$2.74 To $2740 within 10 days

Thanks buddy 'ol pal.

I found it. It’s under the fu*king help section (if you’re going to set it up manually which is what I was trying to do).

Well here’s the link APPARANTELY i.e. my first test so let’s see if this works:

AdamTest System | Myfxbook



HAY!!! It works.

But where do you get those litle ‘red blocks’ that you’re posting??? Those ‘summaries’ (they just look nice).



click on the “Widgets” at top right side

Thanks. I found it. Check it out!!! LOL!!!

It seems as though I’ve become ‘technologically challenged’ since I started trading etc. for a living!!! LOL!!!

Nice stuff.




Changed the color. Their ‘Green’ is horrible and doesn’t match with the BabyPips ‘Green’ and your ‘Red’ is a bit bright for ‘first thing in the morning’!!! LOL!!!

Does this ‘widget’ thing update itself all day or does it only get updated after you’ve opened your MetaTrader installation leandar???



i think this update in every 5 minutes, did you notice my status now?

equity growth, today i added some more options in EA close wrong trades, open trades in 80/20 price action etc…

This green color for forum match.

Have any of you guys tried MeetPips.com?

The green color for forum match like sh*t!!! LOL!!!

I’ve got bad news for you BUT I THINK that the site only updates when you open MetaTrader. In other words: if you set the update interval in MetaTrader to 5 minutes and you LEAVE MetaTrader open THEN it will update every 5 minutes. But if you close MetaTrader and leave it closed until the next day then the site will only update the next day when you first open MetaTrader again.

Well gee: I don’t know leandar. I mean those stats look wonderful. But this is account number ‘which’??? LOL!!! MY stats (not boasting here) are based on only THREE trades and, alright, they have been running since November or thereabouts).

Anyway: I’m going to do some short term trades (1-hour) trades using one or two of the trading systems on my forums and see what happens with the stats. You know. Just for fun.



Hello my good friend.

I THINK I’m registered there (it’s ‘owned’ by BabyPips) but I’ve never bothered with it (other than I THINK to ‘troll’ for a good looking avatar at some point I suppose)!!! LOL!!! ROFLMAO!!!. I just thought I’d ‘stick’ with myfxbook so that leandar and I are ‘on the same page’ (not to mention that I wrote one of THE BEST EVER reviews on myfxbook about my beloved broker:

DeltaStock Review And Rating, deltastock.com | Myfxbook

It’s a ‘work of art’!!! LOL!!! (And ALL TRUE for those ‘naysayers’ and ‘sceptics’)!!!

By the way and on the subject of my ‘no deposit bonus’ account (well one of them anyway): there is ALWAYS a ‘catch’. Fukers!!! Read this and see what you think. To ME it’s saying that you have to have performed two trades (opened and closed) within the first two weeks of receiving the $20, withdraw the PROFITS (if any), and then you can continue to trade and withdraw the profits. Gee. I WONDER WHY that is??? Cnts!!! BUT: somewhere further down the page they seem to contradict themselves. Take a look and tell me how YOU interpret this sh*t.


I’m telling you (as that ‘EcnJesus’ said of me): one of these days I’m going to ‘snap’ and go on a ‘one man bucketshop broker demolition mission’!!! LOL!!!

I mean: it’s not the money. It’s the darn principle and the tactics that are used by these pieces of sh*t (almost the whole darn bunch of them) JUST to get their hands on the poor and unsuspecting and new trader. I’m telling you: let one other person say something bad about Dodd-Frank and the NFA, SEC, CFTC, or any other regulatory body and they’re ‘taking their life into their own hands’!!! LOL!!!



Haha, yes … I’ve opened a MeetPips account, too, and haven’t touched it so far.
That’s why I asked if anybody had actually tried it and had some evaluation of it.
Same for MT4Pips.com.


lol, read Clint’s thread about ‘Going offshore to escape the CFTC’ … he compares them to Hitler’s Gestapo and wants to meet the chairman in a dark alley some day.
And I find myself in agreement … a regulator’s job is to protect the public from being scammed, not to treat them like children.

As I’m planning to return to forex trading on a full-time basis, I find myself kneeling every morning, thanking the Lord I’m not a US citizen.
And if I were, I’d probably emigrate and try very hard to obtain my host country’s citizenship, then mail my US passport to the embassy with a nice letter instructing them what to do with it, hehe.


Apologies if this is a daft question… but what is the purpose of MeetPips?


Not sure. I THINK it’s the BabyPips equivalent of on-line dating (you know: meeting ‘like minded individuals’)!!! LOL!!!


