Become a disciplined trader!

I can’t disagree to that. sometimes flexibility is a must too, but in general we should stick to the rules.

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Not everyone wants to share their personal trading strategy and it works as a massive impediment. So, the scope is limited.

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That is correct. I recently recognized that I lack discipline in my life (not just trading), and I understand the need of discipline, but I’m not sure how to acquire it.

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Follow these steps to achieve self-discipline:
Select a goal.
Discover your motivation.
Determine the difficulties.
Replace old habits with new ones.
Keep track of your progress.

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the first step is always the hardest, A great starting point is to set a goal for yourself.

Thanks for sharing these great points. And you can add “time management” to them!

It’s even harder @Amelia91
I feel like I am depressed and I see no goa or meaning no matter how hard I’m trying

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Sorry to hear that. It might be helpful to reach out to a professional or someone you trust. Remember it’s okay not to have all the answers, just start… And… I’m here to listen. :rose: :innocent: :kissing_heart:

Oh, yeah, that’s right. Time management is an important matter in developing discipline.

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Thank you @Amelia91
It’s very nice of you to say that :heart:

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