A guide to teaching threads on babypips as of Oct 2013

So apparently there was some drama, and I missed it. :frowning:

In case you think I am ‘sour grapes’ or doing this because ‘I am underwater’ or ‘lost my shirt’ or ‘am not profitable’ I have already shown my verified trading record (not screenshots or excel charts which are easily faked in 2-3 minutes) to some of the senior

This is for the people who misse

[QUOTE=“kitnik;554188”]Hey, what about the same for the senior members you mention - MT, Pizza and Simon? Or there are no threads and the guys just shepherd the weak through the valley of darkness?[/QUOTE]

I think I was namedropped in the original post purely as I have been around a few years, have a high postcount and am a full time trader. But just to be clear, I don’t have my own thread on BP, never have, and am not teaching or selling anything. I certainly don’t ‘shepherd the weak through the valley of darkness’. At least, I’m not aware of doing any shepherding. Indeed, I do very little around here, these days, as trying to help tends simply to get one shouted at!

But please don’t assume that all you read on BP is accurate or paints a reliable picture. It isn’t.


I noticed you conveniently left out the fact that I traded stock/options for almost a decade. That of course doesn’t fit your agenda, so I can’t say I’m surprised. I just wonder how many of the other teachers you have listed, you decided to leave import facts out of. This reminds me of the same high quality reporting we get out of the mainstream media.
Lets see, you are known by many as a troll, get banned from threads for harassing and accusing the starters of the thread and you pick and choose the facts that fit your agenda. So I am not sure who is worse, the teachers you mentioned that may or may not have a quality method they teach, or someone that falls into the list of impeccable traits that you possess.

Although this isn’t the reason why I am writing you I just wanted to let you know you forgot to add that your list that I also banned you from my thread.

Traded stock options? I can see no proof, however I am not asking for any,
just keep posting the gems as below.

Thought I would bring over that post from your other thread. :lmao:

You have no proof I have only traded for 6 months, except for my word. So why choose to accept some of my words and not others? Again the agenda here shines as bright as day.

My 2 threads have over 60,000 views in 2 weeks, if I was worried about people seeing my postings, I simply wouldn’t have posted it. What a bombshell you have uncovered here though! I work 60 hours at a full time job, run 2 juggernauts of threads, a website, write articles, create videos, run a facebook trading page and have a family. What a shocker that I didn’t remember that NFP was on a Tuesday!

My members know I am not an empty suit, they expect a real person just like them.

Don’t listen to trolls and haters krugman. I think price action and ignoring news like you teach is how pros trade. Pros can’t be bothered by such negativity. I learn all about price action from threads. Very good.


Don’t forget about me. I want to be added to the crooks label.


Krugman you have a paying service? Oh the horror, say it aint so. Krugman good for you that you actually think your time is worth something.

If you are being sarcastic, keep it up :35:.

Dude, the problem is people want to copy other people and are too lazy to learn to trade. You more than likely will fall into that category I’m fairly sure.

Some how the guy who wants proof in a world of endless lies is the lazy one? I thought we were supposed to learn from our past.

Now we can have a debate about the nature of the debate. Got to love BP.

They are known, actually 100 yrs ago were known, as leaners and not learners.

Point is, trade, continue with what went well, bin what didn’t and be consistent.

Or do what most people do and spend hours and hours reading, system hopping, chasing price and blowing account after account.

Classic babypipps. make a statement meant to be taken as fact without any source. good to be back

It is factual. Try it sometime, you’ll be amazed I assure you.

Thanks for the info, it’s really a save point for a newbie like me, will do more research and learn more, will try not to be too naive, thanks again…

Just popped in to say this - Bun I emailed you to request it to be taken down a few days ago, but I guess you didn’t check your email and your PM/VM are disabled. Would be grateful if you took the images down.

Newbies I would also advise you to check out zulutrade, this is the best place to actually start trading forex - save yourserlf time, money and efforts than actually trying to learn how to trade yourself. There is no much need for that, when there are alternatives.