Bitcoin Buy Weekly Strategy

I did too, back then. Now if there’s a big drop it’s going to be even more painful than the 2017 one.

USD is stronger today. This may be a contributing factor. Hopefully BTC will still manage to close above 200MA on 1H chart.

I’m curious to see when BTC will rally above 40k. And if that will even happen.

It does look like we will end our 4-week win streak and what a steak it was taking us from 19K to 42K. This week we will have an inside candle, this indicates consolidation, I would not be surprised if we see a few weeks of consolidation as the market digest this historic move

look at Ethereum coming on strong to end the week with a green candle, there are a number of crypto followers ( I hate calling anyone an expert) that think on a percentage basis ETH could out preform BTC in 2021

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As Bitcoin sits range-bound Ethereum is breaking out again, now just pennies below its all-time high

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Have you started buying fresh again? I really liked the spreadsheet you had then that summed up how much youve bought and how much it was worth at the time. I think I’ve taken a screenshot and sent to friends to annoy them :rofl:

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I wish I could say I have been totally faithful to this system going back to when I first started this thread, but I am happy where I am at, I just don’t see anything stopping the upward trend in both Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Remember how scarred everyone was to buy Bitcoin when it hit new all-time highs at 20K , I feel like we are there again, Bitcoin is at 37K as I type this, a year from now we are going to look back and say “why did I not buy at 37K”

Well, waiting a couple of days has given you the opportunity to buy at 30K.


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30K level and 200 ma on the 4hr chart all doing their job today, it is still unknown if Bitcoin will continue to retrace as it did in 2017

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According to the following article …

… the mini-crash in bitcoin over the past 4 days was entirely due to FAKE NEWS.

I have copied-and-pasted this article from the Banyan Hill publication Great Stuff
— and hereby request their permission to do so, after the fact :sunglasses:

Friday Four Play:

The “Bitcoin’s Brash Monkeys” Edition

I have a bone to pick with the Wall Street “hype machine” today … so let’s talk about bitcoin.

Oh boy! Mayhem!

You got that right, sister. In case you didn’t notice, bitcoin (BTC) plummeted 27% in recent weeks. Part of this decline is profit-taking. I mean, BTC did gain more than 200% last year!

Profit-taking was bound to happen sooner or later. It’s just a basic market fact.

But the thing that has my knickers in a bunch isn’t that bitcoin dropped like a rock … it’s why bitcoin dropped like a rock. And that “why” is misinformation and clickbait sensationalism.

First, the clickbait sensationalism.

On Tuesday, Janet Yellen — former Federal Reserve head and President Joe Biden’s pick to lead the Treasury Department — was asked about cryptocurrencies during her Senate confirmation hearing. Her response had the mainstream financial media in a tizzy, generating headlines like:

• “Biden Treasury pick Janet Yellen warns cryptocurrency poses terrorism risk.”

• “Treasury nominee Yellen is looking to curtail use of cryptocurrency.”

• “Janet Yellen suggests ‘curtailing’ cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin, saying they are mainly used for illegal financing.”

If you actually read these articles, you’ll see the authors walk back those outlandish headlines … eventually.

Why? Because Yellen said nothing of the sort. Here’s her actual response from the transcript:

I think it important we consider the benefits of cryptocurrencies and other digital assets, and the potential they have to improve the efficiency of the financial system. At the same time, we know they can be used to finance terrorism, facilitate money laundering, and support malign activities that threaten U.S. national security interests and the integrity of the U.S. and international financial systems.

I think we need to look closely at how to encourage their use for legitimate activities while curtailing their use for malign and illegal activities. If confirmed, I intend to work closely with the Federal Reserve Board and the other federal banking and securities regulators on how to implement an effective regulatory framework for these and other fintech innovations.

No talk of getting rid of cryptocurrencies or bitcoin. And nothing whatsoever about being “mainly used for illegal financing.” Seriously, Business Insider … clickbait much?

From Yellen’s comment, you can see that she wants to work with cryptocurrencies — not ban them. To establish oversight and expand upon bitcoin’s legal uses — not vilify cryptos altogether.

Honestly, the negative hype behind this one statement was completely irresponsible. Especially when you consider the major banking giants of the world already do exactly what fearmongering headlines claimed about bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.

I’m looking at you, Capital One and Deutsche Bank. What’s in your wallet? El Chapo’s cash, probably.

Next up, the misinformation. Shortly after the Yellen sensationalism came news of a bitcoin “double-spend.” As the words suggest, double-spend is when you spend the same bitcoin twice. Such a flaw in bitcoin would make the cryptocurrency completely worthless, and BitMEX Research claimed it detected just such a transaction.

But it never happened. According to Jason Lau, COO of OKCoin exchange:

The bitcoin “double-spend” media headline has certainly spooked investors, but it’s a misunderstanding of how the Bitcoin network operates. In this case, a chain reorganization of one block occurred, which is a fairly common occurrence.

What BitMEX saw was a standard reorganization of bitcoin’s blockchain — the technology underlying all cryptocurrencies. The same bitcoin was registered in two wallets, but only one was valid, and blockchain tech would’ve rejected any attempt to spend this supposed second coin. For a more in-depth explanation, click here.

So, Great Ones … what can we take away from today’s lesson? How about: “Don’t believe every media headline,” and “Do your research.”

Seriously. It doesn’t hurt to know more about an investment before you dump cash into it. And this is doubly true with bitcoin and cryptocurrencies in general due to their complex technology.

As G.I. Joe always says: “Knowing is half the battle.”

(I’ve taken the liberty of deleting the advertising that followed this article.)

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Another up week and new all-time high

Very different looking charts this month for ETH and BTC

A double from here is much more likely to occur in Ethereum before it does in Bitcoin

BTC looks going downtrend.

2021-01-27 08_06_03-Start

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We still have support at 30K but as long as we keep seeing lower highs that support may not hold. But for the first time Bitcoin buyer, 30K is not a bad place to start buying, and if we go lower just dollar-cost average, that has worked every time

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As for me now Bitcoin is not profitable to buy

1hr chart shows Bitcoin is on the rise, a close above 35K would give us a higher high and force short term shorts to cover

Bitcoin went up 2K in the 8hours following your post,

even during the run up to 42K we did not get a 1hr candle like this, I wonder if this is the doings of the Reddit mob

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No, it’s Elon!

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