Actually: I couldn’t tell you. I think I responded (or rather was ASKED to respond to) a question posted by a South African trader. But all those sites are blog sites and try as I might I just cannot get used to blogs. They’re just too ‘constrained’ and ‘cumbersome’. I started a blog before I discovered a (cheap) way to start my forums and it drove me NUTS!!! But they’re ever so popular I see and I’m TOLD that blogs are sort of ‘preferred’ by search engines etc. Not sure.



MeetPips provides an online trading journal into which you can automatically load your MT4 trades.
It’s pretty neat, from what I’ve seen so far.

MT4Pips provides a platform for various statistics and analyses of trade performance over time, also sync’ed from your MT4 terminal.


Well leandar:

If it’ll make you feel any better: I’ve all but ‘wiped out’ my two ‘no deposit bonus’ accounts!!! LOL!!! After I found out yesterday that basically I’d never be able to withdraw the profits I just removed the stops and went ‘balls to the wall’. Kinda like ‘Binary Options Mentality’ i.e. ‘all or nothing’. LOL!!! It was fun while it lasted though and at least I know I’ve let two brokers ‘off the hook’. Besides: I have to admit they were a distraction. That being said: I like the way myfxbook works. Pretty ‘nifty’ I must say.

So: back to the world of REAL trading and REAL money it is!!! LOL!!!

I STILL believe that Adam is right though (that was the purpose of using those two accounts i.e. to test Adam Theory). Tha major indices are ‘partying far too hard’ at the moment. Soon we’re goiing to be looking at ‘the morning after the night before’ and you’ll notice (as per some of my previous analyses) that the EUR has become positively correlated with the major indices again (take a look at EUR/JPY). So WHEN they ‘tank’: the EUR is also going ‘tank’: just from a MUCH lower level!!! So I’ll continue to ‘solve’ Adam anyway (for EUR/USD, Gold, and Silver) and when I get the right setup for Gold with Adam I’m ‘going for it’.

Anyway: I just tought I’d ‘share’!!! LOL!!!



two no deposit bonus wiped out ? ok here is list i used before google for some more

Forex No Deposit Bonus - Forex Bonuses You Can Get Without Depositing

Forex bonus - no deposit required!

your trades was correct but wipe out when you remove SL same time i was adding SL i didnt use it before lol :smiley:

look the evaluation of my growth from 100% daily to 1% daily :smiley:

counter trend and trend is opp side of coin indicators works 2 drama same time, thats why support become resistance vise versa

Good morning.

Thanks leandar. I can always count on you!!!

I’ll take a look but I don’t normally go looking for them. It’s just when I’m in the mood and looking at a site and some annoying banner ad ‘hits me in the face’ enough to pi*s me off to open an account and try to ‘stick it to them’. Normally I get it right but this time around I lost interest I guess (especially after I found out that because I don’t trade every two seconds I would never qualify to withdraw the profits on either account)!!! LOL!!!

Actually I’ve always said they’re better than demo trading but are they really??? In most cases your are basically ‘required’ to over trade in order to eventually be able to claim (some of???) the profits or (a part of???) the bonus. Some traders will achieve this but it teaches bad habits and based on experience (and because of human nature I think) its incredibly difficult to UNLEARN bad habits that will eventually ‘come home to bite you’ in spite of the fact you were successful on one of these ‘no deposit bonus’ accounts.

And besides: I’m allowing (allowed) myself to get distracted. I’m SUPPOSED to be making training videos and completing documentation for my forums and not messing around with ‘$20 no deposit bonus accounts’!!! LOL!!! I was telling friend of mine just the other day: for some odd reason, since around the end of December, I’ve sort of ‘lost focus’ and I need to ‘get back on track’. (somehow). Maybe having too much ‘fun’ on BabyPips AND IT’S ALL YOUR FAULT!!! LOL!!!

As for YOUR trading: now THAT my good friend is more like it!!! Doesn’t it ‘feel’ better??? If you just kept THAT performance up just work out how much money you would make in a year and, well, from that point, ‘the sky is the limit’ is it not???

Keep going!!!



Thank u for sharing these…

Hehe, Leandar’s got an attack of the realistics. :smiley:
New thread name? ‘From 100% to 1 in 90 days’.

Well, if you keep up the 1% daily, you’ll be a rich man soon.
And the best of all: you’ll have achieved it as a businessman, not a gambler. Professional calculation beats a lucky streak any day. (Which is why Vegas casinos get more monstrously outrageous after every renovation, while gamblers usually fly home economy.)


My point exactly (all of it)!!! LOL!!!

