Bobmaninc's quest to short the Aussie into extinction

Believe me, if the world is going to end… I’d rather buy physical Gold or Bobmanic Galactic Credits than USD. :smiley:

haha, what I see on Eu/ Gbp is fantastic! :slight_smile: itsanuptrend!

yeah, thanks, I googled it too. I think they advised to buy Usd at risk off situations because at that time America ruled. now it has an enormous galactic-size debt. so gold went up. but gold still isn’t what we’re all paying with. so there should be other currencies. if everything goes well in the Eu, it can be the eu, but first, we thought, it will be gbp, or cad, jpy, chf or nzd! So I think it’s risk off situation, but dollar is no more a safe currency.
but as always, there can be some trick. till wallstreet rules, it’ll always be.

I’d like to tell here, that I respect all the currencies in the world, and all the good and wise man.

I’ve just read an article written by an insight-man. he enclosed his article with this:
"We need to end the Fed, break up the big banks, get corporate money out of politics and facilitate localized community banking for the benefit of America’s real job creators.

Is anyone listening?"

he may be right. but I also would like to hear your opinion.

I also read something about the BankofAmerica at nytimes. as I’m not so good in english I may not understand everything well. What could it cause, please tell me, cause I don’t want to guess here.

Gold (and Silver’s) prices are manipulated by the central banks of the US and Europe.

This is making China very happy as they are creating a massive stockpile at a discount to the ‘true’ price and when they announce what they are actually holding you will see a big spike in the price as others realise their game is up.

The Germans realised this by the statement they released about their Gold not being stored in their country. This was to ‘remind’ others that it is theirs as the amount of paper Gold is about 100x the amount of real Gold and there will be a MASSIVE fight over who actually has what and own what when the faecal material impacts the air displacement device…

Although I do believe in what you say that is not how markets react to risk on and off. But to be honest if you were to invest long long term then yes IMO USD is a major risk currency. The reason the dollar became the safe heaven currency is a long time ago in a galaxy far far away. The Federal Reserve in an attempt to take over the world. Told the world to back there dollars with USD and the Federal Reserve would back our dollars with gold. Basically stating that the USD would become an IOU for gold. This is why the Federal Reserve Note or aka The dollar became the safe heaven currency as it was the only currency backed by gold.

After some years the Federal Reserve became overtaken by Sith Lords the we today call the warm and fuzzy name of politicians. IT was then that these sith lords realized they now had the power to do whatever they want and no one has the authority nor the power to check on them. Once the sith lords realized this they began write more and more IOU since it no longer matters if they have the gold to pay the note. In fact I cant remember which but I think it was Sith Lord Nixon who told the world we did not have enough gold to pay and there was nothing anyone could do about it.

I do now believe it is because of that fact the USD remained the safe heaven currency. Because we told the world we could not pay our IOU’s and that no one could do anything about it. Means we could now write more IOUs for gold that has never been dug up yet or even ever actually own (pretty slick right?).

Now why does the USD not correlate with gold? It is my belief that a team of Jedi Knights have been forming a rebellion to over throw the Federal Reserve and this is some of the effects these Jedi Knights are putting on the fed. The fed has been recently called into question and some talks have been made to audit the FED. Gees wander why that didnt happen. As long as they do not get audited they can continue to operate that death star they have (AKA deficit).

It is my hope that these Jedi Knights can disable the death star and overthrow the Fed. Untill that moment in history the world can never be a peace. The Siths have a very powerful weapon and that is cloaking ability. This cloaking ability comes in the form of news. Anytime the FED has been put on the chopping block something comes up to catch everyones attention. The last time the FED was called into question was the crash in 08. What happen? EU debit come into play every looks at EU and the FED escapes. Do any of you think the EU debt problem is worse that the FEDS? Heck no they are a small blotch on the radar screen compared to the FED’s deathstar. I will not go back through history this post is already getting long but take a look into US history with the FED and what happens with mid east turmoil and the like. What you will find is quite interesting. As long as everyones back is turned they can keep shoveling money out site unseen (pretty slick huh). These guys have been flying under the radars for a long time and everytime they get caught on the radar they are quick to launch a decoy and escape. I just hop e the Jedi Knights can launch a attack before its to late.

Bob, I always liked your viewpoint, and thanks for adding a hint of a tale-taste. abstraction is a very useful herb.
Can I ask, who would you consider to play the role of those Jedi Knights? If I remember well, there’s some new member in theFED. Do you think they are the positive characters?

ps.: about on voting, I’m with Madonna (: really. from two, there is a smaller bitter pill, for the world.

