Anyone here working on "TIME" Aspect in Trading?

Hello everyone,

I recently came across the intriguing concept that “Time is more important than price” in trading. This idea led me to delve into W.D. Gann’s trading methods, where he uses mathematical concepts like the Square of 9 and financial astrology to predict exact reversal points.

To my surprise, these methods have proven to be effective in day trading. Gann’s approach emphasizes the time aspect of trading, suggesting that understanding the timing of market movements can be just as crucial, if not more so, than focusing solely on price levels.

I’ve started applying some of these techniques, and the results have been promising. The precision with which Gann’s methods can forecast market turns is quite impressive. I believe everyone should start focusing on TIME aspect as well. The insights gained from his approach can provide a significant edge in trading.

What are your thoughts on this? Has anyone else explored Gann’s methods or the importance of time in trading? I’d love to hear your experiences

There are certainly some people who claim to believe that astrology can help to provide an edge for forex-trading.

Curiously enough, though, they all turn out to be people making money from the soft/easy “desperate buyers’ market” of selling or promoting services/goods to aspiring traders. They’re doing marketing, in other words.

They’re never people who can give anything beyond anecdotal evidence of profitable trading on that basis.

“Surprise surprise.” :open_mouth: :sweat_smile:

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Na never heard of that method, but I am a Time and Price trader… which Focus more in the Time aspect of the Market.

I believe in simplicity of trading… not any calculation or calculator or stars align method lol…

But I just use the Candle sticks and Time that’s all there is to it

True ■■■■!!!

:joy: Damn! I used to have same opinion about this topic a year ago.

It’s true that scammers are everywhere, and people often fall for dubious methods in their desperation to make money. But when the “Quant King” Jim Simons himself says, “We hire astronomers and physicists” for his hedge fund Renaissance Technologies, it’s clear that there might be more to it.

Jim Simons, co-founder of Renaissance Technologies, has built one of the most successful hedge funds Renaissance Technologies, generating consistently high returns. His firm is renowned for its use of advanced mathematical models and algorithms to analyze and predict market movements. Simons’ team includes experts from various scientific fields, including astronomy. If someone with such a rigorous scientific background sees value in hiring astronomers, it suggests that understanding the positions of planets and stars might indeed provide an edge in profit earning.

I know astronomy and astrology are different—astronomy is science-based, while astrology is based on math. The problem is that astrology is often seen as a cult rather than a discipline. However, the precise mathematical and timing aspects in Gann’s methods can provide insights beyond the conventional skepticism.

Yes! simplicity is must to avoid confusion. How do you incorporate time in your model? You use ICT concepts macros and stuff?

You’re confusing astronomy with astrology: they hire people with top science degrees (including astrophysics and astronomy), not astrologers!!!

That’s untrue. Your original posts here (which the forum’s staff have now kindly removed/edited) contained images from an “astrology trading” site, and links to a discord group where you discuss Gann’s astrological trading, to which you were blatantly trying to solicit traffic.

I don’t care what you believe in, but don’t be dishonest about it here, when you’re caught out with promotional posting!

All I did was suggested some good books regarding a very good topic and there was not any discord link bro. It was my telegram id. If people want to discuss more about it with me, they can contact me. And it was even a different post. I know you flagged that post. I don’t know what’s bothering you here but it’s okay. Maybe you had a rough week or got scammed a lot.

Don’t be emotional, chill.

Now you’ve posted as “N_369” instead of as “vietni”! Oops, using the wrong profile?!

Thats a different person :roll_eyes: whatever!

You’re right, there’s a big difference between astronomy and astrology. What I meant is that while Jim Simons hires top scientists, including astronomers and astrophysicists, for their rigorous scientific methods, there might still be some merit in considering the timing aspects that astrology touches on, especially as demonstrated in Gann’s methods.

I’m not suggesting that Simons hires astrologers. Instead, I’m highlighting that if a highly successful hedge fund sees value in scientific approaches to market timing, perhaps there’s more to explore about timing in general—even if it comes from less conventional methods like Gann’s.

Gann’s techniques, mathematical patterns and timing, have shown surprising accuracy. It’s the mathematical and timing precision that I find intriguing, rather than the astrological aspect itself.

You said, “There are certainly some people who claim to believe that astrology can help to provide an edge for forex-trading.” Now, do you think Jim Simons is hiring those well-educated astronomers and physicists to only observe positions of Mars or Moon? :joy:

The fact that someone with such a rigorous scientific background is interested in the positions of planets and stars for market analysis suggests that there might be more to this timing aspect than meets the eye.

That isn’t a “fact” at all!

That has absolutely nothing to do with why he’s hiring scientists!!!

I’m still beginner. Recently I started to thinking about the timing for entry point and exit point for buy or sell.

Sometimes consolidation, sometimes graphs just not have much movement at all, I don’t know what is the best timing for determining entry point or exit point?

I heard it’s best trading after one hour of London and New York sessions, but I’m not quite sure either.

I don’t know which day(Monday to Friday) or what time of period to trade so that I can catch the Best movement from forex trading?

I heard someday you cannot trade at all, someday you can trade, how to determine this?

Also if some economic news come out, I heard can have some movement too?

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Oh, so you must know the real reason he’s hiring people who study planets and stars. Care to enlighten us on what the actual fact is then?

Yes, every day is not a trading day. If we talk about the weekly profile, Mondays are usually consolidating. About 70% of the time, you can expect a high or low of the week to be created on Tuesday. This can be a good day to look for entry points as the market often establishes a direction.

Talking about the daily profile, it’s best to execute after one hour of session opening to avoid getting trapped by fake moves. I trade forex mostly EUR/USD and GBP/USD. I consider executing my trades after 3 AM (Newyork Time). If that time doesn’t give me my setup, I wait for the 7 AM or 9 AM liquidity injection when volatility increases.

Keep an eye on major economic news releases. These can cause significant price movements. Use an economic calendar to stay updated on upcoming news. Red folder news gives explosive movements and before those events you can expect consolidation.

Interesting idea. But reading these posts still gives me zero reasons to do any further research.

The perfect trade is where time and price (but also timeframe) intersect, the further you are away from this the worse your probability and your win/loss ratio, I have access to a time based algo that shows when the markets are hitting time peaks or troughs, the time of day isn’t relevant except for volatility.

Yes, of course.

It’s no mystery.

Like ALL hedge funds and investment banks, they hire people with top degrees from top colleges in math, computer science, physics, astrophysics and science degrees, because decades of experience has taught them, through all their graduate-entry trainee-programs, that these people make the best traders.

It’s nothing to do with “hiring people who study the positions of the planets”!! :roll_eyes: :rofl:

Our excellent moderators (wisely, rightly) removed the images you posted from your trading astrology site and your telegraph-link posts; you can stop spamming us with the astrology nonsense, now.

And not only that, but if you just watch the video that you yourself posted, I’ve just noticed that he even explains openly exactly what I said above a couple of hours ago.

Nowhere (obviously!!) does he mention anything about trying to employ people “because they study the positions of the planets and stars”!! That would be completely idiotic, and one thing he certainly isn’t is a complete idiot!