Bobmaninc's quest to short the Aussie into extinction

Haha yeah well it dont look like price wants to do anything right now. Currently sitting on about 20 pips and if price stays flat I make money. If it goes up I make money. It cant go down as I told it not to till I get home to set my stop to BE :D. Then all I can do is make money :slight_smile:

Banker, where would be your TP? I actually waiting for a long enter at A/Jpy to till 83 or 84 tomorrow. am I wrong if I enter at about 82.10-13?
Itā€™s interesting because E/U reached a point where it shold be falling like a stone but price action isnā€™ tending there -just as I see, but I can be wrong.

ok, sorry, I see you wrote 15 pips for TP


*edit: Rejected! Stopped outā€¦ -16 pips on that one. I will short again on the next test of 1.030 with double position size, and same TPs and SLs.[/QUOTE]

A/Jpy reached previous high, I think itā€™s ok now to short the A/U. I will also short E/U

by the way, do you expect something from the presidential debate tonight?
Bob, itā€™s at Florida, as I know, is it interesting? :slight_smile:

Expect something from debate in terms of Forex?
Is it interesting?
Love these debates.

Actually living here in florida has been interesting. They both have been here in jacksonville even though there is no depate on northeast florida as of yet. I have honestly given up watching the debates as neither one of them have showed me anything worth voting for. If I want to see a bunch of srguements I will come and read certain threads here on babypips. The only thing I have learned from these debates is god bless America we are going to need it.

Both are here because we are a swing state and we are this way due to people like me. I swing more toward the republican side of things but have always believed I will cast my vote for the person I believe is the best man for the job. This time around I do not see a best man and dont think I will vote at all. It may be considered unpatriotic to do throw your vote away. But I refuse to vote for any man that I do not believe can uphold his sword duty. I honestly think the country would be better off leaving the white house empty for 4 years and letting the people run the country.

As far as markets are concerned I dont see any of these debates really doing much to the markets. There all talk to get people to vote for them but all I see is a bunch of teenagers argueing over the fact they both suck. The election might have an effect depending on the campaigns and what the new president intends to do in the next term but other than that I dont see it other than a waste of my time. I would rather do something constructive with my time like sit on my toilet over watching these 2 idiots. lol End of my rant

Braking News[/B]
Bobmaninc(An undecided voter)
I honestly think the country would be better off leaving the white house empty for 4 years and letting the people run the country.
I would rather do something constructive with my time like sit on my toilet over watching these 2 idiots.


Potential long AUD/USD?
3 Bullish Signals on AUD/USD | Forex Blog: Playing with ComDolls

I dontknow why is this with me, that I see something and it happens laterā€¦
what do you think guys about that E/C and U/C chart?

khm, maybe from parity

Iā€™m not that type, but seeing this, I should be. I will happen to close all of my E/C shorts from Friday with some profit - those that havenā€™t stopped out above 1.30 because I was stubborn enogh not to have stopsā€¦
and now? would you say, that market will keep on going south? these candles arenā€™t so tiny
or should I just throw them at 1.28?

Iā€™m getting to like you Banker (: so, you said, today! then itā€™ll go on

so, we wonā€™t see a big fall continuation in A/U today? just during the correction of U/C
Iā€™m just shorting it from 1.0260

Whats up with the Aussie?

what do you suspect? just to speak for myself Iā€™m trying a short

Price is too low for me to short. Even though I am with you on the sell bias.
In my opinion this is the area to go Long ONLY IF there is a strong signal on H4 time frame.

if it could broke 1.0235 it would fall sharply-in my opinion- I would just favour the short because we are already at a short trend and no one would think that it could fall deeper. but what is mixed in me too: I thought A/Jpy would go higher before it comes down.

you can be right. Iā€™m just curious, what would a strong signal can be look like? and what do you expect from AUD CPI?

Have never really cared about the CPI report.

I was watching the area between 1.0275-1.0250 to go long.
Price did go up from 1.0250 but I failed to see a good PA set up there.

Any words on the H4 pinbars that formed at that area?
I wasnā€™t too confident of those pins.

Just got short at 1.0310 market flow seem to be swaping back down. My long entry didnot work so well. I got a little off the swap but not enough to cover the loss. So another small loss. First loss of the year going long (also my third long entry on the year).

I am going to be honest here guys I will be around but my trading is coming to an end for 2012. I will be looking for a rate drop torwards the end of next month (or when even next month) I got to red up on westpac that banker sent me (cudos by the way banker). Also we have an election coming up that should send a ripple in some shape in the markets. I will mainly look at interest rates right now. After that I am pretty much done for the year unless something big jumps out at me.

What I will be doing over the next few months is going over my trading logs and journal. I will also go over this thread and all relevant posts to my trading to find a way to improve next year. I am happy with my results this year. I did not get quite what I expected an all areas but well exceeded in some areas I did not expect.

The main areas I will be looking at only shorting the Aussie. This one though I am not sure I will get rid of as its not shorting the aussie that made me profits but more so I am good at picking tops. At least much better than picking bottoms. So I might looking into lookning at Aussie cross pairs next year. The reason for this is I work hard and enjoy what I do. I did not make enough to retire from my day job so I must trade pairs that move when I can trade (even if I swing trade you want price to move to get that stop to BE asap). I also learned the importance of interest rates this year that both ICT and banker have stated. If I was not on the wrong side off the swap this year would have been close to last years trading with a higher win% (thanks ICT).

Well I have alot to review. Even though I did make a profit this year I honestly expected more. Win ratio is higher than I expected. Cash and percentage not so much. I have learned alot over the past year and will not fault it on my trading in any way. I took a large withdrawl to pay for a down payment on a home. One I did not get due to my credit score being a little to low. I had to much out there. Fine that ok I got that money sitting my credit score is almost there so stay tuned for my next house. It was mostly only going short on the Aussie. This cut down on the number of trades I took this year. Plus I still got a lot to learn on trailing stops up. The swaps did not help either something I will be looking at coming into next year.

I thank all for being on my thread and I am not going anywhere just you will see my trades slow down soon (still looking though just will be studying). Hope to make it next year to own that island over the pond. till then these are my thoughts as I continue my quest to short the Aussie into extinction :stuck_out_tongue:

what do you think of U/C to parity ? it may get a little more time than other pairs, but Iā€™m sure it wants to fall from there, and as everything go round it, it can be a good pickā€¦

As for the Aussie: as Banker said it "Broke 1.03 cleanly " and I believe it did. so it can be a retracement and Iā€™ll be waiting at 1.0353. I think the 4H is working for this pair and I have a pivot there. which means, if it gets throughā€¦ I fail. Iā€™ll also watch A/J, as I thougt it can do till 83.5 or 84.