Bitcoin Buy Weekly Strategy

I don/t think retail investors can move a stock this much, just as it is not you and I that is moving Bitcoin

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Oh yeah I also meant to ask - are you no longer buying bitcoin weekly? I mean like not reinvesting but new $ put in? :open_mouth:

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I stopped for a while expecting a pullback that we never got, will start buying weekly again, market timing is a fool’s game, best to buy a little every week

and now we have 41K

Screenshot 2021-01-08 at 7.08.01 AM

and we just hit exactly 42K before pulling back

any guesses where we will be by months end

Screenshot 2021-01-08 at 12.10.29 PM

Gold and Silver taking a big hit today, as Bitcoin soars to new highs,

Could there be a correlation here

Screenshot 2021-01-08 at 12.31.03 PM

Gotcha. I started buying again this week. :sweat_smile:

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Did I say Tesla is heading to Mars, up another 8% on Friday

Bitcoin , Tesla, Square would make for a powerful portfolio

Screenshot 2021-01-09 at 9.10.51 AM

What caused Tesla’s incredible rally?

I currently have all 3. Square did good last week as well.

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portfolio restructuring I am sure has a lot to do with it, Many fund managers need to be able to show new clients they will be invested in the hottest stocks and nothing is hotter then Tesla, Then many analyst see Tesla as under valued, a triple from here by years end is not out of the question

Finally a meaningful pullback, let’s watch where this lands, 30K looks like an area of support

Its fallen a bit further, now at 31660, but 30k looks safe for now

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Hi Dennis
On 1H chart 200MA has been breached.
It appears to indicate a short-term reversal. What do you think?

Daily closed above 200MA on 1H chart. So, maybe just a pull back.

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that 200 ma on 1hr chart is a favorite of mine to buy on a pullback

I agree in theory but you would need to have hands of steel to do this right now.

It has been a wild three days with volatility growing each day, but so far today things seem to have calm down. If you waited until Bitcoin was 40K to start buying you are likely not too happy and may have even panic sold for a loss. Those who bought Bitcoin a little every week all last year are still sitting on at least a triple.

This is high stakes poker and if you are going to let the market bluff you into folding then you are better off with a Utility ETF and collect your 3% dividend

The BTC drop wiped out $170 billion from the market. Before the crash, the market was worth $1.1 trillion dollars (just last Sunday!). After the collapse, the market’s overall value went down to $940 billion.
I worry how much further it will fall. :frowning: