Atheist traders?

I do think that life is meaningless, apart from in the wider sense that the purpose of all human lives is to continue human life. But even something without purpose can have value.

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Value in life is what one brings into the world that others can benefit from, such as phones, cars, computers, and so on.

Or Life is what you make of it.

I have another interpretation for this. Instead of saying that God “offered” me a trade or allowed me to be lucky with a trade, I might believe that God allowed me and made me a persistent human, enough to learn about trading and the skill I need to have successful trades. So, because of this skill I was able to learn and master, with the help of God, I am able to trade in a good and effective way.

Also, just because one is atheist, doesn’t mean God is against him/she. Or, you will loose everything. because God doesn’t like you.

Some people tend to put religion in everything, even in things that have nothing to do with religion.

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Yup. This is what I was referring to in my first comment. I feel like for atheist traders, non-belief wouldn’t really be a factor because what’s important is the trading. Sure it’s good to find like minded people but I don’t think they will dwell on that fact so much.


“Trading in the sense of buying and selling goods is not prohibited in the bible I am sure.”

Just FYI: Not only is trading not prohibited in the bible, it is actually encouraged.

This Forex business is nothing new: Forex traders in the bible days were called “Money exchangers”


They were cool Until they exploited the religious zeal of visitors to Jerusalem and operated on temple grounds.

Still, good to know that capitalism was held to be the way forward, even in biblical times.


Seemingly atheist traders and very religious ones use the same trading techniques hence there is no much sense to separate yourself by this attribute.
At least I have never met or heard of traders that would use religious practices to open deals on the forex market;)

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Yeah That would be crazy.

Is Evolution Proven? A Logical Look at the Origin of Life and the Evolution Story

Threads like this always seem to end up with the atheist camp being manoeuvred into the opposite corner from Christianity. Probably the result of most contributors on religion being Christians living in the west.

I say “contributors” rather than members because I don’t know where the majority of membership is located, I don’t know it is mostly in the Christian west: but more importantly because other religions mostly do not engage with atheism. And since Chrstianity is one religion amongst many, and since Christians are not a global majority, this seems another good reason to despise religion in general.

But here we come to another issue. Some atheists primarily despise organised religions as they see them as political and elitist mechanisms for social control, manipulation and self-enrichment.

That’s not my main issue. My main issue is there are no such things as gods. Not in the sky, not in the ground, not in rivers and seas and rocks. There’s just us and the animals.


It is fascinating to hear what people have to say, which is why I like listening to them :+1:

I recall a member posting some years back where he had been in a trade when a terrorist attack occurred the result was his trade increased in value.

The member posted his mixed feelings - it was a thoughtful post.

The reality is that there are many gods - gods of money, success, esteem, fame, winning, being right and so on - these are the gods that often impair a trader’s performance - an atheist imo is a trader whose god is his craft

The member above clearly was not affected by any of these gods - but possibly his thinking was influenced by God.

@tommor Don’t waste your time trying to explain logic and commonsense to these two Religious Zealots… They just cannot grasp that their delusion isn’t going to become our delusion

They both had their backsides handed to them in another Religious thread when they wouldn’t even discuss or explain the flawed Chronology of Christianity contained in the Bible…

They’ll try and Baffle you with Bullsh!t… Using verse after verse of ancient scripture and compelling tales about Miracles, Magic and the Supernatural… So don’t even bother asking why they believe in fictional events from 2500 years ago…

As I asked time and time again in that thread, prove the existence of God… ANY God…!!

And the debate is over…

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Clearly, atheists don’t believe in GOD, nothing more, nothing less. This is their belief, so why all the fuss?

Was my evolution post offensive to atheists?

You brought up a discussion from another thread as if I was telling people in this thread that God exists.

Describe the specific thing in this thread that offended you.