$2.74 To $2740 within 10 days

Haha, pity the spike was in the wrong direction … 175 spike in the right direction is fun. :smiley:


i am using “hedge in correlated currency pairs” if GBP/USD spike in against my trade means my USD/CHF in profit.

You do of course realise that if this ‘system’ of leandars DOES work out: we’re all going to look REAL foolish!!! LOL!!!

Alright: I’m not holding my breath but I’ve noted many times before that NOTHING is IMPOSSIBLE!!! LOL!!!

I must just tell you that I awoke to the funniest thing this morning. One of these cruise lines (I forget which one): well one of their liners ran aground last night sometime. Six People died (from what I gather they ‘jumped ship’ and were trying to swim to shore), three thousand passengers (less six I presume) had to be evacuated, and at the time of this being broadcast on the early morning news (here), they were airlifting the last fifty passengers from the liner by helicopter. NOT TWO MINUTES after this news broadcast: there was an advertisement for the SAME cruise line and the SAME liner (you know: one of those ‘a few thousand Rand for eleven days on a luxury cruise liner going to some exotic islands’ or something like that)!!! I nearly fell off of the bed laughing!!! LOL!!!



Haha, yep.
But I’ll look rich too, coz I’ll be the first one to buy it from Leandar. :smiley:


$2.74 To $2740 within 10 days --> Did someone actually got this?

All things are difficult before they are easy.

Well, ask the author of the thread. Look to me, it’s kinda mission impossible!

Happy trading

definitely this EA/system can trade in adaptive price action based Market Quakes and relations

OlsenScale - Scale of Market Quakes (SMQ) - 2012/01/13 14:30 - Uni of Michigan Sentiment (US) Analise how many pairs act together in lists of events.

take profit in limited range, exit in retrace is the cash cow.

Or definitely? :slight_smile:


definitely its definitely … :smiley:

[QUOTE=flogger;312187]$2.74 To $2740 within 10 days --> Did someone actually got this?

Yes, I got it! Oh sorry, you mean 10 days… I thought you had written 10 years :smiley:
I think it’s impossible but I agree with dpaterso when he says IMPOSSIBLE IS NOTHING :wink:

one more time…

I was getting a bit worried there for a day or so because this thread was starting to ‘dissapear into the woodwork’!!! LOL!!!

Sooo… What happened on the last attempt??? Up, down, sideways, wipe out, what??? C’mon. You’re not updating us on a regular basis.



Yeh. Alright. I see. I forgot you could click on the the myfxbook graphic.

How are you finding myfxbook leandar???

I’ve been thinking about adding my ‘no deposit bonus’ accounts to one of these trade analysis sites but I don’t know which one. I used (once) Rent-A-Signal but that was for another purpose. I’ve also noticed that that other disgusting horrible [B]F[/B]orex [B]F[/B]orum has a ‘trade analysis’ ‘something or the other’ section that seems to give good stats although because I’m testing Adam Theory I don’t think that stats are going to mean anything. Well not at this stage anyway given that there’s only been about two or three trades that have been opened and closed and theoretically, and strictly speaking, these should all have bee only ONE trade i.e. I took profit and then decided to short again and so on and so forth.

Just curious (and asking you ‘the expert’ on these matters).



better deposit small amount of $10 in micro account that show as $1000 better than ‘no deposit bonus’ we cant withdraw ‘no deposit bonus’ until reach 1 million.

my $10 real account still holding some trades, my equity was not return after 48 hours but 100% risk account still in live.

i opened new account added in myfxbook because i added one more equity growth and protection on my EA, so you can see “equity” growth before “balance” growth.

Forget that (depositing $10). Both of these brokers are ‘bucketshops’. My days of ‘feeding’ ‘bucketshops’ even with $1 are LONG gone. I just enjoy opening ‘no deposit bonus’ accounts and ‘sticking it to the broker’ (which I’m diong a very good job of as of right now with these two brokers anyway). Whether or not I’ll ever be able to withdraw the money is another matter altogether (well: TRUST me when I say that I WILL get it if I want it)!!! LOL!!

I was really just asking because it would go nicely with my Adam Theory of Markets thread is all i.e. a sort of ‘show and tell’ type of thing.

I’ll create and account and see how it works / looks.

It’s not the money. It’s just the trade stats and equity curve that I’m interested in ‘showing off’.



4 hours

24 hours

48 hours

this is the current status of my $10 real account …lol

I understand you are manual trading with “Adam Theory”

i used 2 methods was success in manual trading 1 is “renko ashi” 2nd one “Sonic R” trading system

no emotional tradings, what is the deference in Adam theory?

Read the book, my thread, and look at my charts and projections you ‘lazy lout’!!! LOL!!!

IF you have the precious time to spare and IF you have the inclination: start paying attention to the weekly chart of Gold (XAU/USD).



Hello revbroker.

‘Welcome to the madhouse (thread)’!!! LOL!!!

You don’t have to search TOO far. There is a thread running here entitled ‘The Adam Theory of Markets by J, Welles Wilder Jnr.’ (MY thread of course) and the book can be downloaded from my forums (techtradercentral.proboards.com).


I’ve created an account at your myfxbook but I cannot find that piece of software tha links an MetaTrader Account to myfxbook??? Where is it??? I found it this morning earlier now I cannot find it again.



myfxbook > settings > add account >

yellow link on the top side

Try the new account addition wizard - adds your account in real time and updates it independently (beta)

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