Bijoy's Trading Set ups

My final target is actually @14600 as you can see picture below, magenta line was my entry, but the final target is the bigger move, the 123.6% of the latest sell off from @DEC, 11th to @DEC, 28.

Same goes for my #EURGBP trade, fiinal target being @8280, so i wont close the remaining half of either trades, and keep them open untill the targets are reached (or got stopped out for that matter). id like to remind that both trades has reached its first targets, so they carry zero risk for my account :wink:

kwon, do you agree that GU will go long? to 1.64 at least.
cause I tried to think through, but honestly I drinked a little wine and tired, but I very appreciate your view and your trades!
if GChf goes down with GU long, it’s very unusual. does that mean, that UCf goes down too, but faster … ?

Kores, I don’t think the GU will go to 1.64… that will break the year highs of 2012… which would be nice… I’m at 48 pips right now.

i believe i did post something about GU few posts earlier. And the title was “See you at 1.6700” lol) that sums up my view :slight_smile:

I just saw that LOL!

so, you’re a late GU longer, just like me :wink:
I’ve just read that it can reach 1.68 - so, I suppose you meant that kind of number saying it will break year highs, cause it would break 2011 year high too.

If it breaks 1.65 I’ll send you and kwonkicker a pack of 6 beers of your choice.

i admit 1670 was a biased assumption. i read a review from a trader who is i believe one of the best ew analysts out there, that gave similar numbers. But my view is based on daily and weekly trend lines. Price is above both of 'em and didnt break below. of c well need a pullback to give an exact short term target, but the long term view stays bullsih untill proven otherwise.

you are not late at all. in fact, its a perfect time to look to go long. And if the current 1.600 level holds, 16420 is the target for longs, then 1.6530. if you can catch it, it might give you an opportunity with stop loss as low as 25 with given targets.

I need to confess, I wanted to see it 1.595 at least and below, before it rockets. I feel a bit dreamy about this pair now. and as always, what looks so good to be true, in real, it can be ugly, but this time I dunno what to think really.

and thanks for encourage me but I could have longed it from 1.54, 1.58 :smiley:

here is my two charts, the upper is GChf, sorry that GU is a bit messy. as I see it, 1.607 seems a resistance and at 1.60 MA140 has helped.

you keep long from 15400…?!

no. sory if my english is not clear. I’d like to keep long from 1.54 and 1.58 but I haven’t felt I should go long that time.

anyway my only regret is that you closed your cadjpy. 88.5 would give more than enough room for the market. technical target was 90 which is very tempting and possible short too. look at the weekly bar, dude, why you closed it why :15:

haha. jeah, I was frightened by Cad/Chf and hadn’t understand why you said I need a 100pip stop. I thinked UJ can fall and cadJ with it, if not 100, but 50 is enough for me to step back. my usual stop size is 30 pip. anyway, today wasn’t a big move! :smiley: and as we speak of it, it slopes!:slight_smile: so thank you for mentioning that 100pip :slight_smile:

when i said 100pip sl i was referring to your eurnzd trade. Tho it did work out pretty well, its still not clear for me what was your stop on that trade.

I searched back for you, my stop was 1.55737 :slight_smile: and I liked that round number 1.56. I thought about that a few times before it reached that it would be nice to long from there.

hey, if market is ready, AN can do the same I think so. my aim is 100 pip

#EURUSD long @1370 stop @13050

I don’t know, my friend, I’d rather buy at 3050 !! let it be 55 :slight_smile:

if it makes to 13100 again, itss make a new hi i must say. and yea 13055 is good. lets hope for my sake, that it doesnt get to 13050

#EURUSD stops moved down to @13042. Final target would be @13460
#USDCHF shorted at @9250 stop @9270 first target @9230 and ultimate target is @9000