Atheist traders?

Just the essence of banding together. I feel like atheists would have hobbies/interests they’d like to be involved in that’s not discussing the lack of believing in deities. Not sure if that makes sense.


@MattyMoney Exactly… What the religious fail to grasp is that Atheism is not a belief… Even labelling an Atheist an Atheist must be a decree put forward by religious followers… It has no meaning…

Atheism is an understanding that the natural world is what it is… Most of it explainable by science, physics and biology… Some of it remains a total mystery…

As Atheists, if we don’t know how or why things take place in our physical surroundings, if it cannot be explained by Science… Or dare I say it… Common sense… We accept that we just don’t know… We don’t attribute it to an act of God

It’s the religious that are always trying to shape the world to suit their beliefs…

Not Atheists…

An applicable Trading example… Sharia Trading Accounts… where SWAP is removed to placate a certain religion. It’s not Atheists that want it all their own way…


This was a fun read. :rofl:

Wishing you the best on your trading Journey!

God Bless

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I love the idea that this tactic for Muslims, I think aimed at avoiding “usury”, does not address the issue that private retail trading is a form of betting. I’ll bet the brokers just don’t want to talk about that.

You’ve already found it here on Babypips! Welcome!

Don’t forget to complete Pipsology, the free course.


This is true. The only religious threads here are the ones dedicated to religion, or Atheism for that matter, which are very few.


Aside from that, one can start their own thread with that title if one chooses. But Here at Babypis, threads that discuss Religion are not relevant to Trading

I believe in aliens that’s what I believe in

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It does. While we atheists will discuss our disbelief in anything religious/spiritual when we get together, I feel that what we honestly enjoy the most is our devotion to critical and logical thinking, not so much our lack of belief. When we rag on believers, it’s usually directed not at their belief in a God but rather their flawed critical/logical thinking. For example, the circular logic that many of them use as “proof” of their beliefs. A very simplistic example of this type of logic, which sadly is used very often is: Christianity and the Christian God of the Bible is real because the Bible says it is. That would be like me saying “I am God, and God can never be wrong, therefore I have just proved I am god.”

You can see this devotion to logic and critical thinking if you ever ask an Atheist what he thinks of flat earthers. Watch how passionate that question makes him/her.

As we are aliens to any planet outside our own, aliens are fact. The fact we came into being almost demands that other intelligent species elsewhere in the universe have too.

Now, have any of them visited Earth yet? I see no solid evidence yet, aside from some blurry pictures and anecdotal evidence. It is a fun topic to think on though.

Wishing you luck too!

May Krishna, Vishnu, Allah, Thor and the Buddah bless you as much as your Christian God blesses me!

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Raelians believe that life on Earth was created by aliens.

Which is just another way of saying, “The gods did it”.

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Lol - but do you believe in the law of vibration?

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I believe what the Egyptian believed back then when you die you go up to the aliens makes more sense that’s why they are flying around with ships up there

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I am, I don’t believe in God of an Abrahamic religion, or any of the other human religions because they describe God in the image of the human being as if the human species is above all other living things we know of yet we are just a tiny speck on an insignificant planet on an average galaxy. That does not mean that I do not believe in some kind of outward force or some sort of entity responsible for the existence of the universe. The human species has a tendency to queston why they exist and why everything else exists. That is why the human species sticks to religious beliefs.

It’s said that humans are the only species with a consciousness that eventually we will each die. Of course there’s no way of confirming whether or not primates or dolphins or fruit flies also share this awareness but there is nothing in their behaviours that indicates this.

Inevitably we have to speculate about why that happens, when it will happen, what happens next, what happened before and can death be avoided. Add this to the instinctual response to avoid risks in the natural environment and it’s inevitable that spiritual beliefs are generated and become embedded in the human psyche.

None of which proves that gods don’t exist, but it explains why we believe they do.


This is precisely why I accept other people’s beliefs as long as they aren’t forced on me, and I do the same in return.

This brings the question of, why bother living if we are going to die anyway? Some say that living things exist solely to create offspring and pass on their genes and traits, which in turn do the same. This is why I say that even if life seems meaningless, we should create our own meaning to it by living how we want and achieving certain goals.

You would be unlucky if you met my cousin. He is a religious fanatic, almost cult like, he forces everyone to convert to his beliefs and staunchly believes that his version of the God of Jehovah is the only true God and all other religions are fake. He even told me that I worship the devil because I refuse to convert to his beliefs, He fooled some girl telling her that having a boyfriend is evil, so, heartbroken she cried, but eventually broke up with her boyfriend and converted to his cult.