Bobmaninc's quest to short the Aussie into extinction

Here is the direct link to the image

Well I was stopped out. Good luck hope to see you make the million. As for me no trading today going to the beach with my kids. I might try to get back in tomorrow. Knowing my luck it will finally make a drop today lol

Ok, finally today my entry was filled at 1.0327 :eek: 2 pips from the high

I hope tomorrow’s NFP will not ruin the trade… :31:

Expected to be pro dollar. Unemployment rates came to support that it should be good. Time will tell hope to finally do something this week lol

that is my thinking too, unfortunately Fridays are always a roulette :confused:

Agreed I have been stopped out twice waiting for this thing to drop. Decided to put a pending order in this morning to see what happen. Now that I am at work I think that was a dumb idea. Think I should have just sucked it up take my whipping and go home and live to fight another day. By the looks of it I doubt I will get tagged in but I also thought the market was going down this week. the only thing I know that went down was my account balance.

Bob, my feeling is that you read very well the market but your stops look a bit tight, not trying to say what to do with your strategy but how about reducing your position size and widen your SLs?

offtopic: long E/U at 1.2303 SL 1.2117 TP1 1.2500 TP2 1.2600 not the best setup, small position.

You are correct my friend. I have been working on that lol. I dont think the stops are the problem its I am to greedy. Thats why I try to have such small stops so I can increase pip value. However I have been noticing what you are saying my stops were getting to be crazy. I think I have been getting to ****y and this slap in the face has been a long time in the making. Its cool though I have made some nice profits this year. A bad week will not even slow me down as long as I take a step back and learn from it. So I know what I will be doing next week as I continue on my quest :smiley:

TP1 has been reached, 1/4 of the position still open targeting 1.0055

update: my trailing stop is now at 1.0240, just above of resistance level

Nice trade I am hoping to see price retest the 1.02 fig later today and I might look to enter. If I remember I think I was looking for the 1.0215 level or something along those lines. It might have been the 1.0250 old age is killing me lol.

Bob, here is what I am expecting:

Below 1.0240 the pair looks bearish and above could be bullish or rangy

But I will not take a new short swing trade here. I only short the A/U in bigger timeframes, plus we have to keep on mind that the daily trend is up :cool:

I agree I would not be surprised to see price bounce off the mid figure but if it dont then I see at a minimum taking out last weeks high. However if price goes north we might see much higher prices. I did get short though at 1.0215. The high of a doji. I tried to widen my stop to 1.0265 shooting just above pairty.

Stop has now been moved to BE. I have not cashed anything as I have not got to 1:1 yet but want to get risk gone up a little over 30 pips. I still will not rule out an upmove or retest of the 1.02 fig. If this happen I go home with +4 pips (spread). After reading cot data we just may see an upmove this week if thats the case I am covered. I will not cash it as I stand behind my analysis but I did want to see the COT data prior to walking into this week which did not happen. With that said at still looks good to make a fractal low in which I will trail my stop a little lower to gain a little. I got to be careful though as I am try to work on my stop losses before that part of my trading turns south on me. :57:

update: I was stopped out in the A/U trade by 3 pips :mad: this morning, and got out at breakeven in the E/U trade

Dont feel bad I got a whopping 4 pips before getting stopped lol. At least price took me out way out and not by only 3 pips. I might look to get back in but I am starting to think it might not be such a good idea

im watching you.
yes you got stopped out…but not before you cashed about a thousand pips.

I’m also lurking here. :smiley: Let’s focus on next set up. The market is kinda consolidation. I am seeing a Immediate breakout either side. Today’s FOMC meeting will show us where it heading. (may be before FOMC meeting) Below the D1 chart.

Nice chart salimvp :slight_smile:

My guess is after the failure to go above 1.0240, price will head down but if not I already have my levels to go short…

Here are my levels to enter a trade:

Thanks Bob and Brinkfx… I feel like a rockstar :smiley:

Again Can’t see your Chart Yunny… Anyway I strongly believe a breakout to south. Price action confirms on correlated pairs this issue.

below the image is the direct link to it…

I know I have asked many times before but what are those BB looking bands on your chart