Amazing Results!

Hi all,
I have been trading forex for a while, really about 5 years. It has been the best rollercoaster I have ever and will ever be on!
I have finally broken through the maze, I believe, and I will be showing my entries and exits including stops here.

Last month, 23 March to 23 April 2009, over �13,000 profit (demo) with 1-lot trades.

Today 23 April 2009:

EUR/USD �Buy @ 1.30288- Stop @ 1.29760- Take profit @ 1.30600 RESULT: Profit target hit +32 pips

GBP/USD � Buy @ 1.45652- Stop @ 1.44380- Take profit @ 1.46950 RESULT: Profit target hit + 130 pips

Have a good day’s trading. Watch out for update.

Do check out attachment below.

Today, my second trade has just closed banking a total of 162 pips.

A statement is attached.

When I have signals, I’ll post them here.

Hi all,

Below are my trades for today. Happy trading.

:)GBP/USD, Buy @ 1.4662, Stop loss @ 1.4504, Take profit/exit @ 1.4925

:slight_smile: EUR/USD, Buy @ 1.3176, Stop loss @ 1.2976, RESULT - Profit has been taken @ 1.3222 - + 46 pips

All the best.

CLOSE the EUR/USD trade from earlier.



I’ve moved the stop loss for the GBP/USD buy-trade from 1.4504 to 1.4712 to keep profit.

Happy trading.

Buy, GBP/USD @ 1.4680, Stop loss @ 1.4571, Exit @ 1.4925

Happy trading:)

Hi, just an update on how yesterday’s trades turned out.
Closed the day with + 96 pips

This means that for the week, 20 - 24 April (Mon - Fri), a total of +588 pips were banked. YEE HAH!

See attachment.

HI Obaasima! I would like to know what your method is!

See ya!

Hi wrtm_19,

The simple answer is that I’ve found my system and I follow it.
I must say it’s taken me years, blood and sweat (no kidding!) to get here.
I’m basically a technical trader and I’ve learnt to hold my nerve.
I believe that for consistent profitability, each trader eventually has to find their own system, because, believe you me, the routes are endless and methods abound.

May the pips be with you.

Ohhh… C’mon!!! :wink:

Don’t just share the results…

Tell us a little bit more about the way you do thing.

We already know it’s not “perfect” because some really heavey lost. BUT, it’s seems to work pretty well and… Of course, it could help a lot of people in here.

Hope to read you soon. :slight_smile:

Yeah! I’m with him!

Hi all,

First of all, let me say that forex trading signals are not everyone’s ‘cup of tea’.
Some people get more satisfaction out of actually having hunted the ‘game’, ploughed the field, watered the crops and spent long hours harvesting, others on the other hand, for one reason or another might need signals provided to them for a time, while they put together their tools to go through the whole ‘shebang’ from sowing to harvest.

There are a number of advantages:

  1. Time constraints - for people who for one reason or another are unable to have the time to dig out good signals to trade
  2. With the use of good signals, one can build up their capital while they learn how to generate their own trade signals.
  3. Some people might just be interested in making extra money using forex trading as a vehicle, not to learn trading for the love of it.

The disadvantage I see is this:
Providing signals has the tendency to create ‘robots’, people just pressing buttons without having an understanding of the procedure;
But then, ‘lazy’ people (for lack of a better description) will always be with us, I am one, “why run when I can walk”.

For years now, especially in this recession, many people have turned to forex trading as a way of creating income but have limited knowledge and skill.
Good, profit-generating signals afford these people a chance to make some money and hopefully, progress to learn the necessary skill and knowledge. At that point when people feel able to, they can quit using other people’s signals and generate their own.

What I’m putting across is that for those who feel they need help generating good, quality signals, there’s nothing wrong with tagging along someone else’s and making money, building one’s capital, while at the same time, continuing learning and building one’s expertise at creating/generating profitable trades.
Others might even feel that they’re happy just buying ‘fish’ from the ‘fisherman’ rather than going through the whole tedious process of going onto the open seas to ‘fish’ for themselves.
All in all, there’s no right or wrong way.

I believe this forum does have people who are looking to make money through forex trading as well as those who want to become or indeed are forex trading geniuses without necessarily focusing on making money.
Whichever category one falls into, it is worth noting that we all don’t have the same needs.

Signals are a help, although it’s best used only for a time until the person has ‘graduated’ into creating profitable trades for themselves.
Good training abounds on this website and other sources and it’s up to each of us to keep upgrading and updating our knowledge to whatever level we feel able to.

All the same I’ll continue to post my signals, updates, views etc. here as a member of this community.

C’mon obaasima! We’re not asking for signals, we want to know what your strategy is.

Do you trade all time frames - are most of your trades early morning EST ? how much time does one have after receiving your signal to place the trade successfully ?

Hello obaasima,

Wow this is impressive.

Is it ok if you share with us:

  1. What time frame are you trading?

  2. Which are the indicators tools you are using?

  3. Do you trade when there is major and medium announcement
    in the calender and how you handle these announcement?

Looking forward to for your sharing.

Thank you


I see that the GBP/USD overnight price missed my stop loss by 7 pips, phew!

Anyway, trade is still holding and I can see on the 15 min chart that the price seems to be turning, so well, staying put.

Happy trading.

Hi Wynn128,

In answer to your question, I read forex charts for a hobby.

I trade mainly the 4hr chart, but i certainly check the higher time frames as well and sometimes use the 15min for my entries.
As I said in another post, its a strategy I’ve found that works well for me.

For indicators, I love SMAs (simple moving average), i keep a bollinger band to hand and fib lines are a great help. Oh, not to forget the faithful MACD.

I am not much of a fundamental trader, but I keep an awareness of what news are due to be released and when.

I have learnt though, that keeping to 1 or 2 trades a day has helped me overcome the temptation to overtrade.

All the best.

Hi, the GBP/USD buy trade has been stopped out.

Good day all.

Hi all,

I’ve just set up a buy trade for GBP/USD.

Buy @ 1.4612, S/L @ 1.4513, T/P @ 1.4740

Happy trading.

Yes, it is very useful if you post the details of the strategy you use.

I have my own candlestick trading method, so your method does not interest me, but many others here will be interested and will naturally like to know.

It is no use just posting pip results, a procedure that I do not recommend anyway because you are posting on a public forum where anyone including hackers and terrorists are watching. :eek:

So lets hear it for your strategy!! :slight_smile: :smiley: :slight_smile: