Bollinger band trading with MAs

…and you use MT4? :slight_smile:

ill have to remember 3 smiles = sarcasm :stuck_out_tongue:

Mr Carter,
Thank you. I cant wait till sunday night.I will be on the lookout for the time you enter to guide as direction.


I’m already in from just before the close on Friday at the Entry points and Direction as stated. To be safe Take at 50 pips on both if you intend to trade. They are very likely to go higher (I do have the predicted figures but at this stage I think it unwise to tell you) during the London - New York session. Its your call. :slight_smile:

[B]A cautionary note[/B]: I dont want to dampen your enthusiasm… but please realise these are the trades I have taken… they dont need to be yours. The reason for posting as stated in an earlier post was to try and help you identify probable trades and why. I therefore take no responsibility (direct quote from Used). :smiley:

Thing is I dont mind helping anybody thats what this site is all about and the shared interest of like minded individuals… at least in FX. But if youre just going to take others trades you’ll learn nothing. Newbs need to learn why take the trade in the first place. ‘Give a man a fish he’ll eat for a day… give him a net and he’ll eat for a lifetime’.

Something looking sweet on the AUD/USD Daily, but nothing I want to be part of with gold powering upward. Still considering though. Same thing on the NZD/USD Daily. If I knew gold would settle down. I’d short one or both. Then there’s the USD/CAD down on the bottom line of the Weekly and Daily, but who knows about oil. Same with the Yen, close to the top Bollinger on the Weekly and Daily, but… the oil factor. :slight_smile:

Watching the USD/CHF during weekend trading, it’s just dropped below it’s low Friday. Hope I can get in before it starts back up. Looking to place a buy as soon as the market opens at 5:15 EST. :slight_smile:

Watch out for the spread. :slight_smile:

As I previously posted entered late Friday as there is usuall an opening difference up or down on the trade… this time 24 pips down (combined trades) but as I dont need to open the trades on a Sunday spread = 26 pips its break even. Now if Sunday trading had opend 24 pips up.

Swings and roundabouts. :slight_smile:

Very true, thanks for the reminder. :slight_smile:

Throw a 5m Gold & AUDUSD next to each other.
Gold & AUDUSD move tick for tick depending on session Asia/Europe/NewYork.
Session movement will tell you who is leading coming into the session overlaps.
That will give a clue not only for AUDUSD but for EURUSD, too.

Well, I’ve taken the immediate sell on GU outside the 10m boll and also some resistance on the 1hr chart.
Target is gap fill.

Mr SanMiguel,
Thank you.I am short on GU too,but i dont see immediate resistance in 1 hr chart.The next S/R shows in my chart is 1.6030.Correct me if i am wrong?

Tell me what you mean by the gap ?

I’d love to watch oil, gold, and silver, but FXCM just doesn’t have them for US residents. My future with them is bleak. :cool:

Gap between the bollingers ! ??

I’m in with a BUY on USD/CHF at 1.02298. Up 10 pips at this point, but watching closely. Considering a break even stop already. EDIT: Out at +0.5, looking to get in at a deeper position. :slight_smile:

i normally dont trade sundays let alone right when the market opens but, this was a trade signal, short aud/usd .9277

Back on the 4th and 5th, there were some spikes in this area.
Again on the 31st and 29th Dec all in the 1.6060 region.

The gap between the closing price on Friday and the opening price today.
On my chart this is closed at 1.6020 on Friday, opened at 1.6068 today.

Anyway, I am out at break even for this trade as price has retraced after being +15 at one point. I don’t want to stick around to leave this overnight at present.

Yep, the gap because of weekend trading, I’m sick of not being allowed in on it. :mad:

EUR/USD is way into over bought territory just waiting for the turn. :slight_smile: