Bobmaninc's quest to short the Aussie into extinction


Added little short positions on AUDUSD @1.0600 and added somme little long EURAUD @1.2340.

Tight stops however, i may affort to lose if i’m too early in. But i’m in :slight_smile:

heh, be careful at round numbers on euraud

Ok i will :slight_smile:

Kores, are you in ?

Who else ?

sure i’m in! the troble is, with too little position and i’m not brave to add more. what’s your takeprofit at aud?

Will the next bounce worth for staying in if I’m at 1.0612 ? need an advice … :slight_smile:

Great ! Your’ in too :slight_smile:

You still may add more positions, little by little, once the trend will be well definined. We will see monday, and next week, but things are going very well today !

My TP ? Parity :wink: Of course i will take profits here or there alond the way, or retire my entire positions if things will turn bad. I do not have set my TP yet, it’s already difficult enough to find good entry points for now.

i think if we are lucky, we can go till 1.0520 … i’m a jumper, not a beleiver. and i would cry if it would go long 1.07.

it’s paddling my wma on 3minutes…

okay added 1.058 just because it’s a great number

they crossed:
EURUSD (+1.26%) - Euro / U.S. Dollar 1:1 - Stooq

/aud jen thinking to be 84? /
…ahh, i felt the bounce, i even questioned myself :slight_smile: out with 0.01 profit.
have a greatweekend

No I generally do not trade on Friday and I am at wolfersons children’s hospital awaiting an MRI on my son

Thinking of you, Bob, I hope that everything goes smoothly.


Thanks man

As an update everything went smooth with my son. I will get the results in a week hope all is well but everything seemed ok. I will say one thing for any parent taking a 4 yr old to a MRI when they put him under be ready I almost went postal to see my son go from hystarical to limp in less than a minute. As a farther that will be with me for a long time to come. It was not bad but I was not prepared for that.

Any how good call banker on your 1.06 being hit. Price did exactly that and not really much else. Lets see what next week holds. There is alot going on in the world right now some good for the USD but mostly bad which might slow up the drop. Who knows time will tell. I do know last year this was my worst month shorting the aussie so I have been playing it safe for the most part. Nothing risked is nothing lost.

On another note I caught wind at my job the shope might be closing at the end of the year. I hope not I like the benefits but if they do and givin the state of the job market here I might go full time trading if it happens. I am not looking to far into it as I have heard this many times before and it never happened its just rumors. Rumors are what they are. I see it as both nothing and oppertunity at the same time. I have done reasonably well with trading and feel I could do it full time. Just the thought of giving up the medical and dential and 401K benefits is the reason I have not already done so. So dont think this mean I am going full time or I am losing my job most likely I am not. Its just voices I heard through the grape vines that I have hear before but I was thinking about it so I posted my thoughts on it. Dont take it for much more that that.

Thank god my son and I got through this today and thanks to all for bringing some life into my thread. I owe many thanks as I have been busy lately and not spent much time trading. Looking at charts I have not missed much in reguards of shorting this pair. I will post an analysis sometime this weekend as I see many things looking up to short soon. As I said this week price has been in good position to short but I have not had an entery I have liked yet. My first post said it about patience lots of it. I have that and lots of it. Anyhow its been a long day for me and my son but he gots lots of icecream he did great. Thats one tuff cookie but we are off to bed later guys enjoy the weekend


I hope everything will be okey with your son. Is that your younger son or elder?

He is my oldest. I have 2 (well really 3 but 1 didnt make it) 4 and 1.

My 4 year old (oldest) was just being checked out as he has taken quite a few hard blows to the head. I remember my pitbull running down my hall way and my son running from the kitchen. They collided at the end of the hall way and my son did a back flip and landed on his head. Lately he has been learning to ride a bike and has had a few spills but everytime he lands on hid head. Now lately he has been talking out one side of his mouth and his eye have started twitching. They gave him a sleep test and said his eyes twitch in his sleep. So they tested him for something called 7th nerve paulsy. I was told that kids his age can out grow it (if that is what it is). If not it can be treated and worst case could require surgury. Doctor said most likely its nothing to be worried about but better safe than sorry.

Me personally I think all will be fine but as the doctor said better safe than sorry. I will have to teach him to have cat like reflexes so he can land on his feet more lol. Poor little guy though it almost killed me to watch him go down like that.

