A winner on every trade? Is it possible?

Maybe. Maybe not:)

It all depends on the ideals one measures success against.

You are absolutely correct of course.

I have just visited the track record again and…[B]OMG !![/B]…I see what he means by a good liquidation now.

In the light of that, let me rephrase my question.

Based on the track record he is showing, are you a better trader than he is ?

There are a lot of question marks in his reporting system.

We can’t see what pairs, we don’t know time of trades, or duration. We have no idea of unrealized loss, or drawdown. We can’t see stop placement, and I assure you for that size of leverage he’s using, he NEEDS stops.
So there are too many unknown factors to give you a valid opinion on his trading methods.

As for am I better?

I don’t think one successful trader is ever better than another, just different.

I am highly risk averse. I like safe plays, and manageable margins. Leverage is not my best friend, it’s almost an enemy.

But bottom line is I HATE losing.

I wrapped up all my personality traits, and found a way to make it work.

Better? No. Just different.

I won’t post my live account results, but here is a snapshot of my most recent demo activities, it’s not very recent, and there has been very little activity on this account over the last 4 months.

I would post the trades, but then I’d give the secret away;)

Not up for throwing that out on the internet.

OMG… You are not better…you are way way way better. AWESOME comes to mind.

Can I place money with you ?

I can put the other $500 with you.

What do you say ?

Somehow my posts are not getting through.

Can I put money for you to trade ?

Oh. It did get through after all but with a delay somewhat.


Of course it’s possible to win 100% of the time. All you gotta do is never close out your trade and dont use stops. It’s like poker. Going all in works everytime but the last.

I really can’t tell if this guy is serious or not. If so, then it is only a matter of time before you are parted with your money. I don’t believe that you are a complete newb in trading, yet you give money to some guy who has posted a “100% winning track record” from just the last 2 weeks or so. I’d like to think that people have a bit more sense than that.

I could never understand why people expect to live off of other peoples signals. You are essentially saying that you are not good enough to trade on your own, in which case you need to not trade at all.

If you are joking, then congrats on duping the many users here.

I do trade a few other accounts, but it’s for family and some close friends.

I’m not sat up to trade outside of that circle.

Someday, maybe. But not now.

Why don’t you learn to trade?

If I can do it, you can too.

I am not new to trading, I am brand new to trading forex.

I am an investor, so I look for people who can do well. In simple words, I don’t trade the market, I trade the trader.

I do enough due diligence and can fish out the real deals from the fakes. Like forex, I don’t expect to get it right all the time but once I have found a good one, I don’t have to do anything with charts or lines or supports or resistance or flags or triangles and everything else that is confusing…I just trade the bottomline.

Ok. Your choice.

I only make the offer once. I don’t come back second round.

I’m pretty sure I’ve got $500 laying around to make the difference up with:)

But I do appreciate the vote of confidence!

Then it is my loss.

Thats even worse. Now you can’t say you didn’t know any better.

Which part of your fishing technique says it’s ok to trust somebody with a 2 week track record?

What makes you so sure that I am trusting him on a 2 week record ?

Because you said so?

Or is it YOU say I said so ??

I really cannot understand your need to manufacture untruths or fabricate things in order to try and support your false statements. What do you gain by it?

Just because you jumped to the false notion that I put my money in based on a 2 week track record does not mean that is the case and to try and bend things about to fabricate that I have said it so myself makes you look pathetic.

Why expend the effort to make yourself look so bad in the eyes of those that look up to you for wisdom ?

I really cannot understand the motivation for this exercise in futility.

Amigo… and the point being ??

Yes…ok. So the loss I saw was not a trade loss but a swap loss. What then is a gap ?

This would mean then that he has not had a losing trade. As an investor, this is normally a red flag for the first thing that comes to mind is manipulation.

What I would really like to know is in forex, is it really possible to NOT ever have a loss. If it is possible or likely in some trade system or method then a manipulation of the numbers might not be there.

If a loss must always be present then I would have to get suspicious.

Thank you for your inputs Amigo