Bobmaninc's quest to short the Aussie into extinction

I am hoping you are still in the trade bob.
Seems like BOJ said or did something.

I wish I was to but I had a problem loggin into the FXCM server and called and closed it out. I was expecting a strong push north but had no idea it was going to be that pretty. Oh well I did get 40+ pips

Yeah FXCM’s servers were down.
I couldn’t login either.

Hi Aman,

Sorry to hear you had trouble logging in at the time you mentioned, but just be clear, the connection issue you and Bob had was actually a problem with certain Internet Service Providers (ISPs). FXCM clients using other ISPs had no trouble logging in. I mentioned this to Bob already in another thread, but I just noticed your post here now.

You may already know this but for everyone else’s information, if you ever lose internet connection or are away from your computer and need to place an order, you can do so 24 hours a day by calling FXCM’s trading desk.


Thank you Jason…
Let me ask you something else that I am having trouble with. I can’t get price alerts to work properly. The default sounds play for a second… not long enough to notice.
And If I put in my own tune/song(which can act like an alarm in case I am sleep)…it won’t work… even if it is .wav file.

Sorry my thread has slowed down. I have been getting my butt kicked in these markets right now. The Aussie is deifying gravity and as such not a good time to short the Aussie. With that said I am currently short on the Aussie lol (I think its an addiction at this point) pin formed on the 4 hr after what I think is a stop run on the 1.05 fig. I would honestly like to see the Aussie climb a little higher into resistance at around 1.06 but I just dont see it getting there. I also said this 100-200 pips ago lol. So we will see.

Bulls simply have too much momentum on their side… why are you shorting.
Look at other two 4hr PBs that failed recently. Price is clearly headed at least till 1.0600
One think I don’t understand is that Aussie is going up despite bad data from China… It used to be directly related to that data…

Yes I hear you the Aussie is standing alone right now. However with nothing to back it there is no way this rally will last. We are way overdue for at least a correction for now I wait. we are getting aweful close to my stop anyway

Yes, a correction is what I am waiting for to go long… I expected this recent 4hr PB to start a correction so I can enter long… but nope… up goes the Aussie again.

Yep this thing got to run out of steam soon but crap not today. I get stopped out again. This has not been one of my best weeks lol

I’m going to short The Aussie hard at any pa signal around 1.06

Love the idea I was thinking the same

And so the addiction continues

Another PB on H1 chart. Lets see what this will bring for us.

I will only short from 1.06 level with a solid PA. If this Pin works then it will cap at 1.0500 level and pull back to 1.06 level IMO.


1.05 is my area to go long as well. It held as Resistance for quiet a while.

Please dont fuel the addiction here man. There is also a divergence on stochastic we are on the 1.28 fib on the most recent down swing(which just happens to be my favorite fib for shorting up trends). And the weekly R1 pivot

Well if its not about time the aussie took a cliff dive. Since all the move is on the 15 min I closed out and almost broke even on the week. Lets see what its got IMO it move to far to fast to be sustained.

No matter about the Bad new from AU, whether it employment rate which is released today or Chinese export deficit, AUD pushing higher. Something there with the AUD and NZD.

I think Aman long from 1.0500 and Congrats to Bob for the short.

It was the unemployment news for Aussie. Aussie did come down but did not give me any reversal signal at the level 1.05 for me to go long…

Anyway, I went long the GBPJPY. Still in that trade with stop at BE+.

A competent trader from a private forum I use believes the AUD is ready for a massive break up, 1.08 - 1.11, interesting few months ahead, fundamentally it’s absurd, however I’ve learnt the market can remain irrational longer than you can remain solvent