A legit broker (account manager) who'd be happy to trade for me and turn $200 into $20K in 2 months or less?

Not entirely, but one has to present a certain image ! :wink:

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Indeed we do… hehe
I can respect that :stuck_out_tongue:

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Do you think these people are Realy Real.!

or just someone of babypips Testing us…? lol

Hmmm… Facebook my Nemesis

Thank you endlessly for all your contributions to this thread!

As a newbie to trading who likes thinking big and outside the box, I’ve been simply exploring all the available options for starting to make money in forex sooner rather than later. Anyway, having just learned about the PAMM account at alpari.com, I’ve realized that the option for hiring a trader to trade for me as far as the PAMM account is concerned, it’s not really worth my time and efforts since I don’t have much to invest at present and I’m not interested in peanuts kind of profit.

So, @_bob yeah, I’d be very interested in turning $200 into $200M in 6 months. :slight_smile:

Yeah, @LaughingCharlie your question is on its place, I totally agree with you.

By the way, I’ve read all your comments and can surely empathize with and understand the common sense reaction behind each of them. That said, I’ll most likely stick with the advice that I’ve learned in School of Pipsology and follow in your footsteps when it comes to being in control of my own financial future by trading for myself, despite the fact that I’m still being open and willing to consider any of your generous offers to trade for me with the aim of purely helping me stand back on my financial feet since I’ve been living on a state allowance for the unemployed for the last 4 years and am hungry for success.

Once again, thank you so much for all your contribution. I think that this forex trading community is the best I’ve experienced so far especially thanks to your friendly active engagement and willingness to help. Thumbs up to each one of you!!

Honestly, Bruno, this thread will help you more than any other in the whole forum:-


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ONLY $200M ???.. Why so Low :stuck_out_tongue:

Bruno… you know that saying… “Ja bi zelio Mercedez ali nemam para” (Translation for eveyrone else : I wish to have a Mercedez but i don’t have money to buy it)
well… Bruno, Same thing here.

you gotta understand a few things about forex, and you have to understand some level of logic when it comes to expectations

Now. don’t get me wrong, i’m all for shooting for the sky… Definitely
but Shoot for the sky with a Do-Able plan
So… Do you have a plan on paper or on a spreadsheet of how to achieve $200M in 6 Months ?

Look at this from another point of view, look at logic

James Hetfield, Been Rocking with Metallica for around 30 years now… let me slow down… red this again…
Now… how are you planning to achieving $200M in 6 Months
Logically, FOR THAT TO HAPPEN you would have to achieve (in 6 months) 60x the productivity and income that James could achieve in 6 months,
he’s on top of the world, you are unemployed… HOW ARE YOU PLANNING TO ACHIEVE THIS GOAL ?

Nicole Kidman
30 years… $130 Million, and Nicole is Disciplined.
How are you going to achieve more in 6 months than Nicole has achieved in her entire life ?
You need a plan to do this.

David Beckham - $450 Million
you want to achieve in 6 months, HALF of what david has achieved in his life…HOW ???

Ok… so let’s forget sports stars and Rock Stars, let’s look to people that actually invest, because PERHAPS YOU MIGHT SAY… “But Martin, Using leverage when trading is not the same as playing a Metallica gig”… TRUE TRUE
but, Metallica also hires finance experts that invest their money as well.
but… ok
TONY ROBBINS $480 Million
How do you plan to achieve HALF of what he has, and to achieve that goal in 6 months.
he’s been doing this for around 30 years.

Now… bill Gates 91 Billion, and he’s been working on his empire since the 70’s
so let’s average this out ok
let’s make the math easy and say 1978 - 2018 = 40 years
now let’s do this
91 billion 91,000,000,000 divided by 40 years = 2,275,000,000 (2.2 Billion per year average)
so approx $1.1 Billion per 6 months

so for you to achieve your goal you would have to be approx 6x less productive (BUT NO LESS THAN 6 X) than bill gates to achieve this
so… the question is… do you think you can achieve 1/6th of what bill achieves every 6 months ?

here is donald trump
his entire career and now he’s worth $3 billion
3,000,000,000 \ 30 years = 100 Million Average per year hence 50M in 6 months

how are you going to do this ?

can you see the problem ?

