Bollinger band trading with MAs

A parabolic move aka range-expansion move is a very large trading bar caused by the last of the market’s participants (the emotional latecomers) dog piling into the market.

When this last group of traders has entered, there is nobody left to come in to continue to drive prices up or down.

Thanks for that explanation I have seen that term used on another thread and it referred to a different type of move.

I didn’t understand what you where talking about, now I understand.


How about getting that headspace of yours to work and build your very own way of trading around that…? :D:D:D

it’s rolling around in the little gray cells… :slight_smile:

Thanks for this.I just dont like her bare-knuckle style of communication.I am not a newbie but she needs to tone it down because her style may make new guys uncomfortable to ask pertinent questions to advance their trading.

I sum all these rants as arrogance.Pride goes before a fall.


I don’t need this crap.

Babypips Forum is history for me. I got better things to do with my precious time than putting up with people like you.

Good bye.

That’s unfortunate. Although she never sugar-coated anything, I still found her information and advice invaluable, especially to me, as a fairly new trader with high expectations. Will be missed.

Good luck.We dont need brash folks like you here as well.With or without you,babypips will continue to wax stronger.Some people have turned online forum to where they can be so rude and uncivil in their contact with others.

A lesson to you that harsh words have consequences.

I must confess to feeling like CAS on a number of occasions on other threads. But to be honest I stay for the company… trading is a lonely business! Sad git I know… Lord knows what I’ll do when I quit at Christmas. Cant see myself shuffling around the garden ‘dead heading roses’. :smiley:

i dont care what she is. I asked her to tone down her language with newbie and she went after me.That speaks a lot about her character.

I’ve got to defend Cas on this one, FX is a tough game and too many thread and posters sugar coat their “systems” and advice. It’s cost me 70% of my account to learn it’s not all just fun and games and wish some had used bare-knuckles to get my attention. Some of the threads and early systems I followed here on babypips were just blowing smoke up our a$$e$. One day this past spring I watched my account drop 10% in less than an hour, and then stared at the screen in a panic not knowing what to do. Do I take the loss or wait for it to come back…? As I watched emotionally frozen and still in a panic, my account continued to drop another 10%. That’s the stuff Cas is trying to get through our thick heads, get as to think about and be prepared for, because it happens. The example I just gave isn’t the only time it’s happened to me, there’s a bunch more but maybe not as severe.

Over the last 2-3 months I’ve read most of her posts and followed many of her trades, you’d be hard press to find a better trader here in babypips land, maybe R Carter when he’s having a good day…

I might agree with you if she was just mouthing off like too many posters here at b-pips, but she can backup what she says, as they say, can walk the talk. So chill the F down, take a deep breath or two, reread some of Cas’ posts and change your mind, Okay?

Agreed…sitting in my office (spare bedroom), staring at the computer, always half confused, while my family is either asleep or doing something fun is a bit lonely. Nice to have others to bounce things off of (or at least knowing they are doing the same thing).

See,Go through my messages to her. I am not saying she is not contributing. What i am sayin is that the way she goes after newbie is a bit too strong and i asked her to tone it down a bit.I did not say more than that.See her brash words reply to me.So, just because she knows and contributes much to the forum now gives her licence to be harsh on me for speaking out? I dont think so.

Meanwhile, Cas has indeed been smart and patient with many of us, myself included, offering very good help and advice on many occasions.

All this John guy has done has been to come on this forum and cry like a self-righteous baby. Thanks for that, our forum could really use an utterly worthless poster like you.

We didn’t have too many of that at Babypips until you arrived. By the way, feel free to depart this thread at any time.


Talking of confused… I was looking to the 5m and 15m Friday and thought that support looked good for a temporary retrace so carelessly put on a long. It still seems to be holding but I cant see any rays of sunshine yet on the 1h or the daily. So are we into more boll bouncing within the 1.6476 - 1650 range? Thoughts on a postcard to sad old lonely git. :smiley:

[quote=;151582]Meanwhile, Cas has indeed been smart and patient with many of us, myself included, offering very good help and advice on many occasions.

All this John guy has done has been to come on this forum and cry like a self-righteous baby. Thanks for that, our forum could really use an utterly worthless poster like you.

We didn’t have too many of that at Babypips until you arrived. By the way, feel free to depart this thread at any time.

I wont trade words with you since you allow what you are benefitting to color your reasoning.Benefit trumps judgment.

On my daily with the fan lines, price is right at the intersection of two lines, so kind of an iffy point, will it bounce up? or break through down? I think it could go a long way either way.

As for both Cas and Carter, I for one appreciate both a great deal. They have both at times confused me, gotten me to think, and enlightened me. Thank you both.
I understand personality clashes, but I’m a duck, it rolls off my back :slight_smile:

Come on guys this is one of the few threads I regulary visit and its been remarkably good natured up till now. Am I missing something… perhaps a magnetic storm in the US. :confused:

Yeah, this crybaby just cost us a good veteran poster so, to make up for the loss, I’m waiting for his great contribution that will show me how to make more money Forex trading.

Since I doubt that will happen, I only wish these forums had an Ignore function. Instead, I’ll just have to pretend they do.