$650 starting balance to $40,000 per month

looks for his bat…

Yeah but guess what? Einsteins theories could be independently verified & proven, this guy’s can’t, so why would you even bother comparing the two?

& it would be even more childish to believe him.

Fair point, but I doubt you grew up in a caravan or lived under a bridge as a child. We don’t see doctors pay slips but [B]generally[/B] I see them driving nice cars & living in nice houses, good enough evidence for me.

& if I wanted more I could look up the stats right here;
New Zealand General Practitioner (GP) Doctor Salaries

Which took me less then a minute to do. Trying the same with forex as the search subject gets me a load of what drips out the back end of a bull on a rainy day… funny that… :33:

But more then likelythe Op is just a pimply faced teenager in his bedroom fantasizing away, which he’s welcome to & you’re more then welcome to believe him, but bleating in his defense makes you sound suspiciously like a bucket shop broker spinning your delusion to the gullable.

You see it’s human nature for us to want to believe a lie, [B]if it gives us hope & makes us feel good about what we are doing[/B], feel free, but don’t expect everyone to follow along behind you.

Have a nice day :slight_smile:

Thanks I really enjoyed those compliments…

Sorry if I offended for being a believer in positive thinking. I guess all it means I have had more exposure and life experience ;-). I don’t believe or disbelieve the guy I just hate negative attitudes from people who are obviously bad at something. Investment banking or finance of any kind is the highest paid profession. In the UK it is in fact many of the well known companies and perhaps who you work for are funded by firms who deal in the markets.

So this obviously leads to one conclusion. They are better at the job than you are and in fact money can be made trading currency or any other instrument, even insurance whether in wall street or in your flat IF you know what you are doing…Again to quote Earl Nightingale “You can succeed in any profession if you know what you are doing and you are good at it”.

The OP is claiming he knows what he is doing and is a success. I can’t see how you saying he isn’t a success makes you any better than him… So again to conclude you are probably no good at trading but you like finance and made some bad career choices so on a whole now you have to prove that he is wrong because IF he is right (CAN’T BARE TO THINK IT) then you are a failure and should call your broker withdraw all your cash and do something nice before the market claims it all.

In the meantime congratulate the OP and wish him well and it is up to the other viewers to decide if his story is real or not. I see a few already deciding it gives them hope…

[QUOTE=“emeraldorc;591704”] Thanks I really enjoyed those compliments… Sorry if I offended for being a believer in positive thinking. I guess all it means I have had more exposure and life experience ;-). I don’t believe or disbelieve the guy I just hate negative attitudes from people who are obviously bad at something. Investment banking or finance of any kind is the highest paid profession. In the UK it is in fact many of the well known companies and perhaps who you work for are funded by firms who deal in the markets. So this obviously leads to one conclusion. They are better at the job than you are and in fact money can be made trading currency or any other instrument, even insurance whether in wall street or in your flat IF you know what you are doing…Again to quote Earl Nightingale “You can succeed in any profession if you know what you are doing and you are good at it”. The OP is claiming he knows what he is doing and is a success. I can’t see how you saying he isn’t a success makes you any better than him… So again to conclude you are probably no good at trading but you like finance and made some bad career choices so on a whole now you have to prove that he is wrong because IF he is right (CAN’T BARE TO THINK IT) then you are a failure and should call your broker withdraw all your cash and do something nice before the market claims it all. In the meantime congratulate the OP and wish him well and it is up to the other viewers to decide if his story is real or not. I see a few already deciding it gives them hope…[/QUOTE]

You are just hell bent on making an ass of yourself.

So a difference of opinion, or disbelief makes someone a looser and a failure, right? I guess gullibility is the trait of the successful financier. Hahaha!!! At least you are funny… I will give you that.

What is a successful finance pro like you doing in a place like this? I mean, you’ve lowered yourself to Babypips. A place, according to you, that is crawling with failures and supply chain managers. My guess is to drum up some business. I don’t have a problem with that, just stop acting like you are genius riding the small bus to school… you are still in the small bus, with everyone else.

Let me blunt, if you believe this story has an ounce of truth behind it you are a moron… Specially since the OP has been exposed as a FRAUD with evidence from this very forum. Is reading two absolutely contradictory post about his background beyond your capacity?

You’re welcome! I like giving compliments :smiley:

Uh huh, you’re right, but this guy didn’t come from an investment bank, he was a grease monkey @ a lube shop which is similar to my profession (& I’m not ashamed about that.) & after three months demo he’s a killer 4X trader making wayyy more then investment bankers [B]And[/B] with a mere $650.00!!! Just who are we kidding here lol!

Yup I am a lousy trader & that’s why I’m here on babypips.
& if I didn’t believe money could be made trading 4X I wouldn’t be here.

I never said I was any better, infact my handle here suggests the exact oppisite, I’m a total Greenie (newb) when it comes to 4X & I can prove it, unlike the OP :wink:

Nup, I don’t have to prove anything, I’m not the one making outlandish statements on this thread… you got the wrong guy.

I’ll absolutely totally congratulate him, if he can show me something of substance… I’ll happily eat my words & openly declare him [B]King[/B] of Babypips cause his is the most outlandish story I’ve read on here.

Yeah well people hope in all sorts of weird crap, they’re welcome to it, but when the means are there to[B] actually prove[/B] what you’re claiming & you don’t? well… nuf said

Happy trading! :slight_smile:

LoL, the way he speaks of traders at investment banks as some geniuses. A simple read of the news will point out how much in losses some traders are bringing in to these big firms.

