A picture is worth

Just remembering

Nice shots.

“A banker is a fellow who lends you his umbrella when the sun is shining, but wants it back the minute it begins to rain.”
-Mark Twain.

Spectators watch a total solar eclipse from Ellis Beach in Queensland, Australia, on Nov. 14.
Eclipse-hunters flocked to northeast Australia to witness the first total solar eclipse in Australia in a decade
and the last eclipse of its kind that anyone will see until 2015. (photo and caption - NBC News)

More space pictures — Year in Space: 2012 - Slideshows and Picture Stories - NBCNews.com



300 year old Antonio Stradivari violin.

my attempt at recreating his wood finish on a decorative i-phone veneer.


Quayside Marina, Vancouver, BC. We stay here on our boat sometimes with our group…when it’s nice, it’s really nice :slight_smile:

Desolation Sound, BC. I took this pic last summer. “Shine Bright Like A Diamond” :slight_smile:

This is sight I woke up to one morning in Prideaux Haven, an achorage spot in Desolation Sound, BC :slight_smile:

Nice view SweetP

Cool pictures sweet pip. I always dreamed of being a live-aboard sailor. Looks like you are living the dream:)

One of our many “raft ups”…our boat is first at the left :slight_smile:

An inlet named “Von Donop” in Desolation Sound/Discovery Islands, BC

Beautiful SP, looks much like Sweden actually :wink:

One of my “reflections of boating” pics :slight_smile:

This is the breakwater at a Marina we stayed in up the coast in a little town called Gibsons. There was a TV show filmed there a long time ago called “The Beachcombers” :slight_smile:

That would make a nice desktop wallpaper