Don’t worry man…

Nothing will happen. I can say, I saw many child fell like this, landing head down. It’s usual in this age. In my childhood I got a shot from a cricket player on my head’s back with a cork ball. Let’s say it exactly hit Medulla Omblongata. Nothing happen. For two days something like Dizziness and pain. Still I’m healthy. :smiley:

Be cool.

My first was and still is hyperactive. When he was one plus year old my brother was playing with him and realised he had this huge soft jelly like swelling on the side of his head.

Took him to the clinic and he was rushed to hospital and an xray showed he had a clean crack that ran horizontally nearly all the way across his skull. As long as the bleeding is outside the skull, apparently its nothing serious. Just had to make sure he did not bump his head again while it was heeling cause than the skull would slip and cross each other, which would require major surgery.

Was walking on egg shells for weeks after that. Try telling a one and a half year old who does not know the meaning of tired to becareful and watch where and what he is running into.

Had a few major headbumps after that, the last one was on the first day on his new bicycle. The traditional emergency first aid for a bump in the head is a few spoonfuls of honey to prevent a clot. Dont know if it really works but that is what I been doing.

He is four now and he is fine. Still a dynamo that is endlessly energetic even though I strictly keep sugar out of his diet.

Dont worry unnecessarily as kids are built tough. Its surprising what they can take and just dust it off before running off to chase the next thing.

on a side note, he became afraid of going for haircuts for sometime after going through the entire xray doctors and examination thing.

Never had a problem until than. It was so tough to get him to sit for a hair cut until he was over 3.

Well at least I am not the only one. He actually took it very well it was me that almost didnt make it when he went up that tube.

On another note price finished the week looking very nice for price action. We have a double top that closed rejecting resistance forming a pin bar. I will wait for the 50% retracement of the candles wick and look to enter there.That should be around the 1.0580 level. I have also been playing around with volume bars trying to learn some of Petefaders new thread on price action and volume trading.

Well here is my daily so you can see what I am looking at

currently the AUDUSD is at 1.0545. Bob, do you think it will increase to 1.058?
Or should I sell it at 1.0545 after the market open?
any good advice?

What is the best SL?

I know, it can be a silly what if question, but what if the Euro falls too? (BBC News - Spain and Portugal see big anti-austerity rallies ) At Eur/Aud it generates a strength to the aussie. If I see the H4 charts, there can be a falling trend both in Aud and in Eu pairs, but if eur-aud will tend to fall, i wouldn’t like to short the aussie.

@Iwchiet : I wouldn’t worry about that. some say aussie can go to 1.08, 1.07. what if they are right? i don’t want to be the enemy here. just like to see every viewpoint.

As far as if price will reach 1.058 I have no idea. I can not predict the future but I will not look to get in at current market price. I have seen more often than not by waiting for price to reach the 50% retracement will typically get you in at the high of the day. This is where I would look to get in. Besides market could gap to the bottom and if it does I would expect the gap to be filled and with the filling of the gap if price comes with some momentum behind it price can easily reach the 1.058 level since it is a institutional level big money going to look to at this level. This is why I will watch it closely. Also if I put my stop above the high made on friday and get in on this level it will allow me to minimze my risk and yet dtill have a high probability of makeing a decent chunk of change in the process.

I do not see it going to extinction this time around as the volume indi on the daily was at low volume. From what I have read on volume this indicates a small retracement is most probable. With this said I will keep profit targets small and trail up my stop tight. I am thinking my first PT will be the 1.045 midfig (with cashing some at 1:1 and moving stop to be). If price breaks this level I will cash some more at 1.02 but I really dont see price going down this far. I will be also watching for stopping volume on smaller timeframes once we get closer to my entry point

Hello all,

Things are still complicated today, everything is possible, up or down. The last week rally was terrific, corrections are likely, but may be short lived… or not :wink:

Still short AUDUSD (from 1.06), but my favorite play is still long EURAUD for now (from 1.2340). Took some profits this morning (1/3), still 2/3 are running.

Waiting to add more, watching closely the market today.

Important event for AUD : Tomorrow morning @01H30 GMT : AUD Reserve Bank Board, September Minutes. I’ll play cautiously until tomorrow morning. Hints may be given for a RBA rate cut.