Bobmaninc's quest to short the Aussie into extinction

I think this U/Cad is the most important, and soothing too. cause if not, we could pay high prize for the oil, that’s the problem.
so, it would be healthy if usd could rise towards cad. but meanwhile, eur needs to go down, as cad/jen too.
Now, I think some traders preassume, that Aud will rise after it… and if Eu not, it means they will try to keep oil-prices low, isn’t it?

what do you think about today’s moves? not much, isn’t it? what’s next?

I heared, that if one ore another wins the election nov.6, it’s not sure he wins, till the electors votes. So how is it? when is the final day when it comes out? sorry, I feel so uninformed.

Tomorrow is the election day.
It will be all over tomorrow. No more political ads on TV

Well no rate cut up she goes. Was looking to get short but a buddy of mine broke down so I went to go bail him out. Just got home to see a huge spike to the north. I might not have got paid for my night but at least I did not take a loss so that has to count for something

Stubborn currency this. Look at her fly now.

Damn RBA, stopped out and reversed the position, in LONG, given no rate cut, I think it’ll go up more before coming down.

you know how silly I am, I’m on short :smiley: thinkin about 1.0338. SL is 1.047

hah, Fxpro pivot today on E/U is now where we are

I’m 16 pips up on E/A. will it hold and go upper?

it seems Saxo view is in sinchron with Marc Faber. except that I dont know saxo view for the next first quarter and what’s follows

Hi Bob, do you know something, why is Florida still gray on the map?
Election Results - 2012 Election Center - Elections & Politics from
Obama succeeded, but can it be, that they recount the votes?

Florida is a bunch of idiots and old people neither of them get things done very fast. Even if there was a recount (which would not surprise me much) it will not make a difference on who is president.

If they do recount it would not be for who is president but for the other things they have on the ballot such as some state laws, state supreme court justices, Senate, and House Representative. I think thats about it. But I seen some real winners down at the voting precinct yesterday. I mean some of these people should be monitored in there sleep so they dont die of crib death as there brain forgot to breathe (was I a little to harsh there?)

okay:) so they are a bit elderly, and won’t cheat! :slight_smile:

lol I was just eating lunch and watching the news. What they said the issue is due to the fact they were lines in some cities to vote till 3 am this morning and some cities are not done counting all the votes yet. Still like I said it will make no difference for Obama’s reelection but more will have an impact on more local stuff mentioned above in my last post. I can say though by looking at florida votes it will most likely be a red state I would think as most counties have voted for Romney

Still long for aud/usd from 1.0390
tp 1.0480…

Nice looks like your TP was hit. I just got short @ 1.0470. Shooting for the 1.02 fig. Not sure if we will get there but I will be trailing up my stop just in case.

Yup …same with ne…using trailling stop…hope we will reach 1.0480 and then short…heheheh…

According to my charts last night we did hit the 1.0480 level if we missed it was only by a pip or 2. Well anyway my short is getting close to 100 pips profit. Not bad at all seeing as how I planned to sit out this week as I was uncertain on how this week would play out with the elections. But I could not pass the shot as we had a pin bar form on the daily and the 50% retracement of the candles wick. This also happen to be on a resistance level (not the best I have ever seen but a decent level considering its an institutional level) This also formed an OTE on the daily. With that its enough for me to look for and entry which I found on the 15 min. Price pulled up into a short term resistance and again formed a pin bar and hit the 50% retracement. I tried to get in on the 50% mark but I am finding this hard to do on the 15min chart. As I tend to always be a little late and after spread it even more off but that is not enough not to enter the trade. Great R:R risked 1% and had my stop just above the 1.05 fig (30 pips). Stop is now at BE with half of the position off the table. So finally a green week on the books. I have been in a slump after last week

Edit: I feel I must also add I will not be holding this trade over the weekend.

Also sorry I have not been keeping up with my thread like I should. I have been studying charts. Mainly the cable and fiber and Yen. Reason is I am getting used to how these markets move even though I do not plan on trading these pairs. I am thinking of adding Aussie crosses into my trading plan for next year. Mainly using the cable and fiber to gauge the streanth of of course the EUR and GBP crosses. I dont think I will be trading them much as those markets seem to move more when I can not trade them still. My main interest is look at the USD/JPY to see correlation with the AUD/JPY and how I can use this to my advantage. I am interested in this pair as I feel it will be a good addition to my trading of the Asian session.

Morning bro…
So today for aud vs usd what is your plan?..for me i would like to go sgort but still want to enter at the best place.

