Bobmaninc's quest to short the Aussie into extinction

Hi Aman,

If the default sounds are too short, you may want to try sending an email alert to your phone instead. Then you can use the alert sound that’s set on your phone for emails.

If your phone can’t receive emails, you can use a feature called email to SMS to receive emails on your phone as a text message. Here’s a list of SMS gateways. You can use that to find out your phone’s email address, based on your mobile carrier.

In regards to why your custom WAV file did not work: is it a complete song? It’s possible the WAV file was too long for the platform. Also, try saving the WAV file to the “\Candleworks\FXTS2\Sounds” folder to see if that works.

Didn’t mean to hijack Bob’s thread :8: If you have further questions, feel free to hit me up in the Broker Aid Station.


Its all good Jason I dont mind. Gives me free info al stuff on your plattform in case I ever need it

Hiya folks, anyone still shorting AUS/USD? I open position at avg 1.03492 wondering if I should avg down some more… Hmm, it seems to be going up this morning here.

I am currently long the A/J. We had price drop down into the 72% fib a rejection of support and the 200 ma. Along with that it seemed price didnt want to break the 100 (and 99 for that matter) figures. This was a retracement I have been waiting for on this pair to get long and join the trend. Here is a screen shot of my trade. Averaging down a losing position is generally not a good idea

Hey bob, I was talking about AUS/usd

Good position there Bob. I was expecting to see you have shorted the AU.

Anyway, for AU now after a big drop yesterday I am looking for a PA signal around 1.0400-1.0425
I might take a blind entry if there is a sudden/fast push into this area.

I was thinking of it yesterday. But I missed it and A/J was in a good spot to long. I might short the Aussie if it gets up to 1.045 as price action looks strong but that is yet to be seen.

Gotta love that 79%

Yes sir I never used to look at the 79% till I learned it from ICT. I still got to give that guy some credit. I still use some of his tricks. Not that he invented it just he pointed it out to me.

Anyhow I am still long that trade and now short the AU. lol I know its kind of counterproductive to be long and short the Aussie but it seems to be working. One is going up the other is going down.

I thought you were looking at 1.045 area to short…
Any PA signal you got where you went short on AU?

I was but this was more of a test run so kind of was what it was. Honestly I am still waiting for price to get there. Anyhow you asked I will tell.

Here is a screen short of where the trade was placed. I based it off the 15 min

Price showed a rejection candle off the moving averages. This area is also a resistance area (not marked but look to the left). Price also seemed to have run out of steam at the 1.04 fig. Now I was testing something I was told to short a 4hr HA candle when it was red. Well in this case it was red. So even though I didnt have the greatest PA setup I have ever seen it had a decent R:R to run a test fire. I would up getting stopped as I moved the stop to tight before going to bed. If it had not been hit would have made for a very nice trade.

What’s with the 79% Fib bob?

ICT used to use that area between thw 62% and 79% fib level as optimal trade entry (OTE) which works very well for trade entries.

I posted this on another thread but I figure I would post it here to

I see a possible short setting up on the Bobmaninc.

We got price testing a downward trendline at the daily pivot and a 128 fib. Shooting for the 162 fib and the S2 daily pivot

Took some profit on the S1 pivot and moved stop to BE. Will post results later

In today’s news I see there is speculation US Billionaire George Soros is rumored to have shorted the AUD at around 1.027 by $1B ahead of the interest rate decision by the RBA, interesting as markets indicate about a 60% probability of a cut, personally I will follow suit, not with a massive amount, initial target 1.01, SL at most recent resistance @ 1.036

Furthermore, unemployment figures are due this week, IMO if support at 1.01497 falls I’d wouldn’t be surprised to see under parity where I think it would encounter fairly heavy support

Most economists are expecting rates to remain on hold, not sure about this “60% probability of a cut”. Sometimes its in people like George Soros and Warren Buffet’s best interests to allow rumours to float around but I seriously doubt that SMH or Adelaide times have stumbled onto any insider info.

Is Soros shorting the dollar?

My money is on rates staying the same :slight_smile:

I think it will be a flip of the coin today, If they don’t cut today expect cut in Jun.


Most economists are expecting rates to remain on hold, not sure about this “60% probability of a cut”. Sometimes its in people like George Soros and Warren Buffet’s best interests to allow rumours to float around but I seriously doubt that SMH or Adelaide times have stumbled onto any insider info.

Is Soros shorting the dollar?

My money is on rates staying the same :)[/QUOTE]

Yeh… Be very suspicious of rumours like that. When you hear investors like that are selling… It’s usually time to buy.
