Bollinger band trading with MAs

Nice… LOL. Expect a higher game Saturday… now its for real! Scoobie snack on the first plane if we lose. :smiley:

Ok, and if we lose we’re even? lol:D

OK. Let us get to what can benefit other members of this community.I don’t need to brag about it and i have not spend twenty or thirty years on trading but i will like to show folks here the inherent flaws in your trading system.I used to think that most of what you posted here were airtight until my interact with others professional and experienced traders show me otherwise.

Now , i barely use and change much indicators like you,but i challenge you from next (June 14th-18th) monday till friday that two of us post trade idea(entry place,stop loss and take profit) side by side and let us see who has a winning rate within that week. Thereafter we should post the strategy of entry and exit.

Others can monitor it for accuracy.


[B]LOL! What do you consider airtight? [/B]

And which one of the many trading strats that RC has shared with us do you feel have [B]inherent flaws[/B]?

There aren’t any universal strategies, what works for one trader won’t work for everyone. Don’t forget we all trade differently, different size accounts, trade different time frames and trade different sessions and times of day.

Some strats work best if you’re sitting in front of the screens 100% of the time monitoring the trades, other strats (ie 4h and daily) can be traded with less eyeball time.

Different money management and risk require different trading strategies, trading with 1%-2% of account at risk is a lot different than trading with 0.1%-0.2% at risk.

If you’ve have some knowledge and new strats you’d like to share with the folks here please do. But if you’re looking for a traders pissing contest as JBS was, please just drop it and move on.

Since last September this thread has been a great place to learn, share trading info and have some laughs, not a place for gun fights, let’s keep it that way.


I think Matt should post his strat. I hear he kicks butt!

Headmaster111, WTF happened between here:

(post #4045 from this thread)

And here?

One month, and an about face in civility.

Speaking of brash, and bravado, have you finally lost a trade since this statement? (link to post #30 here: 301 Moved Permanently )

I think most of us let that one slide.
You’re living in a glass house, and throwing some mighty big stones.

Live, and let live should be a life’s goal.
Again, no need for the animosity, OR the pissing contest invite.
Learning, and adapting are a smart man’s way of dealing with a changing market.
If you don’t like what Robert does, go read something else.

Start with some good philosophy.


A 1-1 tie is no beatdown;)

I know… your guys have raised their game this year… very impressive! (most play in England teams… Bolton Wanders, etc.)

Defense is still a bit sloppy though… if your goalie wasn’t so good (7 strikes at goal all stopped but 1) and ours sooo bad (how did that ball roll in?) the score would have been a little diferent! :smiley:

I’ll bet you yanks don’t moan about that spill :eek: :o

Nows the time to buy BP shares 40% down! :wink:

That would be “gambling”:slight_smile: ~$33.- is still to high at this point in time.:smiley:

I am not buying BP yet This spill and the fall out from the mess and the dispersant BP is using is far from over. I see some more down side. I have owned BP I have been watching that stock for a few years. I never talk about stocks on this forum but I swing trade stocks when I see an opportunity. Its more expensive than FX and I have to limit my self to cheap stocks with a big upside to make any money after commission but I have done well over all better than FX trading by being picky.
I am finally getting the day trading mentality down and my FX is starting to make some money. I see more potential and I think FX trading is less risky if you stick to some rules.

I like that part:D

I hope we’ve seen the end of the attacks & gun fighters and its safe to go back into the water.

I’m really thankful for this little “BB & MA” community that has been happening here since SM & RC started the thread back last September. I’ve found it to be a great resource and hope it can continue to be a civil place to share with each other.

I don’t post and participate as much as some of you other guys but I read every post and I’ve learned so much about trading the BB bands and MA tunnels, thanks!

I also want to say that I’m extremely grateful and appreciate the generous way RC has shared his trading methods, answered our questions, and laughed along with our silliness… thank you Robert, you’re a good guy.


Well, JBS is banned so hopefully that will be the end of him, unless they didnt ban his IP lol. Now its up to headmaster.

I was just trying to tell my wife that but she just doesn’t get the concept!

In a post that was deleted by the mods. I said that i was not going to follow this thread any more. But I’ll hang around long enough to say this. There are some of you that I count as my friends. R. C., San, Merch, ShriK, Rui. MastrT, Bradu. SweetP, ICT,HellowGoodby, PipPunisher and yes… even Used and Cass. etc. BP is BP and it’s time to move on. Trading is serious business. I’m making an effort to change my life. and have gone as far as I can as a baby. Don’t need all the crap that goes on. So for those of you who know me and have contact to me through FB or email. I will see you there!

two of my hero’s are spock and Luke. So, trade well and prosper, and may the force be with you !

See you all in the 5% club… remember, first one to a mill hosts the party! I want margaritas!!!

Where are you going to go from here?

Just going to focus on trading more and thread posting less. I have good ideas and good directions to go in. Not saying I’ll dissapear completely. just focus more on trading. All this BS is big turn off, but I’ll still be around.

That’s probably a good idea, I need to start demoing a few different things. Hopefully they’ll work :p.