You are just hell bent on making an ass of yourself.

Harsh but okay!!

So a difference of opinion, or disbelief makes someone a looser and a failure, right? I guess gullibility is the trait of the successful financier. Hahaha!!! At least you are funny… I will give you that.
Thank you…

What is a successful finance pro like you doing in a place like this? I mean, you’ve lowered yourself to Babypips. A place, according to you, that is crawling with failures and supply chain managers. My guess is to drum up some business. I don’t have a problem with that, just stop acting like you are genius riding the small bus to school… you are still in the small bus, with everyone else.
LOL Joker!!! Successful financier?? Genius?? Hmmm! I am on a Masters programme so these Forums do help but never mind…

Let me blunt, if you believe this story has an ounce of truth behind it you are a moron… Specially since the OP has been exposed as a FRAUD with evidence from this very forum. Is reading two absolutely contradictory post about his background beyond your capacity?
I am sure he is a fraud but I hate Cyber bullying so had to play devils advocate but you Americans have no sense of humour.

Relax Buddy!! I am still a normal guy said that on other posts and yes I have dealt in the equity markets not as a financier but what does it matter you were out for blood and I don’t mind a bit of word throwing. So let’s just say OP was a fraud and everyone ghosted him. Do we feel better? I am going to go back to watching Walter White humour me you can go back to slating Mr Fraud here…

Have fun!!!

  • kicks in the door

Who called?

I love these types of threads where people take time to carefully construct a reply to each and every individual comment which reads in the most condescending way possible. Good entertainment :wink:

Now that made me smile!

This Thread needed something… A real story. Success in FX does not go unnoticed. BEWARE!!! It could be you… Haha!

FSA arrests 23-year-old City trader | Business | The Guardian

Ha ha nice one!

If you go to his website it’s a blank domain up for sale, wonder where he is now? :56:

[QUOTE=“emeraldorc;592336”]This Thread needed something… A real story. Success in FX does not go unnoticed. BEWARE!!! It could be you… Haha! FSA arrests 23-year-old City trader | Business | The Guardian[/QUOTE]

Of course it did not go unnoticed, he flaunted his wealth all over the place.
Great story though.

What did he do wrong? Only that he traded other people’s money without properly declaring it?? I guess he upset some people by not giving them their cut.

Bill Lipschutz - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ooops! Sorry! I can’t help myself. Another real story… The American dream right there…

It seems all these guys were just like everyone here, accidentally stumbling into FX trading making a mint some blow it all others quietly invest and grow bigger. The Unknown soldiers…

The reason why you don’t here city traders making noise about FX is…In case you haven’t noticed their are those who believe stocks are king and FX is for wannabe traders (Like us). So all those guys who love the centralized exchanges and market inefficiencies are saying FX is really 10% max of any diversified portfolio and doesn’t need to be traded in a retail fashion.

Take a look at the ‘famous’ Anton Kreil, Goldman Sachs Broker, retired at 28, questionably the most successful trader in the City of London, he echoes the exact same thing To quote

“FX is done, you can’t make money on it, the entire area around the LSE is taking up for servers that are computing FX algorithm trades, this has reduced volatility and without volatility you can’t make money. My advise take a monthly longterm view on a currency pair and limit it to 10% max of your portfolio”

Anton Kriel, at Cass Business school

So what hope do hour and minute traders have? The game offers success but long-term success and no doubt you can make £100,000 from a start of £1000 in under 5 years but you have to know what you are doing…

If AK says that is not really possible to make money from FX why would he tell people to have FX in their portfolios. He should said 0% and not 10% if he is right. I think people some days say black and some days they say white.

Machines are better than humans in speed of calculation but humans are better in pattern recognition, and that is the base of technical analysis.

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Talented programmers can easily create pattern recognition robots. It’s only a matter of breaking down the human psychology of the recognition and probability (based on the strength of the signals). Almost every single pattern has some sort of mathematical significance in ratios and number relationships, which is why they stand out to your brain in the first place. The human brain is both remarkably simple and astoundingly complex. Programs certainly could (and have) been created which recognize the same relationships as humans do, and in some cases can even grow and modify themselves based on past results.

I disagree in what I’ve marked in bold. Up to this point real AI hasn’t been developed and computers have not learned to learn by themselves, just learn what they are taught to learn.

A computer can recognize a pattern as long as all the pattern parameters match with what what the computer know. Probably they can learn (I’m not into neuronal networks) but the complexity behind that logic can be extremely huge. I still stand by the fact that humans are better recognizing patterns.

In fairness - after reading three different articles on it - it sounds like his crime was pretty minor, at least in terms of morality. From what I’ve read, he wasn’t ‘cheating’ or ‘stealing’ people’s money. He was making a fortune and became a bit of a celeb…and then he started giving advice to people without being ‘licensed’ for it.

When I first saw it, I assumed he was running some sort of ponzi-scheme.

If AK says that is not really possible to make money from FX why would he tell people to have FX in their portfolios.

True… However I think it is something to do with diversified portfolios having risk spread against various asset classes, currency is an asset class. So investments tend to be put into different risk categories by clever people who compute all this stuff, usually analysts who have strong mathematical backgrounds.

So he was probably saying only trade FX as part of a diversified portfolio but not on its own.

Can’t get investors thinking they can flock from stocks to FX, can we now??

Story checks out, I believe him.

Whether the story is true or not it’s still an inspirational story. But I can’t help but see the irony in him praising god when the number [B]666[/B] is in his name. :18: