Bijoy's Trading Set ups

not anymore:

BTW how is your nzdu trade going…?!

#EURUSD SL hit -30pips

nice upwarding trend-channel with false break to the up.

kept doin, but I’m at the edge of leting it go,mentally. wanna join? :smiley: c’mon baby, pump to the dollar.
and have a look at Cad/Chf. do you think it goes to 9412? cause I’d like to short from there. if not, 94 will do

mate, i looked it up but my broker doesnt even have cadchf. besides, it probably has high spread and high swap rate. hate such fantasy pairs.

you can be right, pal. I’m just curious because when it slips down - from dec.12-dec.24 it did - it helps lift EU. so it’s an indicator. in the pure form, because it indicates some move. but anyway, thanks for your patience

Grazes the -30 pips didn’t hit my SL. Slowly climbing up now… Just looking for BE at this point.

edit: HIT THE sl :frowning:

short EJ
stop 115.4
TP 113-112.6
EU as well
short EC, TP 1.277-4
NU , TP 83-828…

#AUDUSD if you are about to short it, think twice!!!

Hourly chart:

15min chart:

i went long eurj at @115 stop @114.85 1st target will be at @115.15 second @115.30 (and move stop to b/e)

#EURJ hit first and second targets. Moving stops to b/e(@115)

tempted to short eurj here and now but dont wanna give up the winnings.

watching AChf at 0.981 for a short. -cancelled.
next waste play: longAN 2513 to26 it would be great, cause that would mean 8 times much pip that I managed to get today.
and a second: longEN for 20 pips1.5520
and want to congratulate for the market and kwon on EJ

jeah TP hit on EN - it was the safest in this circumstances

and now watch carefully EN, what changes to what…
as I see everyone changes his Nzd to Eur , or, thinks it will worth. same with Gbp
planning to short EU, GU - my beloved price is 1.6175, so, go long if you want :slight_smile:

is there someone who knows where EChf is going ? :slight_smile: cause I’m sitting in it from jan.4 and it gave me some pips

AN is aproaching:) should I cancell?

What just happen to the market?what caused the big jump?

I bet we will see 1.56and66 on EN before it starts to go back

Wohooo my EGBP and EJtrades are rocking asdfasdfasfasdf im buying all beers today hehehehe And GBPCHF also doing great and so does usdchf (re-short hit 1st target and trade is free) too bad i didnt get a chance to enter eurusd and nzdusd but thats ok opportunities are all over the market. sorry i couldnt follow the forum nor the market for the past few hours. hope you guys doing well too. cheers.

some statistics on those trades:

EURGBP long @8115 stop was @8000 currently up 90pips or so (risk to reward 1:5 WoW) reentered @8135 stop @8120 closed @8170 (RR 1/2.3) final target @8300

GBPCHF short @14890 stop @14915 currently up 120pips or so (rr is 1:5 or so) didnt re-short and i regret it. final target is @14600 if it gets hit without stopping me out itll be like 1:10 risk to reward ratio.

USDCHF shorted and stopped out for -20pips re-shorted @9260 stop @9275 1st(@9235) and 2nd(@9175) targets are hit. no open positions unfortunately but the final target is @9000 if you have it keep it.

There is also the EURUSD long that cost me -20pips. I waited for another entry but no luck. Bernanke did his thing again and eur just skyrocketed without any pullback.

And finally my beloved EURJPY trade long @115 stop @114.85 1st and 2nd targets (15 and 30pips) hit, 1/4 position still open and up about 150pips or so. WOW it is 1:10 ratio lol

well guys this week is my best week since i joined here so let me show off a little please :wink: I can only hope that setups i shared were clear enough for those who wanted to see the idea behind it, and that you actually took something from those ideas and added it to your arsenal. Have a terrific week and soon weekend fellas. And yes, im still bearish USD, bullish EUR and CHF.