I try to be sensible with the spot market and take a lot fewer trades that I have more conviction about, rather than binaries when I’m in and out many times during the day.
To be honest, I suppose it’s all gambling really :16:
I used to trade binaries a lot, but stopped to focus on the spot market. Decided in my plan for 2013, that I need to get back in to binaries to feed my craving for action so I avoid doing it with my main spot account. As for my main spot account, I aim for 2 trades a week.
As for binaries, loads of bets and aim for on average £250-£500 per week. But going to try throw a bit more money at it this year. So we shall soon find out… haha
Hello mate,
I was searching for binary options info & it led me here. There isn’t a great deal of worthwhile stuff out there to be honest, & was wondering if you were intending to introduce an educational, informative element into the thread at all?
I’m interested in them & would like to learn a bit more if you’re willing to expand on your content.
For instance, could you offer a basic resume of how you set your stall out, what you’re looking for when preparing your bets, where & when typically are the more favourable odds available & how you take advantage of those opportunities?
Perhaps use a typical day’s activity to fluff out some specifics related to the screen captures, such as commentary of why you picked those bets etc?
To be honest, most of my bets are made using volume spread analysis and principles I have learnt from ICT.
I would start by going through all of ICTs material on this forum.
Also I would recommend trading the spot market rather than binary options, there are so many dodgy companies out there. I purely use them to fill my need for action to stop me going crazy in the spot market.