Bobmaninc's quest to short the Aussie into extinction

haha, so it’s not the time. it’s that I’m talking too much.

Dont worry soon you will become the mouth of the south like me :smiley:


15 min.trendline broke!!! though it don’t usually mean a thing in aussie. i just can’t shut up

stopped out on aud us and closed eurus (one remained) and eur gbp shorts.

I’m LONG on EUR/AUD at 1.26479 as of yesterday. Smiths Conqueror system indicated a buy. If it breaks up of its 55 day high of of 1.2823 it will also be another LONG signal and i’ll be a happy chap.

Still on the sidelines of AUD/USD, almost got a LONG position yday, but bears kept it down just enough

now it’s past 1.029, so we can talk about why to long now and not before it reached.:26:
and can we start to short eur/aud? … oh, The Doors - The End (1967) - YouTube

thank you for enlightening. so mysteries about numbers are not just in tales… it’s so ridicolous, still that’s our world…

I’m in LONG, accidently entered at 1.0287 instead of 1.0295 as originally planned, but there was a break above 1.0295 which indicates the AUD/USD is now making Higher Highs and Higher Lows.

solid? we will see aud long and eur fall or just stop, and when aud will fall eur will fall too. i think it can be a beginning of something dangerous. I’m really young and I haven’t seen such before. if you have some experience, please say not to panic. and give me advices what to do

I’m not concerned about my positions, I just visioned what could happen not in a longer term. and hope, I’m not right. I see gold going up to the skyes and the currencies and the money with which we buy our food and stuff worth nothing. that was the vision, but let it not be true!

I won’t. Gold is just a yellow metal. and I don’t like it at all. :slight_smile: it’s not what we are paying with. it’s not in use.

  • Than, buy silver! you should say…

okay, stepping back to the ground, I’ve got some trade to worry about : I’ve shorted eur/us accidentally at 1.3055 and 1.3070. the first was a pending order, the second was letsjumpsillyness.
what is worse, I sold usd/cad, and it should go short as eur/usd goes up. what will it do after?

Hi Kores,

Your forgot to add the [sarc] [/sarc] tags in your post isn’t it ? :wink: In case of you was serious, here is my view:

Yes gold is in use, il only a little bit more complicated than buying with your fiat but it’s worth the effort (but if people won’t make some little efforts, it’s not my problem after all :):

  1. Go to your local bank or coin dealer, buy 1 ounce of gold today by giving 1’750 pieces of toilet paper ($, euro,…).

  2. In 1, 2 or 3 years, if you need to buy stuff, go back to your local bank or coin dealer, give back your nice little piece of yellow metal for say… 5’000 pieces of toilet paper, and go to buy your stuff.

Same with silver.

Repeat this operation as often as you wish.

If you can wait more than 5 years with you nice little piece of yellow metal, you may even get much more than 5’000, say 10k, 50k ? Who knows…

Of course, if you think everything is ok in our world, if your trust our politicians, economist and other central planners, and that we will never see a depression, or worse a total collapse in the next 5, 10 years, then it’s ok, continue to accumulate your wortless paper and do not buy gold :slight_smile:

But i’m sure you already knows that and share my view, at least a good part of, no ? :wink:

Yes I see it happening though I havent been educated on financial things. and as I see it, I’m already at a great depression. Thanks for your post. Maybe it is the catalisator for me to buy some silver ETF or I dunno what the hell. any advise about it would be nice from you. If you could e-mail me about details, anything it would be very generous and thank you in advance.

Hi Banker, have you short 1.034? I have shorted. Lets earn some buck from it. it seems to be moving up still.

I didnt see anything good on the charts to get short last night but I think I will wait till later tonight specifically the china GDP release. that should slow things down a little

Please Kores do not touch ETF or other paper gold and silver, that’s only paper, and i case of serious troubles, they may be totally worthless, for a lot of reasons (this may take too long to explain here, but the ETF game is a scam in my humble opinion).

If you plan to buy gold or silver, do it only [B]PHYSICAL[/B], by buying, if possible, coins (US eagles, Canadian Maples, Swiss Vrenelis, Krugerands…) or small ingots (1gr, 10gr, 100gr or 1kg if you have a lot of wealth to protect). Same with silver, buy packs of coins (US eagles and Canadian Maple are my favorites).

Important : get the [B]delivery[/B] of these coins and store them safely: safe deposit box in a local bank you trust for example, or better, in a very secure place in your house.

It would be prudent that everyone has from 5% to 10% (or more if you want) of his wealth secured that way.

Bob and other, sorry this is a bit off topic, Kores if you have more questions, you may sent it by email, and let’s continue to discuss the Aussie here :slight_smile:

Thanks GG, you know, for silly persons, like me it’s not so easy to switch your mind. but thanx for the idea, really!!

and back to the aussie with a twist: I placed a short pending order on gbp/usd at 1.618 that it hasn’t reached yet and thought that will be my start in shorting us too, but I couldn’t help not to short it at 1.0342.

aud/jen still on the long run! it may have been a 4 touch something (on 30minues chart ) that Banker told us about the aud/aus last day…

Gold is a big part of the Aussie so it is a relevant question. And I like your idea to keep the actual metal rather than a piece of paper that says you own a piece of metal. reason is you can buy gold on paper that has not been dug up yet. Well there are no guarantees it will even be dug up.

ok. if aud jen breaks down 81.37, will anyone think it’ll be a good short?
gbp/usd short works, till now as eur/ us too

I am leaning towards that we are setting the high but it seems to be defying gravity at the moment and I have seen the Aussie do this many times in the past.

hmmm yeah I probably should have seen that one coming since the building permits hit a 4 year high. That would be thanks to QE3 and banks now starting to free up some cash. I dont see this as a long lasting economy saver nut it will create some jobs at least.