Bollinger band trading with MAs

Forget silver, the spread is 30.
If you want to trade gold, it is closely linked to the US dollar (inversely) so you need to have an eye on the dollar index and the EURUSD, also the AUDUSD - a lot of variables to consider. No idea whether boll bands work on it or not, I don’t use this method for it. :slight_smile:

Try throwing up a high/ low 2 Regression and a 2 close Regression.

High low will give you the tunnel and close will give you a turn when PA has had enough of one direction. Works best on 1h at a push… better on 4h, day and week TF charts.

Buy the coins and stick them under the matress… its safer. :smiley: Then place a hedge to the value of the cions and sit back and retire in 10 years. :slight_smile:

Thanks RC…also the daily GBP/USD candle/indicators looks promising for later.

Thanks so much.I looked into my MT4 indicators,it seems there is no Regression there.Do you know i can get it?

Also,what what region do you think it is okay to enter short GBP/USD?

Just curious,what indicators are you using to get these trades? I am trading 4hr but i just dont notice what you always see.

You mean GU & GJ? Tonight just Regression same set up as outlined.

I’m told you can Google it for MT4. No matter LWMA is close enough.

Sorry missed the last bit. Now would seem prudent. :slight_smile:

I couldnot get this.I still need help on where to get Regression.

Try: regression mt4 indicator - Google Search

I think TalonD might have one as well but not sure…

regression, yep I’ve got one somewhere if I can find it. Haven’t been using it. LWMA linear weighted moving average works out pretty good as an alternative. You’ll find that in metatrader. I’ll find the regression and post it a little later tonight.

Thank you so much.This will definitely help.

Thank you.I will check out the one this johnny posted here.

I have been thinking about this.I can get 40pips consistently every day by trading 1hr with 15m or 5m TF.But i notice that if i trade Daily TF or 4hr,i end up loosing few pips or gain few pips over several hours.And many people say long time frame is the way to go but i am not sure this is necessarily true.The risk is so high with longer TF than shorter TF.I am not sure longer time is better than shorter TF.

If you can pull 40 pips a day with what you are doing that’s great! I would be hesitant to change things up. The jump from 1h to daily is a big one and the trades are different. I to do much better 1h and lower. I do look at 4hr and daily candles when I trade but I have not had much success trading solely based on those time frames.


The question of which time frame to trade is not really the problem here. The real question is do you really understand the difference between the timeframes. To make money on a consistent basis a trader must be well versed in the fundamentals as well as the technicals. Being one sided is handicapping ones abilities to see the overall picture.

The higher time frames move with the fundamentals and pull the lower time frames to their final destination. Let’s try an analogy to make it a little clearer.

It’s like being on a cruise from Miami to the Caribbean. My final destination being the island resort of “A” but along the way we stop and take little boats to different ports to keep us from getting bored. Make no mistake in thinking the boat will change its course or schedule and wait for you to get back on board. Whether you’re on the boat or not it’s heading for island “A” so know when and where you have to be as missing the boat could be expensive. The ship will get to the “A” destination and I for one will be on the boat when it arrives at its final destination.

Please understand I’m not being rude but your statement tells me you’re very new to this game. It’s a question I see even with traders who have been around quite awhile. Think of the Daily as the cruise ship. If you know where the cruise ship is going then you’ll never get lost and miss the boat.

Before you make a trade determine where the currency pair is heading by watching the fundamentals and reading what the forex analyst are saying. Eventually you will find analyzing a currency pair is not that difficult and you will then be your own best analyst.

The whole point is you wouldn’t get on a ship without knowing its destination so why are you trading without knowing the direction that the currency pair is heading. It doesn’t matter what time frame I’m trading because I trade only with the upper time frames and never against it.

Let’s say I’m trading the GBPUSD H1 and I’ve determined the pair to be bullish. I first look at the Daily chart and determine its direction at this moment in time. Just because I’ve determined it’s bullish doesn’t mean the PA is going to move right this moment. Unless the news is dramatic it will be a gradual move and may not move aggressively for days. The PA is going to finish its move no matter what so always keep that in mind. If it’s going down it will likely finish the move to support before turning up. The time of day you’re trading also will affect the move as low volume will tend to lessen or negate any bullish move.

A lot of traders are clueless to why a trade suddenly goes against them. Most are easily explained once you know where to look. If you’re trading the lower time frames and suddenly the PA reverses look to the upper time frame. There you will see the PA reversing at support or resistance. Looking at the upper time frames before trading will prevent this loss.

“Playing the trend” is an old adage which is often miss-interpreted. Always trade with the trend of the time frame you’re trading is good advice but I won’t do it without the knowledge of the upper time frames trends. Understand though that there are 24 H1 bars for every Daily bar and even in a bullish market a lot of those will be in the down direction.
Traders should record their trades as this is a good learning tool. If you look at your losers you will notice that most were against the trend trades and I’d bet probably 80 to 90 percent fall into that category. So quoting Clint Eastwood every time you want to trade against the trend "You’ve got to ask yourself one question: ‘Do I feel lucky?’ Well, do ya punk? Picture in your mind Dirty Harry with a 44 magnum pointed directly between your eyes. LOL

Trade well and prosper,


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Thank you for your informative response.It will certainly help.However,you missed the point on the main issue i raised about longer TF.You see,either you are trading 1m or monthly TF,the bottlomline is that you want to be profitable.An avalanche of pips will be nothing if it is worth little.

I understand how timeframe works but what i am saying in essence is that there is no point in jumping from 1hr to Daily TF if i can be making consistent profit in the 1hr.That is all what i am saying.And taken into consideration that to move from 1hr to Daily is a huge jump.And let it be clear,i am versatile in fundamentals of forex.Infact,i have got my background in Quantitative Finance.
So the issue is not where we are going.The issue here is if you can take ply to get you to your destination and someone else can take boat to get to the same destination,why are my leaving plane to joint boat? That is the question seek for attention.

I would have loved to trade monthly time from but i dont have the wherewithal and the experience to do so.That is why i said i will be better off to be trading smaller timeframe now and when my capital is huge,i can gradually move over to the higher timeframe.There is always room for improvement.I dont want to jump the gun.

You are absolutely correct about moving to higher timeframe from here.
God bless you.

It’s not a signal service.

I see GU is making some down move now, I got some of the up move and now some of the down move, it pays to be patient.

This forum is for the exchange of ideas, methods, mistakes and suggestions. If you took a trade based on someone else’s suggestion, without doing your own research, you bear the burden. This isn’t an accurate science, and if RC says that you may want to take look at a pair, it is worth looking at…but the decision is still yours. I have made far more pips using his input then I have lost…but I ALWAYS use my own, strict trading parameters.

Good Luck