Are those youtube forex millionaires for real?

not all of them are fake…However, many may exaggerate issue by telling or explaining extra ordinary profit. But some real traders hero like Neil Fuller are successfully trading and earning good money. You may check his videos.

Hmmm… a thread on youtube wannabee millionaires, but no videos.

So since I am from Ireland I thought perhaps a link to some millionaires in the making.

Note the date that they made their trade.

There are some popular forex traders most of the people know them. They are real and they are the expert of forex trading. After getting popular they have written their experience in different books also they try to make series of forex video to make people know about forex. But there are many fake trader and the number is higher than the actual trader in YouTube. Exactly like forex market the number of scammer is higher than real forex broker.

pewdiepie is a youtube millionair, follow him

Why do these gurus, don’t have definite analysis on where the chart is going?

Almost all weekly analysis I’ve watched, they have like both TA that it may go upward or it may go downward analysis.

Yes we do understand that there’s no assurance on where is it going but at some point we need to make a decision and your videos doesn’t help at all.

It’s like them saying, you can choose this way or you can choose the other way? It’s like WTF? How is that supposed to help us? or even at least get some valuable lesson on how you analyze a forex chart?

@matzhee Though I am not a Forex Guru or Millionaires yet you may check my analysis on USDCAD and USDJPY.

Go to TradingView and follow your favorite pairs. Those are better analysis and ideas (uploaded by other people) than those Youtube videos.

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Apart from the wealth of knowledge, guidance and real usable data in Babypips, which i think alone is enough for you to become a millionaire, ina few years if you are disciplined and consistent.

I personally have used reports by Jason Sen (DayTradeIdeas) and have found them useful, also took his first strategy training back in 2013, dont think he make similar videos about becoming Fx Zillionaire with a secert formula! :smile:
Also another person I follow is Van K Tharp, trading Psychology which has helped improve myself and my trading.

I would not bother wasting time and money over youtube videos, think about this if i made a fancy YT video sitting in a Ferrari with a big mansion behind me and told you, I trade from my mobile with my “Patented” “Secret” “Money making Millionaire” strategy and i am willing to share this super secret formula only with you as the specical chosen one! all you have to do is pay me $499.99 would you pay me!?
Btw if you do want to know my “Patented” “Secret” “Money making Millionaire” message me and i will share it with you for $ 249.99 only as a special Babypips discount! LOL… (its a joke!)

What I’m watching now is trading212 by David Jones.

I believed they have an app for trading but he never directly advertise it on youtube. Their website url isn’t even on their youtube description. No showing off of big houses and luxury cars, just pure analyzation and he’s precise on where the market is going. His explanation is very clear as well.

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Interesting subject. I believe most of the YouTube experts are just that. YouTube experts. There are some people who have gotten rich from trading Forex. I don’t think most of them are advertising it. I have tried a couple of the methods used on the YouTube channels and some do have merit. I can tell you from my own experience that you cannot predict precise price movement or trends with 100% accuracy, it can’t be done. It is a probability guessing game. You make a probability guess, it is either going to go this way or that way based on probability analysis, and it doesn’t always go the way, direction you think it will. If you could predict exact movements you would be the smartest trader in the world and you wouldn’t have to advertise it, and you would make George Soros blush with envy!

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Hi all…I have come to the conclusion that there are more people making money out of selling their ideas on trading than actually doing it…however there are some exceptions, and it takes a while to find the needles in the haystacks!
2 that i could recommend are Rob Booker and Alex Du Ploy from expert 4x…have found that they have a good teaching style and both are actually trading for a living!

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I really do not know about YouTube Forex persons are millionaires or not but yes there are many traders who earning welle.

I think you already have the answers to your questions. Of course that most of them are not for real :smiley: For sure there are some legit folks out there but unfortunately it’s quite hard to recognize them.

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Hi. There is gonna be no precise analysis in trading.The thing is, if someone said a pair will go up but it can go down as well he means we must consider a good money management. I’m not a professional trader but as I observe that as a trader maybe we should have these three main components when trading. 1. Trading plan. 2. Money management and 3. Discipline. And we can only develop these three aspects by reading and practicing. Well that’s just my opinion.

I don’t think that there are a lot of real Forex millionaires on YouTube. Most likely these people are a fraudsters or just people who are far from real millions, but think that they can teach something and they definitely won’t help you to earn a million. And quite small part of people in YouTube are honest successful traders. They can teach you, but first you need to find them.

I always feel this way about anyone and everyone selling strategies, EAs, etc. If your product and/or trading is so good, why aren’t you using it to get rich rather than waste your time trying to sell it?

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Don’t believe any unrealistic result, most of them are the scammers.

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You remind me of a naive child with such an idea. These videos could become popular, probably, but it requires a lot of time as well. And I don’t quite believe such “traders”.

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I’s hard to say if those are real millioneers or they just pretend to be. I personally wouldn’t trust them anyway, though anything may happen. Anyway, It’s good to thimk about your money.

I love your thinking ability.