Are you REALLY committed to trading?


I guess we can all tell that we all have to much time on our hands now that most of us are out of the markets for the festive period. This thread, all be it late in the year is starting to climb the ranks for ‘most entertaining’ of 2012.

Now someone please teach me how to trade…

I have absolutely no clue. But I know Judas Swingers come into it somewhere…

Lol, I saw that coming.

Ok, step one. Open a $300 account with an ECN broker :slight_smile:
Call me when you ready for step 2

Man that is top notch, haven’t laughed like that in a good while!

Ha! $300 with an ECN broker - good luck with that trap!!

You mean its not possible?

Actually been very busy with the day job today gang, but I thought I would just throw this in.

Has this subject been given more life purely from the fact that nothing much is going on trading wise? Absolutely.

Do we need to find a better way of concentrating our efforts towards the trading itself after the New Year? Absolutely

Is this all HoG’s fault piptronix ? LOL can’t be surely?

UKDave, finding the best way forward to work together should be a priority, so we’ll work on it once Santa has been mate. And I don’t think your contrabutions are all rubbish. I’d never heard of the word “juxtaposition” before !!

KingKaiver, I wouldn’t give PPF that much credit.

ST, I just read the ICT post on the other thread, seemed a bit familiar to be honest. So I copied and pasted it into my browser. Turns out Miss Venezuela made the self same speech in the 2002 Miss World Competition. The only thing saint ICT missed out was the part about world peace and how he thought the children were our future.

Mind you, I do think it is important to congratulate one’s self on one’s achievements in life, s with that in mind, Well done HoG for reading the whole “It’s just me now that Mother Theressa has died” speech without throwing up.

Finally, before I get back to work, if I don’t post again before the big day, I hope you all, and I do mean ALL, have a great, safe and happy time of it.

After New Year it’s full steam ahead with the learning troops. In all fairness to ICT, the one thing you CANNOT fault the guy on is his dedication. The guy is a family man, he trades for himself and still finds the time to do his videos and webinars.

And that, regardless of what anyone else thinks about any other subject, is a big demand and I can only imagine a huge drain on his personal time that he could otherwise be spending with the ones he loves. For that, he should be commended.

Even though I still maintain that NONE of the last two days conversations where meant in any way shape or form to be a criticism of him personally, (even though I did dislike the post mentioned) it will be interesting to see if we ourselves have the perseverance needed to succeed that he has shown.

And with that I must get back to work.
Take care y’all

No mate, you mean you HOPE the Judas Swingers come in to it somewhere LOL !!

What proof? That you can make money with FX with a system? If you have a system that works everybody can make 1M from 5K. Actually, the first thing I thought was that 36 months is an aweful long time to do it. It can be done quicker.

I haven’t seen that he is using a supersystem. He uses common trading tactics, with the difference that he made videos and his crowd are new traders. If it would be that great, wouldn’t we be drewling at his posts as well?

Again, great what he does! Chapeau! But it didn’t impress me in terms of originality and performance.

Trading is slow?

Thank you for rubbing in that I decided to go out of the markets before XMas…:slight_smile: I regret it every hour that I see the charts…:slight_smile: It was a first and also the last…:wink:

Gratz on you Iya…:slight_smile:

Thank you. My first try at position trading hard not to close them lol.

You won’t be able to follow his trades tho. I still think a lot of ppl will burn out like they do now.

As I understand he won’t be here by that time… 28 March is cut in stone, according to his post… We probably need to have a sticky thread with link refferals to his new destination/home…:slight_smile: But people will have copied his material and promote it themselves on other fora. They will come to BP to find a platform, and the cycle of life starts again…:slight_smile:

And from the little I’ve witnessed, hype is just about all it amounts to.
Unless I’m missing something there doesn’t appear to be a whole lot of consistent success feeding off the back of all that mountain of information.

You’re quite a long termer on here & seem as though you’ve been hanging around his threads for a good while. So after all this time how profitable is your account?

Akeakamai or mine?

Sorry, I was addressing those comments towards akeakamai.

This is what irks me. It is not a system.there are no set rules. So how can you compare anything? What about the babypips school good info right? So we should have a bunch of profitable traders on this site then. And most of his tools can be found in the school. I don’t see people questioning its validity.