Bobmaninc's quest to short the Aussie into extinction

Yeah it was a couple of billions order :D:D

Just hoping price will not retest the highs in the next few hours…

Yunny, it was very kind that you shared your view. I feel sorry if it was hard to see my agony. It was distressing to see price just climbing up. when you popped that view it was a healing for my nerves (:

:smiley: I wish I could move the market

lol I thought it was but nope. I put it at 1.0415 got hit by a pip or 2. I actually meant to put it at 1.0420 but for some reason I did not. Not quite sure what happened there I read price wrong or something. It is what it is. Either way price action is no where near what I expected so if it does move down at this point it can go ahead without me. I am no longer careing. I just went through hell tonight. I went fishing earlier in the middle of nowhere. I also promised I would take the wife out for dinner. Well the guy I went fishing with is an old man and he was not going to make the hike back to the truck. So seeing as how we are in the middle of nowhere I went to get my truck to come get him. Yeah I didnt make it I got stuck. To keep my promise to my wife I had to dig my damn truck out of the mud with a stick. Yeah thats right a stick. Well I did it and took the wife out as promised. But it has taken a toll on me. I had some really stiff drinks and feel no pain right now. Tomorrow morning is going to be a different story. All in all I did enjoy my day I caught some big bass but paid for them in the end lol. Still got them and took the wife out. was a great night in the end. I got a story to tell my kids thats for sure. I am done for the week I will be on the water for the weekend not fishing but taking the kids to the beach.

As far as trading I see price has done nothing so if it move I could not care less if it dont well as already stated I could not care less. I am enjoying my weekend its Friday no sense getting in now. Another thing I learned is scrolling over some numbers in tradeing this year. Wow I have not made a whole lot like last year but after looking over my trading I understand why. Swap rates, sure they are small in terms of day trading but swing trading the Aussie on the wrong side of the swap all year. those numbers are staggering. Ruff estimate on looking over the time in trades this year. Just to break even after the swap I had to make well over 100% or more on my account and I am in the green. This mean my numbers if I went long all year would be through the roof. But I am not as good calling bottoms as I am tops. Just something I will be taking into consideration for next years trading. I am not totally crunched the number yet as the year is not over but its far enough to know its going to be staggering. It will be a major part as to why my year was not a good as last year even though my win ration went though the roof

Turn your screen upside down :smiley:

Same for me yesterday with AUDJPY, went stopped for 2 pips at the high of the day :17:

I had much better luck with my AUDUSD, they are still alive, but that was close… :wink:

And Bob, about the swap rate, it’s not that important, since 1 or 2 good Aussie trades may pay your swap costs for the entire year. The most important is to be, and surf with the right side of the market.

Have a good day and week-end,

Swaps actually can add up over the course of the year. Yes the trades will make up the costs of the swap but looking back I might take yunny’s advise and turn the screen upside down as it would be much better to have the swap in my favor. Spreads are high enough no sense adding to the transaction costs. If the swap was in my favor it would actually cover the spread since I typically hold trades for a few days

I don’t mind swap because Yunny gave us a fantastic indicator which we can use for other trades as well :slight_smile: I mean if I know the TP for an [B]important [/B]trade, it can be a main direction.
And what’s with you, Bob anyway, you should be with the kids. I’m a bit envy of you that you have. In my next life I wanna be a dad! So for this, there’s nothing left for me just this interesting pattern-world with candlesticks, haha.

have a good weekend for all of you:)

Hahaha, that’s what the problem with the aussie! :smiley:
you can miss out the best part…
still suspecting, it’s an arranged friday afternoon

yeah, the trick is the swap. and the weekend. I’m curious about what will be the pace…

Didn’t reach my TP, but anyway a good 70 pips trade :slight_smile:

All my trading is long term (unless I get stopped on a spike), and I have found that over the last year my swap cost is about 8% of my profit.

This is across all pairs and CFDs

Thats cool. I am not sure of the exact number of how much swaps have cost me only shorting this pair this year. I can say though I try to be like you Cyco and hold longer term positions but I trail my stop tight in certain areas where I would consider a take profit zone and generally get stopped out there. Still working on trailing stops but I am getting better day by day. Still I tend to hold trades from a couple days to a week or more. Although I am not in a trade all the time I am on the wrong side of the swap every time. After days roll by and weeks and months one can see where swaps can be large. And do not quote me when I say it is close to 100% of my accont over the year. When I say that I refer to the beginning balance not todays. Also I could be wrong I have not crunched the number I will finish out the year then do the math. My point from this is everyone say you people just cant make 100% of there account every year. I got to call BS. Even though I did not double my account this year. I had to make 100% of my account just to BE and I ended (so far unless I do something very stupid) in profit. Just think if I only took longs I would have easy made 100%.

replace ‘bobmaninc’s’ with ‘B Bernanke’ and you don’t need a thread, you have a central bank!

I think you can get a swap free account with some brokers. I think Oanda has one. Obviously you won’t get any positive swap as well. Might be worth looking into.

They do charge more per trade to make up for the lack of swap. They are generally called Islamic accounts (under Islam it is illegal to lend money for interest).

Is that with increased spreads or is there some type of commission?

I doubt you can because someone has to pay the swap. Some brokers give you a roll over that cashes you out and reenters you at a certain time of the day. I could be wrong but I dont mind swaps. I made it so far this year. Sure my year could have been better but to be honest if I made 100 million in profits it could have been better. Hopefully I will let you know for sure when I get there ;). Also I like my brokers fixed spreads. This way I do not have to be at work and worry about spreads stopping me out in case of news and I get a little spike against me but the spreads widened that made that little spike a little bigger spike.

On a Side not I took another long today. Not because banker said so. I respect you as a trader banker but yeah not going long because you said so. I am going to show my mt4 because I am still having problems seeing my entry on my live charts. Not sure my sent an email to my broker. Hope to get it fixed soon. Its a problem in my connection but we are trying to resolve it. I might have to uninstall my platform and reinstall it (or thats what they told me to do I just have not done it yet I am lazy lol)

Anyhow I entered at the 1.03 fig as it is a big fig the is a nice area of S/R. This area is also the 50% retracement of a bigger swing on the 4hr. I do not really use the 50% level to much but been reading petefaders stuff so there was enough confluence to get in. The rest of the confluence is we were on the s1 daily pivot and pretty close to the 50 sma.Previous marked S/R (as stated the 1.03 fig has been a nice fig for movement) and we had bullish divergence on the 4hr stoch (standard settings). Overall market structure seems to be turning to the upside since we have taken out the previous swing highs on the 4hr

here is my cher I did not mark my entry but it was at the 1.03 fig I am sure you can figure out where it was

right now it’s very hard to decide, but I longed a/jen to ride the retracement and hoping to get to 83ish level, but soon will short the eur pair of it

and also shorted cad/jen, just to take revenge on my mistaken e/cad short that I made at friday. I know I shouldn’t have to trade with emotions, one day I’ll be get out of this bad habit. right now it seems like price can make a lower low. the problem is, I see U/cad is also attractive for a short. E/U as well. what will happen, guys? candles will rain like cats and dogs?

A quotation had come to mind:
“The world is changing very fast. Big will not beat small anymore. It will be the fast beating the slow.” - Rupert Murdoch

but how can I guesstimate which will be the fast and furious?