Honestly I have no idea who the good guys are. With all the bad in power someone has to have some good left in them still

any idea about the non farm payrolls result tonight? AUD/USD up or down?
I am expecting it to drop to 1.037 range but not sure what the response will be once the result came out.

my simle view is, that it must come up, than down :smiley:
it seems to me, market is now prices in what it expects, so now I’m longing. the euro. and I don’t care if it comes down to 1.27 either. I will have just a more risk-appetite to buy. because they agreed , that The E-union can’t go smashed before 6 of november.
at the aussie, I wanted to short from 1.0415, but I deleted my order cause I thought it might be dangerous as it stepped through 1.04. but I was wrong. i could have locked in 42 pips right now. so now I’m trying to desert to the other side. if for the last time…

wow, the E/A cross is in a delicious price, long time not seen.

I would expect a rise in NFP and a drop in unemployment. Partially due to the north east being so bad right now unemployment offices are closed. People can not draw unemployment so it will have an effect on the numbers. Probably going to create a small risk off environment. Good luck trading it.

I am not trading I took a short earlier this week and was able to get my stop to BE and got stopped out. So a loss last week and flat this week. Those are not impressive numbers.

hey, it’s very off-topic, but if everything’s connected - now I tryed chocolate with lemon. and it’s just excellent! maybe I’ll try to bake a cake… if you happen to know a recipe, would be glad to try it:) when I worked at a confectionery, the boss had a delicious lemon-pie recipe, but he never gave it out.

I’m in SHORT at averaged at 1.375, almost got a parcel filled at 1.0425 but it didnt run that high.

Now the wait for Tuesday RBA accouncement. Futures are showing about a 50/50 chance of a rate cut.

Wow thats tuesday huh. Look up what banker once gave me a link to westpac. Just google it I did my homework on those guys and they are incredible in predicting fundamentals in the Aussie (well they should be there a major bank over there). If will to relook at it as they were saying this rate cut was very likely and depending on how it did would determine the rate cut after the 1st of the year.

I had very high rsepect for banker and it bothers me he deleted all his posts on my thread. Not sure why he decided to do that but I have seen many come and go in these forums. If he is reading this Banker I tip my hat to you and wish you a farewell buddy

that’s mean we will see more drop in the aud/usd

If they do indeed cut rates yeah most likely so. Dont take my word for it. With prices going up market is pricing in no cuts this time around so I expect if they do in fact cut the rates will will see a pretty nasty drop. Again I can not read the future so take it for what its worth.

yeah, Banker please come back! (: we miss you.
and please tell me how I can delete some of my posts, as I’m a bit too much sometimes :smiley:

As I tend to see Mondays like an odd day when I don’t like to trade, and as price moved a lot, compared to other days, I would expect a “retracement”. my number is 1.0420, but we’ll see. Henry, can it be possible, what once wasn’t filled, now it can be? the Daily is an up… and Tuesday is an important day from every aspect, candles can turn red, it’s not a big question. The Us election and the RBA rate cut combo, pheeew, that can sound.

Westpac Weekly Report for Week Commencing 5 Nov 2012

I havent read it yet, need to cash the car and mow the lawns before wifey complains!!!

Thanks a lot for the report!

and it’s lighter than what I’ve heared at a presentation from Saxo Bank lately, for their last quarter forecast. Upon their view, E/U will reach 1.20 and A/U 0.95 till december.
interesting, that this Westpac forecast 1.26 till december, this year, than heading down for another year, just reaching 1.20 next year.
When I started to thinking about what can happen with the Euro if they don’t keep Greece in, I thought Eu will move higher, at least in the longer run. so, yeah, 1 year is not a longer run. or … it can make a false break-out from the range somewhere, before heading down. what I don’t understand is, it seems in this westpac, that E/U slowly melts. but A/U sharply, than bounce sharply! while euro just melts?!

Hi Kores,

Do you have a link for this presentation from Saxo please ?
Or when was it released, so i can try to find it on google ?

Thanks a lot

Hi GG, it was an annual presentation. I think they makes it every year, usually october-november. It was 10.30.2012 this year,in my town, but they were to other surrounding town as well. Unfortunately I haven’t got any documentum from them. It was nothing concrete, as I sad, they consider aussie as the most overvalued currency, thats prize will go down to approx. 0.95 in this last quarter. just as the E/U which they prize to 1.20 this quarter!!!. and Usd will overtake Cad