Bobmaninc's quest to short the Aussie into extinction

Hi Bob,

It’s sad that you want to stop (or almost) trading for this year. We are only in October, and a lot of fun may (and probably will) occur before 2013, not only with the Aussie, but also with the stock market (i feel a crash right before or after the US election) and other pairs. I just don’t have enough time and fx accounts to trade all what I would :).

I hope to see you here often, it’s always a pleasure to read your posts, they are informative and fun :slight_smile:

Oh, btw, I actually don’t have any short position with the Aussie, because of tonight positive news for Australia and China. I’m now patiently waiting to short again next week or later, we will see.

See you soon

GG is right.

Bob, You could be missing out on a lot of fun, but you do what you feel you have to do.

GGF, Looking at NASDAC and SP500, both look to have started a decent down trend, breaking previous S/R levels. Not sure you will have to wait till after the election…

…and hundreds of hedge funds that will have to cash out the 2012 hopium profits before years end… (and before it’s too late).

That will hurts.

Banker, or anybody, can you name a news what moved USD/Cad now?

Guys I am not sitting out. I just know the holidays are around the corner. When that time of year comes around my trading take a back seat. I also noitcied last year the market just didnt do much to give me signals. If I see a signal I will trade it but I am not holding my breath.

I learned the same thing last year this time around.
Well, maybe it will be the time to go for scalping 20-30 pips.

I think, those who longed aussie needs a stoploss. but if you are at the right direction, you dont need a stop. it’s 8 and a half hour till we get to that CNY news which will be good for the aussie. will it stay there till then? :slight_smile:

CNY news this evening is not of much importance. AUD is headed up regardless of the news at least into next week IMO.
FOMC in a little bit should show some volatility.

I used to watch lower timeframes and it’s interesting. but for now, I think the 1hour forms. am I wrong if I hold the short??
dunno why :slight_smile: but I opened an E/A long too…

Banker, will that surprise shift favor my short?

I understand the bottom line, but can you tell me what do you mean by “dovish”? dove is the bird of peace that can fly, so I can just guess the dovish side can be an up move for NZD. or am I wrong? haha (:

haha, thank you, wise mentor! :slight_smile: I hope I’m too young to fail. haha, not so young already, but hope is a strong thing.

one more question: how can I conclude TP? should I watch higher timeframes with fibo? or just take Time as price forms when we reach that CNY news?
I parcelled the 1H candle to 3 equal part but price haven’t retraced (yet)-ok, now it comes. I did this because if I’d like to add a position, I would use those. is it totally unorthodox?

will it just be 20some pips? if I’m on A/U

I see A/Nzd has already done what I thought.

ps: Yunny I miss your healing view (:

May I know is there anyone looking to short? What is the entry point? 1.04?

Well I tried to short yesterday and was stopped. So I think I am going to take my losses this week and going home with my tail between my legs lol. The 1.04 level looks good to short but then again so did the 1.03 level so I am not interested. Plus I am heading out of town in the morning to a concert so I think I am just going to enjoy my long weekend :slight_smile:

have a nice weekend, whatkinda concert will that be? (:

Iwchiet, I’ve just bought E/U cause I need to beleive in this bull**** chinese and aussie good news, so I will watch it where it stops, than try some short maybe today … to be honest, I tried to short A/U yesterday night, it was good for an hour but came back and there are some of my shorts just stucked there. what I was expected, had happened in A/Nzd . It’s strongly surprising that we haven’t noticed that before! so last night I’ve just rowed the f…ing weak dollar, and that I wasn’t that wise to recognise it before. but Usd will strengthen back, and thats when we should give aussie a shortsell…that’s my view.
Title of the day: market, that goes everywhere.

Hi Iwchiet,

I’m not ready to short AUD/USD, yet. This thing can go way up before the next RBA rate decision. And the USD may continue to weaken before the US election farce.

Not only i’m not short Aussie these days, [B]but i’m even long AUD/JPY [/B]since today. I’ll try to surf to this Aussie long trend. And these unpredictable Japanese can intervene to weaken the yen at any time.

But as always, I prepare some good sell stop orders in case of a sudden change of the trend, since i’m still certain that Aussie will reach parity before 2013.

uhh, I luckily closed my positions from yesterday. though we can be halfway, but I didn’t want to see them go negative once more.

be careful to short right now, Isn’t it, when a country gets into a difficult situation, their currency goes up first?

  • Eur will strenghten back too. this combination means for me not to short just right now. /I’ll try quiet the contrary/ I would wait a higher top - but that’s my oppinion. -ok, not sure, about the higher (:

what is that term with risk on-risk off ? and which situation is it?

Risk off means the world is going to end so buy USD. Risk on means all is well place your bets and let the good times roll. Sell your dollars and gamble it in less safe investments such as bobmaninc galactic credits.

I have some if you would like to buy. Since there is not much supply these things come at a pretty high price. They look remarkably like monopoly money. How much do you want to buy :smiley: