Apprentice Harmonic Magician

Hmmm… I can’t actually see my replies being linked to my other posts. Makes it harder to backtrack what I did. I guess I can try pasting the hyperlink next time I post.

Seems like there won’t be any more trades I can squeeze out before the week ends… but overall I think it went great. I won 3 trades, 1 at BE, and 1 which hit SL. I think I also followed my methodology and didn’t chase trades which is good. The last thing I want is to trade because of FOMO.

Taking back my word since I did see something tradable in CADJPY. Limit Order set

You win some you lose some




GBPUSD opportunity. I think the chart is a bit messy but I’m predicting a probable top on the yellow box. Also in line with price not breaking above the resistance level (didn’t draw it though because it’s too messy).

pattern invalid


A bit different kind of entry from harmonics. Wouldn’t enter these but I would like to observe how they fare. Will make my decision when I’ve seen enough. Basically trading the concepts of price action and how different kinds of trends behave. In my case, I’m trying to pick off trades from trends who respects previous structure. Also planning to use this in conjunction with ichimoku for money management. We’ll see.


Correct analysis but limit entry was off. Still applauding myself for following my strategy and not switching to another for an entry.

Cancelling the order.

If I entered this then I would’ve been stopped out. Will observe more.

Pattern within a pattern.

Cancelling this order. Opening AUDJPY

Order deleted to prevent overexposure.

Closed EURCAD for a loss

Missed my entry by a couple of pips before slamming into profit

Opened GU short.