Any one here buy Nial Fuller trading course?

I’d have paid for it if someone said to me that they would have shown me exactly what I needed to know, and presented it in a structured approach. This, in my opinion, is a big enough hurdle for all newbies anyway.

However, the level of trust in this industry is incredibly low - you never know what education you are going to get until you have splashed the cash

People’s usual reasons are (i) that they expect to find something that [I]can’t[/I] be found for free (and vendors’ marketing materials are certainly designed to foster and reinforce that belief) and/or (ii) that they don’t really expect that and are paying just for the convenience of having exactly what they need collated and put in front of them, without having to identify, judge and assess it for themselves.

There can be some truth and validity in either or both of those of those reasons, of course, but more often they lead to disappointment, and for some people in spite of the disappointment and maybe frustration, it becomes part of a behaviour-pattern, and they spend more and more in search of something rather elusive.

It’s certainly a good industry for the vendors, however you look at it. Much easier (especially for them, as they typically have only a very low level of trading skill themselves) to make money that way than by trading.

The main problems, probably, are that the people who actually need the education are (more or less by definition) the worst equipped to judge in advance which products/services are actually going to help them, and that much of the information available online which purports to help them to do that is itself misleading, misguided and quite often downright deceptive, too.

No i was not,as said for discipline reasons not for price action is a bad method.I can trade 100 up to 1000 but then i loose all again because i cannot stop anymore.
But we are not all same.Also that time i was working also 8h a day when trading real.
Now i stuck in bad habits of taking too big positions.I try since long to get over this lack of discipline.We are not all the same so for you it might work out well.
Nial also says that all shorter than 1h chart is noise,but its the noise that makes the sound (1,4 and Daily chart)
Wait for the candle to close.Set stop and small position size.

Which ones are those please share

Alot of people have given positive comments about Nial’s course but haven’t really commented on whether its made them profitable? Have you been profitable using his technique?

I’d call myself a Nial Fuller student. I have never paid for anything from him though. I have utilized a lot of his ideas in my trading. I don’t think you have to pay big money to train to trade. If your handy with Google, I think you can make it.


Please can you help me on the nial fuller course i want to read too

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Well, he’s got a lifetime access course that’s not anywhere near $400. It’s $15 now down from $49. Same thing?