A little News Signal Help

A little help for tomorrow Monday July 2nd 2007.

YouTube - Forex News Day Trading Signal - 07/02/07

Good luck :slight_smile:

i like to watch this stuff too.

Yes, I think it is a great addition to have the audio format of the signal. Sometimes as I’m doing other work around the computer, it helps to just listen in :slight_smile:

Anyway, here is the signal for tomorrow, Tuesday July 3rd.

Good luck.

YouTube - Forex News Day Trading Signal - 07/03/07

Just so everyone knows - no signal tomorrow :slight_smile:

Happy 4th.

Hope everyone had a great 4th :slight_smile:

YouTube - Forex News Day Trading Signal - 07/06/07


  • Report: UK Industrial Production
  • Possible BUY on GBP/USD if reading comes out at 0.6% or higher
  • Possible SELL on GBP/USD if reading comes out at flat 0% or lower
  • Expect 40 pips move or more in the first hour of the report if a trigger is hit.


  • Report: Canadian Employment Change
  • Possible SELL on USD/CAD if reading comes out at 40,000 or higher
  • Possible BUY on USD/CAD if reading comes out at flat, 0 or negative
  • Expect 40 pips move or more on USD/CAD in the first hour of the report if a trigger is hit.


  • Report: U.S. Non-Farm Payroll Employment
  • Possible SELL on GBP/USD if reading comes out at 175,000 or higher
  • Possible BUY on GBP/USD if reading comes out at 75,000 or less
  • Expect 50 pips move (conservative) to as much as 80 pips or more in the first hour of the report if a trigger is hit.

Signal for tomorrow: YouTube - Forex News Day Trading Signal - 07/10/07


  • Report: UK Trade Balance
  • Sell on GBP/USD if the number will be -7.2 B or more negative
  • Buy on GBP/USD if the number will be -5.999 B or less negative
  • If the trigger is hit, expect 30 pips or more in the first hour of the report.

YouTube - Forex News Day Trading Signal - 07/11/07


  • Report: Australian employment
  • BUY on AUD/USD if the number will be 30,000 or higher
  • SELL on AUD/USD if the number will be 0 or negative
  • If the trigger is hit, expect 30 pips or more in the first hour of the report.

That’s all for tomorrow. We will have a relatively big day on Thursday so wait for my signal tomorrow.

YouTube - Forex News Day Trading Signal - 07/13/07


  • Report: U.S. Core Retail Sales
  • Sell on GBP/USD if the number will be 0.7% or higher
  • Buy on GBP/USD if the number will be -0.3% or more negative
  • If the trigger is hit, expect 40 pips or more in the first hour of the report.

Got some Kiwi trades tomorrow :slight_smile: Anyway hope everyone had a nice weekend.

YouTube - Forex News Day Trading Signal - 07/16/07


  • Report: New Zealand CPI
  • BUY on NZD/USD if the number will be 1% or higher
  • SELL on NZD/USD if the number will be 0.5% or lower
  • If the trigger is hit, expect 40 pips or more in the first hour of the report.
  • Report: Canadian Manufacturing Shipments
  • SELL on EUR/CAD if the number will be 1.4% or higher
  • BUY on EUR/CAD if the number will be -0.6% or more negative
  • If the trigger is hit, expect 40 pips or more in the first hour of the report.

Happy trading for Tuesday :slight_smile:

YouTube - Forex News Day Trading Signal - 07/17/07

  • Report: UK CPI
  • Sell on GBP/USD if the number will be 2.2% or lower
  • Buy on GBP/USD if the number will be 2.5% or higher
  • If the trigger is hit, expect 50 pips or more in the first hour of the report.

Here are some possible trades for Wednesday. Good luck :slight_smile:

YouTube - Forex News Day Trading Signal - 07/18/07


  • Report: UK BOE Minutes

  • BUY on GBP/USD if the vote was 8 to 1 or 9 to 0

  • SELL on GBP/USD if the number will be 5 to 4

  • If the trigger is hit, expect 40 pips or more in the first hour of the report.

  • Report: CANADIAN CPI Core y/y

  • SELL on USD/CAD if the number will be 2.7% or higher

  • BUY on USD/CAD if the number will be 2.4% or lower

  • If the trigger is hit, expect 40 to 50 pips or more in the first hour of the report.

