Bollinger band trading with MAs

1:10 on on each or which one? :slight_smile:

On each. If you take a look at the 4h just now you will see that PA remains pretty much within the 10:1 boll and the 2:1 will whipsaw across it. When it steps outside the 10:1 on the 2:1 it usually comes back in. Plus the 10:1 boll angle gives a clearer indication of PA overall intention even allowing for retraces.

I use the 10:1 boll angle on the 4h and day as lead indicator of current trend.

Understood. Are you partly Scottish per chance? Scots are known for being frugal with money. :slight_smile:

Heheā€¦ Iā€™m a citizen of the world. Frugal with moneyā€¦ have you any idea of how much Christmas costs me each year with 12 kids :D:D:D

Nuff said, Mr. Bondā€¦ I mean Robert. :smiley:

Nothing so interesting :slight_smile: Although I do live within a mile of GCHQ (spook central in UK)ā€¦ originally had mothers maiden name, then adopted (twice) then took wifes nameā€¦ she wanted to keepā€¦ cant think why but I couldnt give a damn about mine. Four surnames and two legal passportsā€¦ a case of life being stranger than fiction. :smiley:

Yeah, Iā€™d heard that in the UK sometimes the wifeā€™s name is taken. I think that is an old custom if the wifeā€™s family was more affluent. Correct? :slight_smile:

No not really its the same here as your side of the pondā€¦ wife traditionally takes husbands name. However as Iā€™m a post modern traditionalist I firmly stood my ground and changed my name. :smiley:

Oki doki. Iā€™m in that ā€œcould go either wayā€ frame of mind. Gotta be a small retrace of some sort in the near future, but then again, could just as easily head downward to the bottom Bollinger on the 3 Day or Week chart, but definitely not looking good for a massive retrace. Seeming like we are going to head down to the bottom Bollinger on the Weekly with all the news coming in this week. BoE Thursday. US Retail Sales and Consumer Confidence Friday. :slight_smile:

I have a long running at present, re-entry of PA into the Daily 2:1 bollinger.
Probably coincides with the 1hr crossover strat.

How many trades do you average in a day SanMiguel?

Probably too many!
At the moment on GU I trade a morning breakout (similar to London Breakout 1) and that is usually 1 trade per day.
If something good comes up on the longer timeframe charts for bollinger bands then I will take that, maybe 1 trade per day.
In the afternoon, I am currently trading the S&P500 but based on separate rules, maybe 1 or 2 trades in the afternoon.

I essentially split my trading into morning and afternoon.
The morning breakout has been earning me so many pips in the last 2 weeks, that I donā€™t do much until the afternoon.

Understood. 30+ trades today, Iā€™m overtraded, but Iā€™m putting myself through a torture test before I go back live. :smiley:

Hmm, I was long but got stopped out b/e due to the news.
All those 1hr wicked candles are actually looking good for a short but can it really go any lower?

Yeah, thatā€™s way too many - what signals are you trading?!?!?! :smiley:
Even on the 5min chart, youā€™d be hard pushed to get more than 5 or so trades in in a day.

Consider the hours I trade, I woke yesterday around 4:30pm and just closed a trade. 16 hours, the day before I canā€™t remember falling asleep, but it was 18+, from open(5:15pm until London close at 12 noonā€“I think). Slept 4 1/2 hours and back at it. I consider it sowing my wild oats. I will learn, or I will have a complete mental and physical breakdown. J/K :D:cool::slight_smile:

SM I did a long because of the 1h cross up, but stopped out with a small gain. got a sell going on now. I think that buy was going against the trend. Ok if you catch it just right, but I like the downside better

A.S. - well, Iā€™m no Doctor, but that sounds a bit unhealthy. At that rate, I am putting my $ on the breakdown before the apex of the learning curve ;). Although I could probably use a bit of your mojo as my learning curve has flattened out due to other comittments (family, skiing and, oh yea, work).

Well, considering that once I get my 100 pip weekly minimum(which is sometimes before the Euro/London open) I go into high risk/experimental mode. I also work on my timing and other things I feel need practice or study/research. Itā€™s not as bad as I made it sound for that joke, but there are times. Iā€™d never make that many trades with a live account. :slight_smile:

I totally understand. Iā€™m trying to get my system worked out and it is definetely addicting watching things happen and seeing if anything I have learned actually plays out in the market. Some days I feel like I may actually have a grasp on the fundementals of forex trading, and other days it feels like I havenā€™t learned a thing. My demo account sees much more action than my real $ (and the demo seems to go up much faster alsoā€¦hmmmm). Probably because I am using much higher stop losses and letting things have some breathing room.