Having intensity and will to achieve is one thing mate,
but you need a plan to get there

Look, when i started out, i worked out ON A SPREADSHEET (i think it was around ) 6 Billion in like 8 Months

Now… ON PAPER the Math works
you have to test if these things are viable IN THE REAL WORLD, and after i tested it, i found that you can’t keep up this pace , so you need to modify the formula to suit something that is achievable

i am successful at trading today because i achieve what is achievable
Now… yes, there is also the discussion that maybe you could achieve more that i could… SURE, WHY NOT.
but i can only plan what i can achieve and you can only plan what you can achieve, but YOU HAVE TO PROVE THAT YOU CAN ACHIEVE IT otherwise it’s pointless

Your goal of going from $200 - $200M in 6 months
let me put it this way

I’ve been trading for 7 years
i now trade successfully

I DO NOT BELIEVE I COULD ACHIEVE THIS GOAL, , What makes you think you can ?

the only way is to pay someone who can.
but… what…??? do you think that you are going to give them like $300 and they are going say … ok, cool
then you have tax on that

You gotta be real my friend,
now i’m not trying to shoot you down, but all i will say is… PROVE ME WRONG, show me that your strategy will work… GO FOR IT ?

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@LaughingCharlie thanks a lot for the link to the thread that I loved. Yes, one of the main reasons that attracted me to the whole idea of trading is exactly because you’re constantly challenged by new different situations that are there to stimulate your conscious mind’s higher faculties like your imagination, your intuition and your creativeness that all go well beyond your actual skills, your hard work and your time invested when it comes to achieving your full potential.

When you start looking at yourself as part that’s blended with the unlimited ocean of divine universe through which you have direct access to all its omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent qualities that are there for you to use to achieve anything you truly want and desire, you’ll automatically be entering a whole new world.

If you’re a little bit confused about what I’m talking about, I highly recommend that you check out https://fieldparadigm.com/

Have an awesome weekend!
Best wishes!

@anon81929759 thanks a lot.

Yes, I do have a plan. And, that’s to live my true purpose and my full potential on earth.

And, you can do it too if you remember that the wealthiest asset you have is nothing but your brain.

Best regards!

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ah comeone martin, you corrected my english. dont make me start with your math mate :kissing_heart:


i’m already doing it.

thats awesome
Now, what is is…

you said this

and MORE SPECIFICALLY… what is that purpose, because this doesn’t really answer what i asked you,

Bruno. some advice my friend… Listen
my deda was one for philosophy , and that’s fine,
Philosophy will get you so far, but it won’t help you be successful in trading, Logic helps you be successful in trading, which is why i asked, WHAT IS YOUR PLAN… MATHEMATICALLY SPEAKING, what is it ?
the answer is Not “to achieve my true purpose in life” that’s merely philosophy which motivates you, but Motivation with a plan of attack is useless.

so… do you actually have a plan to achieve $200 M in 6 months

this math is not accurate, i know that.
i’m just averaging to prove a point, that’s all it is.

Sorry… i see what your saying
100 Million, Not 1 Billion[quote=“MrDE, post:27, topic:136190”]
here is donald trump
his entire career and now he’s worth $3 billion
3,000,000,000 \ 30 years = 1 billion Average per year

zero’s and all that hehe

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thanks for that mate, i’ve edited the original post to reflect a more accurate representation.
appreciate it


Thanks a lot for all your advices.

By the way, I never said that my goal is to make $200M in 6 months. I was just having a little bit of laugh with Bob. Hence I put a smiley immediately after my comment on it.

Furthermore, in the meantime, I have realized that forex trading is actually not something that I’m super excited to do at least for now. On that note, I have decided to close the discussion of this thread and not to attend it any longer.

Just before I leave, I’d like to share with you one of my favorite videos that’s titled “One Habit That Will Change Your World” (by Bob Proctor) where the key to achieving anything you truly desire is.

I wish you all the best!


Actually you did
it’s in the title WITHOUT A SMILEY

i took that literally,
so… You should have told me that you didn’t mean it literally

Anyway brate, given your decision, it’s been a Pleasure chatting to you
Take care my friend . Ziv Bio and Sve Najbolje ok

20k = 20.000
200m = 200.000.000

math again martin math again :laughing:

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i know , i know
Actually it’s 200M not 200m so there hehe

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The International Standard ISO 1000:1992/Amd 1:1998 says millions should be abbreviated to ‘M’.

However, according to the Australian Style manual: For Authors, Editors and Printers (2002), ‘m’ is preferable to ‘M’ as long as the context is clear. It says: ‘The use of ‘M’ to represent ‘million’ is uncommon in Australia and is not recommended.’

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Correct… 200M without context, would be normally taken as 200 Metres (Distance) in Oz.

k (1,000) and m (1,000,000) are standard financial measurements…

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