  • Report: U.S. CPI CORE y/y

  • SELL on GBP/USD if the number will be 2.3% or higher

  • BUY on GBP/USD if the number will be 2.1% or lower

  • If the trigger is hit, expect 50 pips or more in the first hour of the report.

The end of the week is almost here :slight_smile:

YouTube - Forex News Day Trading Signal - 07/19/07


  • Report: UK Retail Sales
  • BUY on GBP/USD if the number will be 0.5% or higher
  • SELL on GBP/USD if the number will be 0.1% or lower
  • If the trigger is hit, we may see a move of 35 pips or more in the first hour of the report.

Good luck :smiley:

Finally, the last trade signal for the week :slight_smile:

YouTube - Forex News Day Trading Signal - 07/20/07


  • Report: UK GDP
  • BUY on GBP/USD if the number will be 0.8% or higher
  • SELL on GBP/USD if the number will be 0.6% or lower
  • If the trigger is hit, we may see a move of 40 pips or more in the first hour of the report.

Enjoy the weekend :slight_smile:

Hope everyone had a lovely weekend. Not too much happening tomorrow:

YouTube - Forex News Day Trading Signal - 07/23/07

Nothing from yesterday, and we have a minor day ahead tomorrow:

  • Report: Australian CPI q/q
  • BUY on AUD/USD if the number will be 1.2% or higher
  • SELL on AUD/USD if the number will be 0.7% or lower
  • If the trigger is hit, expect a move of 40 pips or more in the first hour of the report.
  • Report: Canadian CORE Retail Sales m/m
  • SELL on USD/CAD if the number will be 0.8% or higher
  • BUY on USD/CAD if the number will be 0.3% or lower
  • If the trigger is hit, expect a move of 30 pips or more in the first hour of the report.

Forex Trade Signal for Wednesday 7/25/07
Good luck guys :slight_smile: Could be some nice moves.

YouTube - Forex News Day Trading Signal - 07/25/07


  • Report: U.S. Existing Home Sales
  • BUY on GBP/USD if the number will be 5.6 M or lower
  • SELL on GBP/USD if the number will be 6.1 M or higher
  • If the trigger is hit, we may see a move of 40 pips or more in the first hour of the report.

YouTube - Forex News Day Trading Signal - 07/26/07


  • Report: US New Home Sales
  • SELL on GBP/USD if the number will be 950K or higher
  • BUY on GBP/USD if the number will be 820K or lower
  • If the trigger is hit, we may see a move of 40 pips or more in the first hour of the report.

:confused: Sorry I’m having a bad day today.

YouTube - Forex News Day Trading Signal - 07/27/07

Tomorrow we have only one report coming out that I feel is worth watching and possibly trading, and that’s the US GDP second-quarter advance reading. The good news is that this indicator is extremely important right now, and I think there will be some price volatility around it, and that indicator tends to give relatively big surprises quite often. The bad news is that we have 3 different numbers coming out that are important too. We have the GDP annualized headline number which is important, probably the most important and it’s expected at 3.2%; we have the personal consumption number which is also actually extremely important in this state of the economy, and is expected at 1.5%, and we have GDP price index which is inflationary measure, it’s expected to come out at 3.4%, and to add to all of these, we have core PCE which is the chosen indicator for inflation by the U.S. government. This indicator usually doesn’t deviate because CPI predict it very well so most likely it comes out close to expectations but if it surprises, it could also have an effect on the move. So generally speaking, I think if the GDP annualized comes out at 3.7% or higher, we may possibly see GBP/USD going down by 30 pips or more in the first few seconds of the report. On the other hand, if it comes out at 2.7% or lower, we may possibly see GBP/USD going up by 30 pips or more in the first few seconds of the report. What happens afterwards will largely depend on what the other numbers will be reading. We may see a big spike that will last 5 to 10 seconds, and then we may see a huge retracement and the price going to the opposite direction. Be more careful on long positions because a reading of 2.8 or 2.7 is a relatively strong reading for the U.S., and the move may not be as sustained as we wish it could be. All lower reading than that should cause GBP/USD to go up, and all higher readings that I provided - should cause GBP/USD to go down. Again, there are so many possibilities with all the different numbers so be extremely careful; if you don’t know what you’re doing, don’t trade it or wait for all the numbers, make sure there is no conflict, and perhaps wait for the retracement, and try to get a trade in right direction. If you see conflicting numbers, depending on how conflicting they are it may give an opportunity to enter trade but if you are new in this business, do not take unnecessary risk.

