Bollinger band trading with MAs

Yeah. I will believe that.Except any strange things happen.

I do indeed. :slight_smile:

Immediate i saw your post,i checked the chart for EU and went long.Made some pips and got out straight away.I dont really know much about EU but just following your instinct here.:slight_smile:

130 pips on GU & 200 pips (and rising) on Oil… its been a good day. :slight_smile:

Good for you. That is why you are the Master. I will be more than happy to know 50% of what you know in trading. Good job.

Nice. Oil I can understand - oil inventories came out and was just above a support line, I almost bought at 71 but chickened out :mad:
What was the reasoning on GU? I stayed out generally because it was news time…just waiting to see if the trend will continue either bouncing off the middle bollinger or 20:1 areas.

Both taken this morning on the 2:1 boll bounce on the dailys. Oil was very clear. GU 2:1 cut up through the 5:1 and on up.

That will do me on that GU bounce… 2:1 lower to 2:1 upper (centerline 5:1 boll) both on the 1h.

Hmm - that was little bit more difficult to spot due to no step across and the tight range for the last few days.
Is it the actual 2:1 crossing the 5:1 you look for or the crossing of price of both? I understand the step across theory but was using this purely on the 2:1 bolls. For example, I have attached a chart on the 1hr with the 24hr 2:1 and 5:1 bolls (48:1 and 120:1 roughly). You can see a number of time here PA move outside both and once it moves back inside both, usually makes for a good trade (stops are pretty wide though). Red always has to be outside the white for this to be viable.

Mostly, I’ve been trying to look for a step across and just enter on the 1hr.

Looks like a pretty robust strat SM.

My daily trades are triggered with either a flat top/ bottom 2:1 or in th case of today with GU, PA has made progressively shorter wicks (previous two days and the 5:1 had bottomed out). When PA wicked inside the 5:1 and candle colour chaged inside the 2:1, I entered long. Thought it would be good to at least the previous two day highs i.e. top of the 2:1 but broke and carried on up. Oil was a classic flat bottom/ step on the 2:1 after a BIG drop. Plus a long wick. Doesnt come any better than that for an entry signal. :slight_smile:

Just wondering how you derive your own pivot point? I need a better way of doing it
Thank you

John thanks for the kind words but its nothing more than getting really solid experience of the pair your trading, lots of practise and setting up you charting package correctly. Then having the confidence to act based on your analysis nothing more. :wink:

Yeah,i know what you are talkng about.Nothing supplements experience in this trading.I can say that with your experience,you have seen it all.Just make sure you train many folks before you eventually retire.:smiley:
Keep up the good work.

ahhh you make it sound so easy :slight_smile:

No idea what happened overnight but that’s an unusually large drop for the Asian session. I was tempted into a long with tight stop loss from 1.6232.
The angle of the 1hr bollinger is headed down though so this could be considered risky.

I just use them as a reference but I use an indicator from my broker and use 5pm EST as the open/start time.
I use it more as a guide for potential SR in conjunction with actual SR lines and a guide as to the maximum range for the day.

Edit: so much for that :slight_smile: European open and it crashed down another 30pips.

Hell Nay. Dont go long at all for now. The overall direction in my opinion is south for now.Just look at the GUDaily TF.I have been in this trade(short) for the past three hours 56pips already.

Yeah. Can you show me how you calculate PP?.Say how you calculate PP daily chart.I am trying to get the actual way to do it as there are many ways of doing it in this forum.I just want the best way for accuracy.

I don’t calculate, I use an indicator with 5pm EST start and end time.
I don’t trade off pivot points directly, they are just a guide for me in conjunction with other signals.

Big drop today… dont know about you guys but I thought the weekly low would hold. :smiley:

Good old Euro taking GU with it. Next significant support on EU is 1.4335 well see?

The retail sales news really dragged everything down. Looks like 1.61 may hold. Wold be nice to see a bounce then a return and trade that as boll flattens.