Am I Lucky...Or What?

All I see are screenshots, bragging, and arguing. Unless I missed something, did he defraud someone or take someone’s money and not deliver something as promised?

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That’s Step 1 of a scam…

If the OP is messaging you with an offer or solicitation, that would go against the forum rules and he should be reported in that case.

On the contrary. He is the one offering to fund me if I prove to him that my account is real. I have never offered to sell anyone anything in all my years here. How long has he been on this forum?

You are bragging about “great returns and profitability” when you cant prove it.

Lets not pretend, you are fishing for idiots to fall for your scam.

To be fair, I only asked because an accusation of a crime is usually accompanied by evidence of said crime. Unless we’re convicting people of crimes that haven’t been committed yet like in Minority Report with Tom Cruise.

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Well, considering OP’s lies have been debunked, not sure how he can continue with his scam.

I know this piece of news will make some people happy but I have taken a decision to cease my postings on here. It appears all I’ve been trying do all this time to do assist people on their forex trading journey is not appreciated. What shocked me the most though was the almost tangible envy that exists among some here. I am clueless as to what I would have to gain by coming here and doctoring photos to show what I have been showing from day one. Apparently these people think I dont have better things to do with my time.
Now you cant make this stuff up. New guy comes on and in under two days without knowing anything of what I am about accuses me of trying to scam people. As to exactly what that scam is I am not clear as I have never offered to sell anything to anyone here. Curiously enough that accusation was made AFTER that person messaged me privately asking to fund me. I guess my refusal upset him. But ask yourselves this question…a new guy appears and within a day finds a way to insert not one but 2 links (in one thread) to a video of his trading prowess (it’s also in his bio) making 400% in one week. Now why would he want to fund me? This is the guy accusing me of trying to scam people. And ask yourselves why he hasnt been posting right now. That must be a record for the quickest ban on here.
In any case I think I am done with posting on here but I sincerely hope all the stuff I’ve posted over course of my time here has helped even one of you. This is one for the road


Enjoy. And a big thank you to those who have been supportive of what I have been trying to do on here…motivate and show fellow traders what is possible in trading and especially with small accounts. And for the record the account balance is actually over $330 (hence my increased lot size) because the chart here doesnt take the swaps into account. I wonder what the ROI is by now? And what will it be if I decide to cease trading for the rest of 2024? And still zero losses since that deposit of $100 in January…probably somewhere near 300 trades.


From what I see, you can simply prove everyone wrong with an investor login or a LIVE login, but you choose to do neither.

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Says the guy who joined the site a mere 10 hours ago, responded to only 2 threads, read all my previous posts and deduced that I was a liar. lol. I was wondering how it was taking you so long to make another account and pick up where you left off. And you and your clown friend up top pushing so hard for me to provide an investor login, live login, and video dont even understand with your brilliant selves that I am not seeking investors. In fact were I to put out such information it could be construed as soliciting. But then again maybe that was your plan all along.


That’s irrelevant.

If you’re truly legitimate, you can simply give an investor login or do a video of a LIVE login and silence every single critic.

Instead, you choose to spend more time posting rubbish.

You can keep going, but anyone with an ounce of a brain will see you’re the liar. :slight_smile:

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Keep posting. I find the thread entertaining. It wouldn’t hurt to post a tradingview chart of your trades.

I am trying to make the connection between what you’re posting and trading psychology. This seems more like a journal and I’m wondering if there is a psychological component here.

Some people have a way of killing the vibe. They’re probably really fun at parties too. :rofl:


Good to see there are some people on here who get it.


Goate - you titled the thread wrong.

I cannot see any sense of luck - what i do see is hard work.

FX, is up & down, none more so that Usd/Yen - the power/economics of the dollar vs the risk view of Yen - it swings with economics vs geo risk

It makes sense to capitalize on this see-saw - there are 2 key elements - ride the downside in the knowledge that the upside will happen - or vs versa

This approach doesn’t fit all fx - thinking of the beast for eg - but it still need 100% attention.

Don’t let naysayers who seemingly have just joined cause you to leave - do your own thing, keep posting and enjoy what you do.


I see you’ve been banned for soliciting, so not sure why I’m replying but I will.

My reply calling this guy out is nothing to do with his trading style, it is to do with him posting these aggressive claims and pictures over the years that never show a losing trade. I caught him out with the timestamps showing he held through about an 80% drawdown and was claiming the same nonsense in this thread.

I have no problem with aggressive trading and no stop losses, but what I do know from experience is that it does bite you at times and not admitting that makes you a scammer that’s fishing for something. There’s no way you trade a $100 account if you’ve never lost a trade as he so often claims.

This is a site for beginners, it’s hard for them to know the truth. I’m trying to call it out so they aren’t pming this guy to lose their money.

As for my thread, I stopped trading manually and withdrew the profits. Now I only use my bot because I found it sticks to my strategy much better than I do. The gains are slower, but the big losses should be less frequent although not impossible.


I think someone mentioned live trade data somewhere up above. This being the weekend there is no trade taking place re the instrument I trade. Unfortunately for some of my friends there are still no losing trades since depositing that $100 earlier this month and there are no open trades as was suggested either. Ouch. And for those suggesting photoshop the trades here can be matched against the trades on the earlier screenshot up top. Once again I have included the daily confirmation from my brokers.

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For the record all I am doing here is not to be construed as me offering any service in any way shape or form to anyone. I am not selling anything or offering any service. And I am not encouraging anyone to trade the way I do.

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Hopefully the green-eyed monsters lurking on the site and my “good friends” have pressed the ignore button so they wont see this post and get upset, lol. They have accused me of flicking from account to account, showing a demo account, being the same person as SGtopgunfx, being a scammer among other things but that is par for the course. Curiously enough none of that is true.
Anyhow…it seems my string of lucky trades has continued today and I have had no losing trades since that initial $100 deposit earlier this month. I wanted to point out that in the screenshots the blue bar across the page shows (roughly) where the trades for the previous day ends.
It was pointed out to me that the thread has over 6k views. Is this normal for such a young thread? Interesting.
I have a request to make. Because my math is not so hot could someone please tell me what is my average pip take per trade and what percent would I have made on my deposit if I never make another trade for 2024. Thanks.


You cant make this stuff up.
After bashing me and my credibility for a while guy claims authoritatively that me and the SGTopGunFx personality are one and the same person. He later amends his post and apologizes not to me but to the guy who was actually the one doing the soliciting on here. I’m not sure how he deduced that hombre works in the industry.
Here’s the thing though, when I’m on Youtube I usually screenshot things I find interesting so I can go back to it later when I have time. I came across this screenshot today. Tell me if it doesnt closely resemble what is in the link the banned guy who was accusing me of being a scammer posted in two consecutive posts further up the page. Note the date at the bottom right of the screen. I think in one he was saying 4k and the other 7k but I am the scammer, lol.
Like I said you cant make this stuff up.

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