A brief share, questions around volume, any contribution welcome

Advertising what? Information?

Hardly. Note I have no products and this thread has been running longer than 27 posts :). No offence intended… Merry Christmas Isabel!

Thanks. I plan to be more reliable with updating content and make it more specific.

Man of the kiwi I should call you. I am finally trading MT4 again. No CFDs on ctrader… Into a lot of commodities and equities. Closed my share account and moved into CFD. Short MSFT at the moment and doing well. Long S&P 500 since yesterday.

All fun and games.

Ah! Hello! Well, Christmas is coming up, as you say… so not much to do now except closing the books, etc.

Yes, you may call me ‘man of the Kiwi’… I like the simplicity of knowing one pair well… I am keeping my

eye out for NZD/JPY too but I have made NZD/USD my staple diet… This way, I can ‘see’ what is going on,

without too much noise… At the end of the day, although there may be the word ‘NZD’ in all them, pairs

like GBP/NZD, EUR/NZD, and AUD/NZD may all react differently to NZD/USD, depending on the correlation

strength to that pair at any given time… So it may be that the week of the 29th Sep., with the massive

drop in NZD/USD, all of them reacting in sync with this pair, but on other occasions, EUR/NZD may follow

more the EUR/USD than NZD/USD, GBP/NZD may be influenced more by GBP/USD than NZD/USD, and so on,

making one-directional currency baskets a very tricky thing to manage, because you would have to know how

different fundamentals interplay in a number of combinations, and you could end up really confused and losing


Better, for me, to know how the fundamentals/technicals of one currency play against those of another, and

just be content with following that story, and follow it well…

So, for now, I am indeed a ‘Kiwi’ trader!

Happy days!

Good luck shorting Microsoft (my, has it not come a long way since 2010)! And, as for the S&P500,

in spite of all the talk of complacency, it …just keeps on rising…

Closed MSFT yesterday on that gap open. S&P 500 is also closed today.

Merry Christmas!



Great video!! Right back to V.P.A. basics! Excellent!!

FxPro USDJPY D1 xsLwn | cTrader

I have this question a lot, when is Yen buying going to commence? In my opinion I think we are in a bull trap evident from the volume decline and we can see this is a potentially extended 5th wave correcting. My sell preference was at 121.79 and would have made for some tidy profits if managed well. We have structure at 124.05 and 121.87. So watch those levels. I still think longterm the Yen will correct to 111.12. A good chance we will see 123.60 at which point my sell order will be waiting. There is some serious confluence in that area and it so close to our 124.05 structure. Good luck if you take this trade into the New Year.

I am not doing any trading but I can never stay away from the markets. Anyway off to watch the new series Marco Polo which has consumed me.

FxPro GBPUSD D1 DfLwn | cTrader

This was my last currency trade for the year still in it. I will be aggressively managing this trade, simply because the volume is falling so the move lower is weakening and the pending reversal will come without warning but this is a structure trade. Look at that 61.8 ext confluence with the support from January 2012. Good buy area, will consider a buy limit at that structure as well.

Worth a share. Would have gone to see him if I knew he was here. Very unique perspective on the
Market and he trades everything he teaches. One of the few educators that trades his account with his students. If I was going to pay to sit in a live trading room it will be his. Great guy!

Nice one, thanks

Hi and happy 2015!
I just posted this about the USD/JPY:http://forums.babypips.com/forextown/65410-my-article-trading-nzd-jpy-long-term-reversal-downside-5.html


2015, time for the crash of the Euro the pattern that has formed normally sees a crash. The Dow Jones is now in a 5th wave from the 1931 low and will potentially top out at any point from now till 2020. I will be there to sell it no doubt when it does. Just need to make sure my broker is still standing when it does happen… :slight_smile:

Much to look forward to…

I like your thinking!!! Indeed, some of these markets have been around longer than our brokers, and may overrun them…

Some say that the Euro may run down to parity (1.00) against the UD Dollar… Who knows how long that will take…

As you say: a lot to look forward to!

The support is at 0.89 so will not be suprised.

Hey Pip do you remember this chart a few months ago? It looks like we continued to see a slide. I was wrong on the buy zones.

Fast forward…

It seems like we are now at that 1.27 fibonacci, no more shorting till that zone breaks. There is a reaction but will it hold? We shall see…

Hello Emerald,

it looks like your bat pattern was a correct forecast… Shorting the AUD/NZD would have given you a lot of smug pleasure, undoubtedly!

I was a bull for this pair for the first few months of 2014 but then I just focussed on shorting NZD/USD when I saw that the Aussie-Kiwi had started to struggle…

Given that it has broken the weak uptrend, and that it did so on the RBA’s dovish bid rather than on a more bullish RBNZ, going long for 2015 on this pair cannot be done on technical levels alone… Also, both Australia and New Zealand have a strong interconnectedness, given their dependency on Chinese trading, so the AUD/NZD’s fundamentals are not the most straightforward for gauging the pair’s future leaning, just like it could be said, to a lesser degree, for another pair whose currencies belong to strongly interdependent countries, namely USD/CAD.

Anyway, I am pleased to see that my patience has paid off and that NZD/USD has regained its bearish trend momentum after a few weeks of desperately scrambling back up to that accursed 0.78 level… This could have an interesting development for other Kiwi pairs, including our very own AUD/NZD…

Will you trade it, Emerald?

If a it breaks I will trade it but the big move has no doubt gone. I am adding this to my currency portfolio which I am trying to diversify because of this Dollar strength. So I am looking to limit Dollar exposure to maybe Euro and Cable and then start looking at more commodity dolls and crosses Sterling Krone and and Euro Yen.

2015 will be looking a lot at commodity futures and Indices and T Bonds, some strong moves expected and 4 to 5 Good currency pairs.

Talking Points from this week’s volume report:
[li][I]Multi-year lows in the euro, but volume still lacking[/I]
[/li][li][I]USD/JPY consolidation occurring on low turnover[/I]

[B]Daily Volume Chart: EUR/USD[/B]