Got a lot of stuff happening :slight_smile:

YouTube - Forex News Day Trading Signal - 07/31/07


  • Report: Canadian GDP

  • SELL on USD/CAD if the number will be 0.6% or higher

  • BUY on USD/CAD if the number will be 0.2% or lower

  • If the trigger is hit, we may see a move of 40 pips or more in the first hour of the report.

  • Be aware of possible conflicts with U.S. reports, you may want to trade EUR/CAD then.

  • Report: U.S. Chicago PMI

  • SELL on GBP/USD if the number will be 62 or higher

  • BUY on GBP/USD if the number will be 55 or lower

  • If the trigger is hit, we may see a move of 30 pips or more in the first 15 minutes.

  • If you cannot get the number at 9:42, you may skip this report.

  • Report: U.S. Consumer Confidence

  • SELL on GBP/USD if the number will be 110 or higher

  • BUY on GBP/USD if the number will be 100 or lower

  • If the trigger is hit, we may see a move of 30 to 50 pips or more in the first hour of the report.

  • Report: Australian Retail Sales

  • BUY on AUD/USD if the number will be 1.5% or higher

  • SELL on AUD/USD if the number will be 0.5% or lower

  • If the trigger is hit, we may see a move of 30 or more in the first hour of the report.

  • Watch out for possible conflicts, read details about it.

YouTube - Forex News Day Trading Signal - 08/01/07

  1. Wednesday, August 1st, 2007 (4:30 a.m. New York Time) UK
    First of all, at 4:30 a.m. NY time we have UK manufacturing PMI which is expected to read 54 versus around 54.3 previous month. If the reading reads 55.5 or higher, it would be the highest reading ever, and I think GBP/USD may possibly go up by 40 pips or more in the first hour of the report. On the other hand, if the reading is at 52.5 or lower, it would be the lowest reading since 2006, and I think GBP/USD may possibly go down by 40 pips or more in the first hour of the report. Of course, it will depend on price levels right before the report meaning that if the price is too close to its strong support or resistance level, it may be a muted move.

  2. Wednesday, August 1st, 2007 (8:15 a.m. New York Time) USA
    Then, at 8:15 a.m. NY time we have ADP Non-Farm Employment change which is expected to read 100,000 versus 150,000 while the Non-Farm Payroll later this week is expected to read exactly the same: 135K versus 132K last month. ADP is supposed to predict Non-Farm Payroll but it’s not a very reliable indicator. If you want to trade, you can use the following triggers: if the reading comes out at 150K or higher, I think GBP/USD may possibly go down by 25 pips or more in the first 15 minutes of the report. On the other hand, if the reading comes out at 50K or lower, GBP/USD may possibly go up by 25 pips or more in the first 15 minutes of the report.

  3. Wednesday, August 1st, 2007 (10:00 a.m. New York Time) USA
    Then, at 10 a.m. NY time we have ISN manufacturing index coming out. It is relatively important indicator; however, it will be interesting to see whether or not it moves the market because it seems like lately not too many people care about U.S. manufacturing. It is expected to read at 55.3 versus 56 last month so it is supposed to slow a little bit. In my opinion, if it reads at 56.5 or higher, that would actually be a surprise because manufacturing actually improved versus a little worse reading previously, and I think GBP/USD may possibly go down by 30 pips or more in the first hour of the report. On the other hand, if the report comes out at 54 or lower, it would be a pretty big jump from previous month, much worse reading, and I think GBP/USD may possibly go up by 30 pips or more in the first hour of the report. Watch out for manufacturing prices, and home sales at the same time. If the deviation is bigger, the move may be a lot bigger as this indicator can move the market by as much as 70 to 80 pips so be aware of it.