Well funny you ask that here is a post I posted on another thread. Was going to post something smiler here but I am tired of typing so it going to be a copy and paste with a link to the other thread to read on it. There was some good conversation over there today on the Aussie (something I do not see to often)

[/QUOTE]First off, nice trade. Secondly, could you please post a chart to show how you came to the conclusion that market structure is down? I would like to see how yourself and others came to the conclusion that market structure is down?
My opinion is that we are seeing a retracement in an intermediate term uptrend and until we see the short term low (marked on my chart below) give way, market flow on the daily is still up.
If we see this short term low get penetrated to the downside and we get a rally back towards the most recent high formed on the daily, I would then look to sell short in anticipation of the formation of a short term high. Thanks for the input. Please see my chart below.


Thanks now I will get into how I look for market structure/flow (bias whatever you want to call it) as it is different from what ICT explains here but all of this came from ICT just tweaked a little to fit me and my pair along with my style of trading. First off I do not use Williams fractals. Not saying they are not important but I will explain why I dont use them here shortly. With this said I use swing points (major swings) on the daily. I am not an intaday trader I swing trade ( or try to anyway some trade are better than others). Here are a couple examples of market flow/structure to me
Daily AU chart (I will get into my trade I took here in a sec I want to show how I got bias first)

Lets start from left to right here. First look at the blue trend line drawn this is there just to illustrate we are having lower highs so flow is down. Now lets get into that first blue circle I drew the red line to show it is a resistance level (if you look more to the left you will see it a significant level of resistance) now price did not take this level out (missed by a few pips) but because it tested so hard I will look at it. I would prefer to see it broke but it is not a requirement. Now lets look at the red circle. As you can see price dropped into OTE (but if you look all the way to the left we are at support). In order to have an OTE this means price failed to break the previous swing. This sounds good in hind sight but how do you trade this when the right side of your chart is a black hole? Well lets look at the next area (where I took my trade off of)

First lets look at the swing in the middles of my 2 market up areas (sorry shold have pointed it out in the chart but it means nothing besides its a swing). Now you have in the blue circle, the first swing down (where the red line begins) price drops down to test a intermediate swing (shown by the white line) then pops up to retest the high (end of red line in the blue circle). What is this? It is now an area of consolidation. Why is it consolidating?.

Now you can see price (may have) failed to retest the high forming ote. Note the long red line across the chart. This is pointing to a pretty nice area of resistance. Ok now how do you know price was going to react here and go further down? You dont thats where trade management comes in (see below for the trade I took)

Here is a daily zoomed in on the trade I took

Now here you can see the swing down then pops back up and forms that inverted hammer. Well even though price didnt break the previous high it failed to close above it. Then price drops and does close below the previous swing low. This gives me reasonably doubt that prices are going lower. But how do you confirm this? The way I trade I am looking to get in at about the 50% mark of the hammers wick. That a 50 pip stop which is not bad considering I am looking to take out the low of the previous swing (about 1.0150) thats a hell of a R:R. But I am not guaranteed to get this. So What do you do?
Well here is my entry on this trade the 15 min

Here you can see we had a nice bullish candle that actually broke ote and the resistance level I marked but the next candles made me interested with the inverted hammer. Then almost got the 50% mark of that wick. Not the best entry I have ever made but that could have been a stop of less than 10 pips. Looking to make 300+ pips thats a deal worth taking.

Even if price does pull up my first TP was 1:1. Now on this trade I put my stop above the 100% fib (for added safety) but even then it was a stop of 20 pips. Since I entered 2 lots first target is at 40 PIPs (risked 2 lots at 20 pips so if I was stopped thats 40pips) I was not home to cash out at 40 pips so I had to settle for 80 pip (darn) moved stop to past be at a consolidation level and was taken out today. I think I got 20 pips or something off the second lot. Not bad.

So there you have it I am going to copy and paste this to my thread as it contains some stuff I feel will be useful there and I dont feel like typing anymore

you know I’m a bit silly, this time I just don’t sell A/U cause it’s new moon now, not full moon. ridiculous. ok, the other reason is, it haven’t reached a level I expected, and I think it’s kind of same what Bob points out. but this moon-thing would just be nice if some could explain :slight_smile:

Well when all the planets are aligned with a full moon the gravitational pull on teh earth is so strong that it will lift all markets. :stuck_out_tongue:

:slight_smile: I thought it can’t be complicated. that can be it. or Aud is works like water. moves with the tide.