$2.74 To $2740 within 10 days

Oh well.

I guess ‘that is that’ then!!! LOL!!!

Well let’s face it: she definitely wasn’t making her living from trading FOREX and if she WAS then I shudder to think what she’s going now!!! LOL!!!



btw, traders is not robots, we have human values …

Bride.RU | Russian brides | Russian women | Russian girls Find someone here before this life hit in SL :stuck_out_tongue:


The sad part is that it’s also the reason why we all ‘fu*k up’ in this business (myself included) every now and then!!! LOL!!!



Good afternoon, Dale!

I’d go as far and say that the more one can trade like a bot, without any human “values”, the more probably a successful outcome is, lol. Now, don’t tell those railroad ceo’s in here to buy the next black box “rich in a eyewink - robot blablabla” system out there, rotflmao, lol! Or maybe you should tell them, because some seem to be a little of a contrarian, albeit in a contrarian-contrarian way, lol. :smiley:

Cheers! :slight_smile:

"The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” - Thomas Edison

“Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” - Albert Einstein

This already discussed in FB but it was up side down … lol WOW, you copied from there then post opp side ? lol

leandar : Are you from Malaysia? you seem to remind me about someone I knew.

I didn’t copy it from anywhere. I simply know it (found it sometime last year or the year before on the Internet)!!! LOL!!!

Strange though that you had it on FaceBook in the same place as the other quote!!! LOL!!!



No, :smiley: is he also doubling money daily?


You’re on a bit of a ‘slippery slope’ there leandar using the word ‘also’!!! LOL!!!



Mr. Edison and Mr. Einstein were without doubt some very wise men, but even the wisest man may say some stupid things every now and then, so I’d all take it with a grain or 2 of salt, lol.

While in general one may agree with those quotes, if it comes to practical approaches, we can see that those quotes make no sense without revelation to what it was relevated.

For instance:

Take our first quote from Sir Edison and so you run against a wall with your head over and over again umtil the wall breaks? I wouldn’t consider this a wise practical approach, lol.

Take our second quote from Sir Einstein and examining quarks with the same method would also probably prove this quote as a non practical approach, lol.

I am sorry and I hope you both bear with me if I bring in a little practice into those elite philosophies, lol.

I guess in trading there is only one truth and that is that risk equals reward on a bidirectional path. :wink:

I hope you know Mr. Einstein told “nothing is impossible” that’s what Mr. Edison did in his life,.

In school, the young Edison’s mind often wandered, and his teacher, the Reverend Engle, was overheard calling him “addled”. This ended Edison’s three months of official schooling…

Thomas Edison - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I told we can double money, the main reason is we loss more than double in a day why we cant do it opp side?, in which direction our loss is going and where?

Ok, over leverage is matter, but what is the maximum posiblilty ?

Please give me the answer. Then i will stop it.

You can give that answer to yourself. I can just give you my systemic approch to mechanical trading, based on my knowledge and experience:

Test your system properly over a period of minimum 2 years with minimum 100 trades without curve fitting and with as less free variables as possible (definitely only one digit number) and then look for your max. drawdown, multiply it by the factor of two and that is your max. risk what you should go with until switching off the system. Your reward will even with this approach as with any other approach be uncertain, but you have then control over your risk.

Regarding Einstein, as I said, it has nothing to do with what he says or said, it must be related to the thing what you can do. You can also say a hammer is a nice tool, having in mind to hammer a nail into the wall. Albeit if you think to use a hammer to cut bread, I’d say to say in general a hammer is a nice tool is a little foolish, no?

Then I’d also take into consideration that who want’s to jump high has to spend more time at the ground. The basics of financial risks are very well almost all exploited, because there were thousands of geniuses already and all found out sooner or later that all comes with a price. It doesn’t need another “I run with my head til the wall until the wall breaks” approach to recognize that risks rise with rewards.

I dont know why you guys even bother.

just for fun nikita.,

this is my settings 7 chart for 1min scalping Day EU chart for day or hours range

Live forward test in MyFxBook

Link no worky…

Good morning everyone.

Because we’ve also got far too much free time on our hands!!! LOL!!!

And besides and put it this way: Jesse Livemore died broke. So if leandar makes just $10 or doubles an account ONCE and KEEPS the money before his life ‘hit SL’ then that puts him one step ahead of one of the best or notorious stock traders in the world!!! LOL!!!


That link to MyFxBook doesn’t work. When a person clicks on it you are informed (basically) that you don’t have access to the page because it’s not your portfolio (or whatever the exact wording is).

Good idea though.

Far be it from me to tell you what to do but I THINK I know what you’re trying to do with this. Why don’t you ask PurplePatchForex to tell you about a trading system that used just two pairs to gauge the movement of EUR/USD and to trade only EUR/USD based on the movements of the other two pairs (sorry: I don’t have the details but they are around here somewhere). Put it this way: seeing as you’re obviously not concerned with risk or money management that COULD JUST work for you. Your setup just looks like too much information (you obviously don’t have to pay monthly for bandwidth)!!! LOL!!! But then hey: don’t let anybody put you off either. For all we know you could be a ‘natural’ and develop ‘the ultimate account doubling scalping system’. Stranger things have happened in this world you know and nothing is impossible!!! That being said: unfortunately ‘statistics’ are not in your favour. Then AGAIN we’ve all heard the saying: ‘their are lies, there are DAMN lies, and then there are statistics’ (something like that)!!! LOL!!!



ok, now

i remember someone sent his mail box link before to read his mails