create a thread with the title ‘How to turn $1 into $2 in 12 months’. What’s the bet: NO views!!! LOL!!! The irony: that’s still 100% per annum ROI!!! LOL!!!

Anyway: this ‘movie’ I don’t think is going to end any time soon!!! LOL!!!



It had better not ended soon … apart from having kept us entertained for something like a month now it contains about two or three dozen posts (of 655, hehe) which really convey useful insights and information … thus also honing every reader’s detective skills, as those posts are nicely spread throughout the thread. Talk about needles in a haystack.


Hi Leandar,
I just joined babypips today, av been trading demo for 2 months and turned my $5000 to $6000,i just opened my live account with Alpari 3 weeks ago. so far i have turned my $1000 to $1200 just by keeping it simple (2-3 indicators max)because i cant afford to lose much. i have been looking into trade ideas that really works and i came across your post, does this method still work??? if you are really this good and you double your account daily, WOW, KUDOS to you, teach me how i can make 50 percent profit in 2 weeks is all i need. pls explain further and tell me specifically what indicators you use and how many times a day you place your trades, i am still relatively new to the fx business. if you can send more info about your trade idea to my email it’ll be much appreciated.

Hi handsome0226,
I’d strongly advise you to read the complete thread before attempting to copy Leandar’s ‘system’.
In general, gains of more than 10-20% a month can only be achieved by disregarding basic money management and risk control rules.
There is no way to make 50% profit in two weeks without gambling … more likely, the attempt will result in a 100% loss, especially for somebody without trading experience.


thanks Oliver, i guess everyone here is a pro and am the newest newbie. can you or anyone tell me the easiest way to trade? no complicated indicators involved, just simple trading with little loss and some gain. av researched alot and i see a lots of complicated trading systems and indicators, theres got to be a simple way to fx trading. i simply use MACD, RSI, Stoch and parabolic. they are all very easy to decode and when they all give same signal, i place my trade. i am an office worker but i still have a few times a day i can steal a look to place trades. i realized av been more reserved with my live account compared to demo, with demo i made 500$ within 4hrs just by placin a trade with volume of 1.0, now i am sentimental that i fear i might lose my live money, i trade btw 0.01 and 0.5 for now

Handsome…your doing better than leander, and better than a lot of folks here. Keep your head where it is now, learn more information, and you’ll be likly doing find for a long time to come


Yea, I go with the others handsome - do not follow a system what promises doubling up every day, lol. That won’t work, imho. A lot of newbies here as well, so trust at first yourself and then those where advice makes sense. Nobody here gives you a warranty and losing money in fx is easy. If you system what you have works: Never change a running system …