Bollinger band trading with MAs

I’m going to watch for a bump up to the top bollinger on the 4 Hour, if so, I’ll short and set a break even stop ASAP. EDIT: Didn’t happen. Should have entered on the top of the 12 Hour Bollinger. :smiley:

March 2010 will tell.

If GBP hit’s 1.45 I will take an extended vacation this year. :slight_smile:

But I’ll stick to trading the daily TF. :stuck_out_tongue:

That earns me my bread and butter. Back to the “grind” this coming Mon. :stuck_out_tongue:

Thanks.I did not trade it at all. Just went to sleep after the US data release.

Nice I dont get a vacation… its harder work taking the kids away than working! :slight_smile:

Been taking a closer look at the monthy TF chart on GU today. Yep longer term its looking like 1.45 however it will really need to motor to get down to that level by March. But… you know theres always a but :slight_smile: I’d have to say the monthly candle does look on course for 1.64’ish albeit BRIEFLY in the next 10-12 days according to my read.

I see two solid trades lining up for either Sunday night or Monday morning… difficult to tell when the entry will be as I need to know where the Sunday open candle is relative to the Friday close. Short CHF/JPY and long on USD/CHF probably Sunday night if not Monday. Will post when I enter though.

Yep, peeked in at the USD/CHF Daily and the same thing caught my eye. Damn tempted to jump right in first thing Sunday. :slight_smile:

how exactly did u find these trades? also looked at them both. CHF/JPY im not too sure about, really depends where sunday goes but looks overbought. USD/CHF looks great, price is right at an overshoot and stoch is oversold :stuck_out_tongue:

I see the C/J is hitting a high the same as augset 7th and it has a huge shadow but i dont see what you guys are seeing on the U/C chart.

I’ll come clean… I entered last few minutes of Fridays session. :smiley: Not recommended but I took a chance due to the ludicrous spreads on Sunday. Figured maybe 30 pips either way over the weekend. Entered on CHF/JPY 90.48 Short and USD/CHF 1.0232 Long. Could be as many as 150 pips on USD/JPY and 100 plus on CHF/JPY. I know what my SL and TP are going to be. As I say depends where the Sunday opening candle is as to when to enter now.

Well then youve answered your question. :wink: 95% probality of the direction of both. By Monday London close I expect both to be at least up 50 pips. I think nearer the figures stated but we will see.

take a look at my chart, what circled is my reasoning idk what r carter is seeing, remember he is getting old :stuck_out_tongue: haha

I should have opened another non-US Demo account with FXCM so I could have watched weekend trading. Have to do that first thing Sunday. I’ll be watching multiple pairs from now on. I didn’t look at anything beside EUR/USD all week last week. Going to stick with the 4 majors and 3 com dolls at first though. No crosses right yet. :slight_smile:

Might well hit October high in due course (CHF/JPY) but its going down tomorrow or Monday. USD/CHF is at support… draw a horizontal line at where PA is now… going right back to early 2008 on the daily. It intersects at key areas of support and resistance.

technically you already put money on it didnt u? after all u did take the trades :stuck_out_tongue:

Yea I read that post somewhere too about being able to see the chart in realtime although not able to trade it. I’ve had an FXCM account for years and I’ve been up 3.1 pips on USD/CHF and down 5.2 pips on CHF/JPY since the market closed Friday. Either the market was/ is truely slow or my chart is locked. On balance I’d go for locked. :smiley:

The clues in the three smilies (my sense of humour obviously doesnt translate in US). Was always told Yanks didnt get irony. :rolleyes:

Yeah, my UK live account is also locked where you can’t see or trade, but a non-US demo from the micro website will allow you to see it if it happens. I keep one open on weekends usually just in case anything wild happens. :slight_smile:

Dont know which is worse… not being able to see anything, in my case being able to see the chart frozen or being able to see the real time chart and in all cases not being able to trade… [I][B]Ahhhh!![/[/B]I]

Yeah, doesn’t sit well with me either way either. Been considering another broker, but I guess I’ll stick with FXCM for the time being. :slight_smile:

With Oanda I start seeing action and can make trades as early as 1:00 EST on Sunday