Atheist traders?

Out of curiosity: Is there any traders group identified as Atheist?
I have seeing so many groups that very explicitly attribute their trading “success” to god or an invisible force that dictates when, how and when to trade that scares the heck out of me as an atheist - A little bit of sarcasm here- Just curious to see if there is any group I could joint without having to hear all the religion bla, bla, bla.


I have to be an atheist because I don’t believe in the existence of any gods, but I’m not in any type of group as such.


I think the god should not have an exact’ figure(Jesus, Buddha, or Maria…etc), but I believe in the existence of spirits. So am I an atheist?

Hi Marome

An interesting question. I am curious because I have been on this forum for over 10 years and I do not recall anyone attributing their forex outcomes to religion. If you can link to some examples, I may comment (or not)


Thank you for taking the time. Glad to hear from someone with your experience and also to learn that this forum is somehow different. As a novice trader I wanted to learn from others already involved in forex trading and by invitation or by accident I landed on a couple of groups that started their teaching classes with a prayer or with religious music and ended every session the same way. That made me very uncomfortable and discouraged me from seeking other groups/forums.
I’m not interested in exposing or taking bad about any particular group. I do respect their views and beliefs and wish the best to all. Thank you again for your valuable time.

As a forex trader since 2005, I have seen hundreds of chat groups and social media groups, but have never seen one that was based on religion. I wonder why you stuck around when they started praying right at the beginning of the chat, and if you found that group by accident you can find other chat groups.


Forex trading has nothing to do with religion. As such, a group specifically aimed at atheists is unlikely, as I don’t see any groups dedicated to believers either. It is akin to having a crocheting club dedicated to the philosophical theory of existentialism.

I, myself, am also an atheist, so I can sympathies with the cringe-feeling you get when seeing someone dedicate their success to their belief or diety. If giving credit for all their hard work, practice and success to a non-existant being makes them happy, good for them. It only becomes an issue if they discount their failures as the whims of that deity and ignore the lesson they should be learning from that loss.

But hey, you wanna start one, I’ll join! Atheists unite in our pursuit of pips and acknowledgment that our success or failure lies squarely on our own shoulders!


I have seen many discussions amongst traders on spiriuality and religion on another forum, mostly used by US stock market traders. But these go nowhere. They are typically started by Christians with reference to very very long quotes from the Bible. Their aim seems to be to convince people that there is a God, and that the Bible is His word, and the evidence they use for this is the Bible. Which is the most arrogant way of convincing any atheist they might be wrong. Faced with this dogmatic viewpoint, few atheists on the site bother to get involved.


Believer: “I can prove the Bible is true! How, you ask? Well, with the Bible of course!”

Me: “Uh-huh… and you don’t see anything wrong with that? Because, if not, boy do I have some very shocking news for you…” pulls out the Quran


If the chat started with a prayer, why stay? You should know what it is at that point.

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Any Flat Earth traders here? :upside_down_face:


Hi Marome,
Thank you for the explanation. My personal feeling? - I agree with you that it is most likely best to look around. I have found Babypips a wonderful forum in which to ask questions without being made to feel excluded or stupid. We get the occasional know-it-all but this community is very quick to help genuine people asking genuine questions for help. I hope you have found a good place for your Forex learning, and welcome.

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lol i see the sarcasm

From what I’ve seen, the majority of forums, chat rooms, or social media groups are not based on religion or topics like flat earth, people are just seeking information on financial markets in general.

When the majority of discussion groups is non-religious, there should be no reason why the OP cannot find a discussion group without religion in it

@Johnny1974 Hey… I don’t like your tone Sir… I’m a Flat Earth Trader

That’s why Markets spend most of their time going sideways and rarely go up or down…

Not just me… There are thousands of us…All around the World… :upside_down_face:


Interesting question! :smiley: Hahaha. I do believe in God, but I haven’t really seen a lot of posts attributing their trading success and wins to God. I also don’t do it. :sweat_smile: Hahaha. The discussions I usually see here about God are more intellectual and philosophical, but not really related to trading. :thinking:


Just doing a quick search of the internet I have found that the Christian community is divided on the subject of trading forex. Some say that you should not because when you win, others lose. Some say that it is alright due to their bibles translation of Ecclesiates 11 1-6. I am not sure how other religions would stand on this point.

Trading in the sense of buying and selling goods is not prohibited in the bible I am sure. And of course, in free trading, both parties come out better off than before the trade.

But forex trading is not buying and selling goods, we are betting. Some call it price speculation. But some recognise it as gambling and therefore feel compelled to not do it.


That’s the part I can see people having problems with for sure. It’s all perspective I guess.

I feel like if atheists got together then it may end up functioning like a religion too lol


I don’t follow. Religion is not even in the equation for Atheists, and chances are nobody would even bring it up.

However, there would be a ton on religious crusaders with an agenda to try to infiltrate the group to save everyone’s souls, shut it down, or sabotage it in some way, just because of the title.