Bollinger band trading with MAs

Yep, far, far easier to demo. It’s 0% risk. Period. I think some people think the emotions and thinking are the same and jump right in, it’s not, you can demo until you dream about charts(…and I have) and it’s not going to be the same as real money. :slight_smile:

Hehehe… We export good too and you need to come visit united States these days to see nice foods we have other than the Burger King and the likes.

By the way,good catch with the prettiest.:slight_smile:

Can’t decide if its bottomed out or not? Looks to me like it has and have a long going but theres plenty of clear air under that support so will monitor closely. :smiley:

RC - trying to understand your long position. My hourly and daily look like things are still in a downward trend. I kow I’m missing something, but not sure what? Did pick up some pips on the way down though.

No your not missing something… its been heading down all week. But has levelled off and my feeling is that its bottomed out. But as I say theres alot of air below. Time will reveal all no doubt. :slight_smile:

yeah, it’s currently hitting my bottom most fan line, nothing under it for a while if it breaks through. this sideways stuff has hurt me. It’s hard to recognize the range till you’re in it.

Are your F. fan lines on daily or 1hr?

I have mine on daily right now, although I started them out on hourly, I haven’t looked at them on an hourly chart in a while.

Look at the ‘advanced trenlines and ssd’ thread to see a pic of mine from a few days ago. I don’t use the ssd though

Hello all you great people,

I’m finally back trading for a while. I will try not to push too many “HOT” buttons this time. I find this thread to be one of the best on all the sites because of the individuals who are posting. Keep up the good work.

After looking at my charts I believe the GBP/USD will go down to 1.6180 or below before any major turn north. I am not in the market yet and will wait till the bottom becomes clearer before entering long.

Trade well and prosper,


Thanks…they look like mine, which means I’m on the right track. I didn’t realize there is an “ignore” button for certain posters, so stopped following that other thread ;).

I see where your coming from… the lowest low of the recent trending down. My feeling is if it gets that low again it could very easily keep on going. :smiley:

My reason for thinking its bottomed out is on the 1h TF chart over the last two days there have been four progressively less low lows (if you see what I mean) and drawing a trend line across the lows is pointing to an up?

I entered long at 1.6232, SL 1.6210.

target around 1.6382 ?

if you also draw a trend line on those tops, looks like it’s working it’s way into the point of a triangle. Maybe a breakout on Monday?

I noticed the same thing.

Yes I noticed that slight down on the tops… but would rather look at it as a horizontal line at around 1.6311. :smiley:

I think the test for a genuine trend reversal will be the 1.6311 - 1.6338 area. If PA can stay above that were most likely into a new up trend. I’m hoping for a TalonD 1h crossover strat to end the year on a high. :slight_smile:

Completely off topic but as its you Mike, I thought you might appreciate a headline from tonights BBC news. [I][B]‘President Obama realising he would be reaching a worldwide audience today took the opportunity to explain the moral justification of war in his Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech.[/B][/I].’ Damn near busted something laughing! :smiley:

Now here is a man after my own heart. The glass is half full. :smiley:

Ernie while I commend your optimism… Mike (TalonD) correctly identified that you can draw a down trend line across the two highs with equal conviction.

Hello folks

Been on holiday for a month :slight_smile: and now completely out of the loop :confused:

Can anyone update me on the set up we are looking at now please?

Absolute classic! :smiley:
I took the alternative view today, which was to only take the short on the 1hr chart in line with the current trend. I thought about the long and the trendline but felt it might be risky given the bounces off the 4hr middle bollinger (20MA) - as it was…could have got some pips out of it.
I’m really waiting to see what the dollar index has in store in the next few days, some believe it may go higher (therefore more room for a downturn in xxxUSD pairs).

Reminds me of when Gee Dubya issued his ultimatum to Saddam on the eve of the second Iraqi war - I was in Australia and the room fell about laughing as he let slip his real reason for the invasion…

See from 8 minutes:

YouTube - Bush Ultimatum to Saddam Hussein

[B]"And all Iraqi military and civilian personnel should listen carefully to this warning: in any conflict, your fate will depend on your actions.

Do not destroy oil wells, a source of wealth that belongs to the Iraqi people."[/B]

Surprised more people didn’t make more of this at the time

Oh lead me not into temptation. :D:D:D The almighty FX beckons.

I’m hoping for a TalonD 1h crossover strat to end the year on a high.
amen to that !

but would rather look at it as a horizontal line at around 1.6311.
Aww come on, you know darn well that line is just an illusion…

I don’t like to talk religion or politics but gotta admit that’s funny stuff!

Personally I think there is something wrong with a nobel prize committee that awards a prize to someone who has never actually done anything :eek:

gotta admit I’m a bit of a hawk rather than dove. but that’s because a redneck grows up with a gun in one hand and knife in the other. Round these parts if you walk into a bar without a gun, they issue you one at the door. We don’t get paychecks… we get drinking, cuttin n shootin money lol

guess I’m a little wound up tonight:p
ok, enough silliness… back to the tradin money